Hi! everyone, guitarist here lookin 4 a group

By punk_rock_days •
hi! im a filipino, i've been to a band in phils b4.. i want to continue my music but i dont hav any music mate here..anyone/group lookin for guitarist pls pls pls giv me a call 3519476 i can play any genre..tnx ang goodluck to all musician here in qatar!!
do contact me and lets talk..this is serious..i wana make it big in this country and i need the right people to support my band...i hav played various gigs and was fortunate enuf to play in the american base also....3215013 is my number...my name is azan
yes! sure we can jam..lets grab our free time this holiday so we can meet and jam @ d same time..just giv me a call...hirs my YM ID so we can easily make some plan der./. boy_balasik_sixtysix pls add me up...tnx
Hi i'm new to qatar and lookin for musician's as well.........i'm 22.......i play guitar......mostly metal......6499711......maybe we can jam......or start a band........where do u work...?