The Sperminator !

Is this a case of "beware the social networking sites" or just gullibility ?
Love rat Baronet has been branded The Sperminator for getting TWELVE girls pregnant after wooing them on the social networking site - two of them on the SAME DAY.
For years the laptop lust hunter has secretly preyed on women with his smooth internet patter. He told one smitten girl: "One hundred million sperm entered the womb. Only one made you - that makes you simply the best!"
As well as his wantonly prolific bedroom strike rate, 26-year-old factory worker Baronet boasts a seedy history - a convicted drug dealer sentenced to four years for supplying cocaine and ecstasy. Just the sort of lad you want fathering your babies.
Now, after discovering the truth, one of his most recent conquests patted her four-month bump and demanded he be forced to have THE SNIP.
Angry Kerry Martin, 24, told us: "Dominic should have a danger warning slapped on his Facbook page and be given a compulsory vasectomy to protect other girls."
Kerry uncovered Baronet's cheating ways by keeping tabs on his page after he ditched her. In no time she spotted a congratulations message revealing he'd also got 24-year-old Stacy Jones pregnant around the same time.
Incredibly, when the girls got talking they realised he'd impregnated them both on the same night - after first sleeping with his regular girlfriend.
KureduChick: what makes him a looser?!! he's smart ! but just dumb to get girls preganant. He could have played it safely too.
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
Dominic is Munna 143's defaut nic....
that "143" is a sure give
Damn it. Don't Qlers have more load of sperm than this guy?
internet can actually be useful...
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
He is a casanova.. Just loves and leaves ..
He will earn money selling his sperm to a sperm bank...
anyway...I don't think stupid girls are the only one to blame. social interactions are made of this mistakes too.
simple....from the looks of it,he's not going to do it :-P
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Question though, how is he going to pay all the child support?
A voice of reason.. Thanks..
How is this his fault? Surely the women should have been using contraception.
Svelte ...LOL! You're so right!
lol :O)
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
LOL....Long Live Female Stupidity!duh!they go around sleeping with idiots and perverts and then they make a scene of it as if it were no fault of theirs in the first place.duh again!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
What a loser!
Do what you need to do. Just make sure you can live with the consequences
Gullible. These women are probably lonely and easy pray.
He's a survivor...
oooppss!! did i just let it out..grrr!!
naah,,don't wanna be another Baronet & be here on QL forum :P
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
sandeepkhan should be following this thread by now ;)
I hope you're not looking for tips, but I think that FS is already smitten by his pickup line.
I wonder what ice breakers he'd be using to trap these girls.
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
one night stands are something that happens, good or bad. But couldn't he use condoms???
lol FS .. yes :)
Pajju is your real name Domanic? lol
FS if they stop wat we will do ?
Grrr.....When will these stupid girls stop beliveing such perverts on net??
"One hundred million sperm entered the womb. Only one made you - that makes you simply the best!" ROFL what a dumb pick up line!!!
he just followed the teachings, "go out and multiply" ;p