25,000 people die each DAY from STARVATION

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25,000 people die each DAY from STARVATION, based on a United Nations report released in 2003 and reported by BBC News. This was before the current food crisis.
This heartbreaking film is about the hunger and poverty brought about by Globalization. This short film shows a forgotten portion of the society. The people who live on the refuse of man to survive. What is inspiring is the hope and spirituality that never left these people.
In February 2006, at the 56th Berlin International Film Festival, Filmmakers were invited to join a Short Film Competition on the Theme: FOOD, TASTE and HUNGER.
3,600 Filmmakers from around the world, joined the competition, but only 32 films were chosen to be screened at the Berlinale Talent Campus.
This film topped the competition by being adjudged the Most Popular Short Film.
i like your emphasis on sustainable solutions. This is exactly what needs to be implemented.
It is good if Madonna adopts children.
Let us not talk about what motives are behing such good acts. It may not be sincere after all and ofcourse it maybe but then again, good acts do not justify bad acts.
If you do good, you deserve rewards, if you do bad you deserve punishment, basic law!
...yeah support the family as the basic unit of society but then again, its a risk she's going to take (im not saying its a bad idea, but)... whereas adopting those children assures them a bright future in preparation for their turn to make a unit of their own . And when their time comes, they can start another cycle
...sorry just blabbering here..:)
...listen to the sound of silence....
I did not mean just money. Perhaps , help set the father up in a small , susutainable business and finance of schooling for the children..
If she had just left money it would not have gone to the ones it was intended to reach, brit. You know that.
She has helped in the short term, but would it have been better in the long term to leave the children there and aid the family in building a proper life for themselves as a unit.
Madonna, the whore, adopted hungry African children.
As usual, spot on!
what hope can we have if big countries did not attend the latest World Food summit!
hence the crab mentality, I'll pull you down so i can stay up
...listen to the sound of silence....
With the correct political will, the issue can be addressed by devising long term sustainable solutions. However, self interests come into play. If I help you stand on your own feet , then you will be less dependent on me and may even become a rival in the future :O)
as long as politicians are involved, they take this opportunity to donate money languishly during elections...the more they give the more edge they have. And,sad to say, the masses becomes sedated for a while
...If an uprising happens, bloodshed wont be avoided, workforce will be compromised...and at the end nothing will be solved.
...I dont know CBD but what political instability is at stake? there is one already eversince i was born and i fear its becoming worse
...listen to the sound of silence....
Yeah, it's like the Gordian Knot. We need an Alexander with a sword!
you mean this issue can be solved peacefully under diplomacy and humanitarian aid?
There are too many vested interests and politics to make things happen.
i wish no more wars but this is what is required in my humble opinion.
those poor hungry people will become a source of political instability, according to some politicians!!, and will ignite at some point in time! They will die anyway from hunger and have nothing to lose.
you do the math!
cbd..oh no... lets think of something else in a peaceful way
we have enough war onhand as it is already, which (when traced) could be another root of this hunger
...listen to the sound of silence....
Errrrr... just got back from the East West Restaurant with a very fully belly, and now I am reading this.
my point exactly sir brit
...listen to the sound of silence....
in my opinion, no matter how generous individuals get to be, a coordinated and institutionalised effort is required. This means all governments have to be involved and committed and this is where the problem lies.
Therefore, if governments won't buy into this, for obvious reasons, the only way out is war and revolution.
Although I am not advocating it, war seems to be the only way out and it has to be won.
In my opinion few banners and donation boxes in food courts will make a little difference as it reduces the leftovers and will help the needy to get some good food .
But we can't do that , we need support from any NGO's like QRCS or any Govt. dept.
Vive la difference! Only the gap between rich and poor makes us look good!
This is the main problem. We believe that we are being generous, yet we don't implement any long term solutions to help them.
indeed sir boston, i'm going , no kadamas to do that...they're also preoccupied with this issue
...listen to the sound of silence....
There is some truth in what Sartre says. If we can be generous we can collect points and go to heaven. If there are no hungry people, we would go to hell.
(sigh) i abhor such function...
...listen to the sound of silence....
A dish, marie! If you don't understand, go and clean the dishes in the kitchen.
The poor don't know that their function in life is to exercise our generosity. - Sartre
lol...what,pray, is the relation of a sattelite tv/dish in this issue? For them to watch themselves stars in starvation...hence will motivate them to find work where employment is rare? :)
...listen to the sound of silence....
This would address Xena's concern about too many children..
But we are here to find a solution . Ultimately they are also human beings, when we eat 3-4 times bellyfull they dont have even pure water to drink and nothing to eat . Just think
Satellite Dish, brit!
The answer ofcourse is simple. Provide them all with Sattelite TV for starters.
Too many children drain the economy, which in turn bankcrupts the governments who cannot afford to bring in the food needed - its just a simplified version, and yes I know its not the only thing that causes poverty and hunger - but its a starting point.
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You're right, brit. A religion is needed.
shaz_341 i support that...
We may not solve the root cause but at least we will make a difference...
I think there are organizations around here (somewhere)
...listen to the sound of silence....
Capitalism and entrepreneurship cannot accoomodate such sentiments.
Xena, there is enough food on the planet. The problem is the distribution. Nobody is willing to pay for the transport cost. They'd rather destroy the surplus.
if people stopped having more than 2 kids, maybe there wouldn't be such a huge problem in the world...
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starvation, poverty and hunger are man-made problems! a sad truth..
Guys we must do something , atleast locally . shouldn't we ?
...But still, nothing much will be done about it...soo depressing
...listen to the sound of silence....
yea so much of food is wasted...when thousands of people are dying...how sad..
let's at least teach our kids not to waste food...
But still there is no change in situation
Video was posted earlier.. So disturbing.:(
- God Gives n Forgivs .. We Gets n Forgets -
Just go to food court in any mall . You will see the same thing
But still people wont stop tht
It was based on the data published in 2003
I think it's more than 25.000!