Can anyone share stories on relationships, couples, CID and living together outside marriage?

I have read on QatarLiving that it is illegal for a couple to live together in Qatar outside marriage and the penaties if caught may be severe.
Does anyone have any insight as to what the risks are to a couple who each maintain a separate accomodation but regularly stay overnight together in one accomodation?
Does "living together" mean staying overnight?
Would having two separate accomodations make any difference?
How about the reasoning that there was car trouble so it was easier to just stay in the spare room overnight?
Does anyone have stories of problems people have faced in similar situations like this?
Dear friend,
Living together outside marriage is illegal here. Dont be in trouble.
There is no "stoning to death penalty" here. In addition , even it is applied, it is not that easy to apply that rule without a very strong evidense as you may think.
Nobody will count how many nights you spent together. But once caught, only one case will be enough.
I have just read in Gulf-Times that the couple (Lebanese and Filipina) was 1 year jailed and subsequently deported after some authority reported them kissing in the food area in one of the Malls. The report was saying something like "..Kissing and feeding each other..”
Dont take the risk of living together..... things can get worst anytime.
Lots of people do it, the ban notwithstanding. But everyone that I know maintains separate residences - which is an absolute must. Just be discreet and don't blab about it to anyone but other westerners who have no reason to screw you over.
The punsihment is Forcefully marriage or honor killing and deportation....."Life time imprisonment with Spouse"!
Stop having fun and get marry soon.....
CID already got your IP address and searching/following YOU!
If caught jail, deportation from Qatar is obvious and ban on entry will be for all GCC.
the penalty is "stoning to death" ... for both
Thanks for the responses.
Coming from a western country i find these restrictions difficult.
There are many shades of grey, a whole spectrum of what might occur outside marriage. From just spending time together at the park or shopping center, spending time together within an accomodation, staying overnight at an accomodation. Again there is whole spectrum of what might occur with regard sexual activity.
It is so frustrating that it is difficult to know exactly what is permissable.
To me all that seems clear is if you are married you are fine. If you are not married where you stand is largely unclear. You may be subject to assumptions and inferences from the authorities which may or may not be correct, but certainly carry real consequences.
Not married then "staying together is not allowed" (I mean you should not tempt your luck)
If caught then could be jailed, trial and deportation. And banned from re-entry Qatar in the near future
Car broke down!! then "the authorities" will tell you how about taking a Taxi.
Sorry dude...don't go into deep waters...avoid problems.
If you are both white Western/European heritage you probably wouldn't have any issues UNLESS someone rats you out.
If you are living in accomodation without any of your work colleagues (i.e. a flat in a building with no one else from your company) you could just "pretend" that you're married - no one else would know the difference unless you told them OR if you ticked someone off who suspected you might not be married.
And it isn't the living together that's the problem, it's the sex without benefit of marriage = adultery which is illegal - so if it's a quickie in the backseat of a car or you have a 10 year relationship - it doesn't matter here.
The key is discretion and keeping a low profile. However, the consequences can be severe (arrest and deportation). I've only known one person who's been arrested and deported and he was reported by a vindictive neighbour.