where can I get the employment medical form from?

I am originally from UK but am currently living in New Zealand. I need to get an employment medical as part of my employment visa for Qatar. My NZ doctor can do it...but needs the correct 'Qatar' form to do it on.....I had a medical when based in Dubai to come to NZ and downloaded it from the NZ Govt. website for entry to NZ...but cannot find anything similar on the Qatar Govt. websites....can anyone help? Big downside is that there is no Qatar embassy here in NZ the nearest is in Japan...or alternatively I have to correspond with the Qatar London Embassy (not ideal for time difference)...thanks
Not sure if there is such a thing for Qatar. I was told I have to ask my doctor to send me for the tests and x-ray and then write a note on his letterhead and sign it to the effect that my tests were negative, clearing me for the employment visa.