Mother charged with Prostituting girll of 5

Just when you think you've heard it all, the world throws up another gem :O(
The mother of Shaniya Davis, a five-year-old girl has been charged with prostituting her missing daughter, who police fear to be dead.
Shaniya has not been seen since Tuesday last week, when a security camera recorded a man carrying her into a hotel room , 40 miles from her home.
Her mother, Antoinette Davis, 25, has been charged with human trafficking, child abuse involving prostitution and filing a false police report after she declared the little girl missing last week.
Police alleged Miss Davis was "prostituting her child" and that they now believe Shaniya is dead.
More than 200 police and volunteers have been scouring woodland off a main road after Fayetteville police said it had received "reliable information" that the child's body may have been dumped there.
This story makes me sick!...Its really sad to see how mean ppl can be..
Sick and madness:(
Really hurts when read story about child abuses!
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose!
Brit, she looks so angelic in that pic, at least she's in a better place, away from the woman who gave birth to her (she doesn't deserve the title mother/mum)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
but the society should find the reason, wat drives her to do this with her own daughter?
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose!
Everyone uses the expression "like a mother and the child".. I donno what could that truly mean nowadays... it has totally lost it meaning..Really HOW SAD!!.. dint she ever thought of the ten months she cared about the baby thinking about a li'l her in her? The pain she'd been through for moments for a beautiful child looking at her eyes and stop crying as if it had finally found its lost part! I thought it was a divine relationship ..nothing else could ever replace it! .. Think about a hen or a dog or a lion or a fish.. think about the care and protection they give to their offsprings... I'm not making it dark by closing ma eyes... I know this is happening .. But SAD :(
---If you can't CONVINCE 'em, CONFUSE 'em!!!
I wish this is not true :(
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
I'm sure she'll be charged with a minimum of accessory to murder and she won't get a warm welcome in prison. Many of those women would do anything to get out and see their kids, they won't accept this.
How someone can do such a thing to someone so young is beyond my comrehension.
I am surprised that no murder charges have been filed yetm but that is probably because the body has not been officialy identified :O(
I'm speechless
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
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May the little Angel rest in peace- such a very sad story
Too much pain for such a little innocent girl. :( RIP little angel.
"What doesn't kill me; makes me stronger..."
Oops sorry, read the second story. Yes I'm sure he's devastated.
Svelte I doubt the father is in the picture and is probably as much a dead beat as she is.
RIP little angel...
Is also correct britexpat... but this mother is having a great guilty!
Exactly Brit.. imagine.. that MF was ''carrying'' her to the hotel room. B@st@D$
- God Gives n Forgivs .. We Gets n Forgets -
...and to think that she had moved in with her mother only three weeks earlier...i can't even imagine what the state of the father will be :-(
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Just monsterous. Sleep well angel.
Whilst we focus on the mother, remember there is also the sicko that paid for this child and then probably kiilled her :O(
This woman is not a mother! She is a monster! Poor child!
Just sick.
Derek Edward Trotter
she's a pathetic excuse of a mother... she doesn't even deserve to be called mother.. what a disgrace.. :(
WTF!! bloody psychoneurotics.
shoot them all.
- God Gives n Forgivs .. We Gets n Forgets -
Money has more value than her own blood?
Callous act as a mother!
really sad....i don't understand how people could be so cruel to helpless little children.... :'(
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Why cant she sell herself instead of that tender soul..and even worse is that there are takers for this 5 yr old lil girl... This is a sick crazy world!!
Wonder what more we will hear....
True Friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.....
how could she do this to her own? :(
a really NO good morning news:(
good morning everybody, and hope craziness in our world would stop someday, but just hopes :S
"if poverty was a man I'd kill him" someone said this long back in history, he must have had vision!
Thanks for the update.
It's truly sad. May the little one rest in peace.
I hope and pray that the mother and the guy who preyed on her (if guilty) are given sentences to match their wickedness and cruelty.
i've got no words for this... :(
And at the same time I got mail from somebody who loves me. Isn't the world strange?
"Real Love has no Enemies"
What a shame. :(
a really really hard punishment for what she did to her little daughter.
Britex...I just found this complementary info
Seems like the body has been found
Hope those guilty of this crime to pay for that.