Kindly give suggestion for purchasing a TV
By selvi sankar •
We are decided to buy one 40" LCD TV. Can anyone suggest which company and which series having all USB port, connection with computer, DVD, handy cam......?. Our budget is 4 - 4.5K.
Kindly Suggest.
Nothing better than Samsung in LCD & LED market. Check the model suitable for you before finalize. My own experience and many experts in this field suggest only Samsung. Trust me.
Dear Selvi...
Samsung LCDS don't play the movies from USB port. Only the LED Tv that too series 7 and 8 only have the usb movie option.Recently we bought a SAMSUNG LED TV series 7 from lulu centre. It came around 8750 riyal in digital delights offer and we got a 32 inch LCD TV at free of cost... So i think if want usb movie option then u have to purchase a LED tv. Not a LCD....
Go for LED TV..
Hey Selvi, do u plan to sell the TV? Lemme know the details, maybe Ill buy it.
All the LCDs are almost same.. You can pick Sony or samsung
Dear fireheartin,
2 days back we bought Samsung 5 series 40" TV from lulu. Not yet connected with dish. so we use USB, Hard disk to see the movie. it is not showing the movie/video option. Only showing the photos and music icon. so we are going 2 change the TV having all option like photos, video, and music. that's why i raised the question.
i have a samsung, it's been almost 3 years.. didn't get any problem at all. no problem in connecting to TV, DVD, Blue-Ray and computers.
sony one start developing a blue blob( spot) on the screen that after some time eat up the entire screen and the entire screen become blue. thats common problem with sony.
i guess LG and Samsung having the same features.
Avoid Samsung, it's hard to connect the DVD.