Life in Doha in 2009 almost 2010

Hi Guy
my Questions its about Doha standing life in 2009 most of the topic i read its from 2006 /2007 i think Doha as change since thats!!! i come to Doha for work i'm a Chef in a Hotel 5* so accomodations visa fly meal ok no worrie salary net no expense a lot except for my own thing what i want to know Doha it is really a boring place like before really nothing to do?? im' single ok i use to be in india munbai 1year many part in a world but when i read the topic its like Doha its a Gosth city but i read also most peoples go there and still there since 2/3 years so in fact the true its Doha it is a city good to live in or it is a city nightmare and keep away for any thing hospitality restaurant bar club friend!!! any one can tell me the fact about this Doha thanks
cheers To all ( I'm French) :) but use to live in us canada many part in a world
of course it's like every where if you open you get positif attitud if not open you get peanuts :) I just expect and this is was my request have little entertainment in Doha :) no stay home after work all night and years arround :) Thank you very Much :)
Dont expect wont be disappointed..
if you are friednly you will meet friendly people...
This is can be heaven or hell...depends on how you look at it...
1 question Please regarding the bar and club we really need menbership ?? to get in ? if yes how much it is the card Approx ? Thx
I was in UAE i dont like there "Dubai" people are cold Doha don't know friend of me say Doha very friendly and easy to make friend so let see Thx for the comment's
I ask to the Expat in Doha all country are different and just want to know because all the topic I found on web i'ts old from 2006/2007 any way no offence thx a lot :)
Thank you Darude
Your Qatari ID or passport is must without that you cant enter.
there are few bars here is the list click on the link
Rest Qatar is better than Dubai.
i just ask my self after read all the topic all say Doha doha bla bla bla bla bla bla Dubai Dubai yea yea yea Best Best ! I come from Paris originaly but actually left France in 1995 Actually in Shanghai moving to Doha so i understand its not UAE maybe more closed but for single dont tell me there its boring place ?? not bar no drink ?? no club to meet guy and girl?? its is really a not open city?? come on it's is only a poster Doha?? :) i just want to hear some positif comment please:) i know the driving it's bad but in China or india no offence for india or chinese "namaste" "ni hao" but there crazy too :) hey guy give me some positif note to boost me out lollll about Doha please from 2009 Thank you Darude for your comment :)
Qatar is a very nice place to live and work you will like it very soon.
Better then Canada and Canadian they really suck :D