The woman in your life...
To all the guys who read this…please read fully and understand…………
For married men,do take these little thoughts into consideration.For singles,tomorrow you may marry working woman, but you should marry her with these facts in mind as well.
Here is a girl, who is as much educated as you are;
Who is earning almost as much as you do;
One, who has dreams and aspirations just as you have because she is as human as you are;
One, who has never entered the kitchen in her life just like you or your sister haven't, as she was busy in studies and competing in a system that gives no special concession to girls for their culinary achievements
One, who has lived and loved her parents & brothers & sisters, almost as much as you do for 20-25 years of her life;
One, who has bravely agreed to leave behind all that, her home, people who love her, to adopt your home, your family, your ways and even your family name
One, who is somehow expected to be a master-chef from day #1, while you sleep oblivious to her predicament in her new circumstances, environment and that kitchen
One, who is expected to make the tea, first thing in the morning and cook food at the end of the day, even if she is as tired as you are, maybe more,and yet never ever expected to complain; to be a servant, a cook, a mother,
a wife, even if she doesn't want to; and is learning just like you are as to what you want from her; and is clumsy and sloppy at times and knows that you won't like it if she is too demanding, or if she learns faster than you;
One, who has her own set of friends, and that includes boys and even men at her workplace too, those, who she knows from school days and yet is willing to put all that on the back-burners to avoid your irrational jealousy, unnecessary competition and your inherent insecurities;
Yes, she can drink and dance just as well as you can, but won't, simply because you won't like it, even though you say otherwise
One, who can be late from work once in a while when deadlines, just like yours, are to be met;
One, who is doing her level best and wants to make this most important,relationship in her entire life a grand success, if you just help her some and trust her;
One, who just wants one thing from you, as you are the only one she knows in your entire house - your unstinted support, your sensitivities and most importantly - your understanding, or love, if you may call it.
But not many guys understand this......
Please appreciate "HER"
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
and all the best for your future!
Start your search from India's developing rural areas, you may find somebody as per your specs hopefully ;)
Women ???? and this nice ??? ON which planet ???
Ok jokes apart...
Being single and optimistic as always... I m yet to compromise on my dreams...
For me.. I would prefer a House wife.
Not saying this is correct and those wrking are doing anything wrong..
this is wht I prefer... like my fav sports is Football... doesn have to be for others too.. and has nothing to do with present social structure...
bringing money.. my responsibility.... I ll slog..
Making our apartment a home ... hers...
Being with the kids.. so tht they don imbibe values from a Maid.. jus coz we she doesn ve time to be at home.....
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
strange how woman always speak about scars and man about forgetting!!!!!
well love and living together is responsibility of all parties involved, once sabotaged, don't argue who, just find out why,incase you want the structure to stay, otherwise, just call for dismantling :)
No nephi2kph, I wasn't speaking from personal experience, I just know how some men think :-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
my frnd leave the gulf...ur prob solved !!!
thats maybe the eefect of bitter experienced. That must be the reason if any man who plan to settle down..he expects that he find if not perfect deserving woman in his life...not only for anything else but...TO SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE FOREVER....
I'm confused , really.. I donno..might be true.. But I've got the bitter experiences..sometimes involving heart in 'LOVE' has adverse effects.
---If you can't CONVINCE 'em, CONFUSE 'em!!!
nice one!
when anyone tells me 'time heals all wounds',i put in my own addendum...."but the scars remain for a lifetime depending on the depth of the wound made...and stays there like a rude reminder for the rest of your life"
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
You said... "the woman in my life....she will be my SOULMATE" If only all men had the same attitude, instead of thinking the grass is greener...
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
wish me all the best..
snessy- how you know that i have a lovely attitude?
heheh, half lovely half rude..nyaaaaaaaaa
svelte- thanks...muahhhhhhhhhh
only the person, who really gone thru such sufferings can realise the pains, which could not be expressed in words. Agreed that breach of trust is punishable and suggest to keep ongoing review / update the breach to sustain for long term relationships.
Remember, all hurts get healed with Time, it is the Biggest medicine of all pains.
nephi2kph - with a lovely attitude like that, I hope you find a girl who appreciates you, good luck :-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
amen! ;-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I don't believe in 2nd chances in a marriage - once bitten, twice shy :-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
wish you all the best in ur search,my friend :-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
the woman in my life....she will be my SOULMATE.
Hope shes coming to me very soon.
snessy...i'm talking of a scenario when one of the players put in a lot of blind trust in the other player thinking that there will be no question of foul-play and later realise that they have been cheated....does call for some major punishment,non?coz as far as i'm concerned,breach of trust is unpardonable.
Vic...i may forgive on the outside,but i NEVER forget a hurt.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Ya sure I do svelte that makes you do justify and support punishment in case of foul-play.that's all i wanted to know.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
penalty shot shall be the most appropriate "Reaction" for the damage done....could not specify exactly.
As we depend many a time on our destiny and could say this 'an unfortunate event' and look forward positively. I feel that what u had DONE!
If you have any doubts in your mind beforehand, there obviously isn't any trust.
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
No svelte, I am just saying don't think about such a situation beforehand when it may never happen. If it does happen, do what your heart tells you there and then.
Victory...PENALTY shot=___?punch in the nose? :-P u say,even if a player plays the foul,the other player should not think about it and should just go on as though nothing happened?
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
its too late to apply any corrective measures but only PENALTY shot, could justify!
As we depend many a time on our destiny and could say 'an unfortunate event' and look forward positively.
I wrote in my first comment, thinking too much about relationships complicates them needlessly..
and what if one has been forced to think about a foul AFTER it has been committed?hmm?
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
The moment you start worrying about fouls, a foul is already committed..
when one of the players think that the game is being played fair on the basis of mutual trust,it is usual that they may not expect foul play on the side of the other player,non?
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
to make other player do fouls....keep a close check regularly!
hmmm...wish there is a woman like this!!!
and what does one do when the other plays a foul?
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
"appreciation (and therefore respect) is the name of the game"
It is Vital that Players should know the Basic rules of the Game!
svelte, great post
yes she is all that and much much more more more more more more more more more m...........................
Strangely...this post doesnt load on my pc...I am getting blocked....I cant even read whats written...and I can see no images
I don't know but I feel if I start thinking so much about my soulmate, I will complicate our relationship needlessly. I believe in acting my natural self.
You summed it up perfectly snessy........appreciation (and therefore respect) is the name of the game.
'Up there for thinking....down there for dancing.'
Mr & Mrs Timebandit - I love the way you said about being a team, that's the exact word hubby & I use for our marriage, we always say we work better as a team.
Hubby doesn't EXPECT anything from me, he just appreciates everything I do.
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
Thank you svelte_saggi...
........and well said brit.
'Up there for thinking....down there for dancing.'
All of the above and she's my soul mate :O)
Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!
very nice!! love is ophium of people :P
timbandit....u're lucky that way!may God bless you both with a lifetime of togetherness.....and how i wish all husbands shared your point of view :-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I could start cutting and pasting bits and pieces down here with my comments. But lets just say that in my culture I do not expect any of the list. Both of us may at any time undertake one of the list, but expect, no not expect. We are a team, and Mrs Bandit's happiness is my happiness.
thanks for sharing...
ukeng : happy anniversary to u and ur wife... get well soooooon :)
agree with this.... true.
Can live with her, can't live without sucks! :)
she is life & life is sinking...
"Real Love has no Enemies"
big job svelte:) gtg
i'll continue reading later:)
Life in Gulf and nuclear family system!
Trust, integrity, space and mutual understanding is MUST for lasting relationship.
Don't know about the master chef bit - Timebandit won't let me near the kitchen, he's a far better cook than me!! And he's not jealous of my male friends, or of my career either - quite the opposite in fact, he's 100% supportive of everything I do. AND - we LOVE to go out drinking together! I guess I got lucky :)
'Up there for thinking....down there for dancing.'
I don't want a Signature line to prove that I'm great !!
Thanks Svelte_saggi. Down with the flu at the moment, It is our Wedding annivesary today. I think what you wrote above is true about the women in my life. Thanks for sharing.
Derek Edward Trotter
but what about nagging, picking up faults and crying for no reasons, unreasonable demands? my list is huge....
where is Brit?
Just look at the other part of the coin, its Scary !!! :S
I don't want a Signature line to prove that I'm great !!