does your home-delivered water taste different from bottled water?

By americanegyptia... •
Salam everyone,
I've always drank small bottles of Nestle Pure Life water. Recently, I purchased a watercooler and a contract with Nestle for them to deliver large, 5-gallon bottles to my home. I've noticed that the Nestle watercooler water does not taste the same as the small bottles; and, in fact, I do not like the new taste at all! I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience after buying a watercooler.
for sure it tastes differently. the desalination plants are very different. the normal water coming from sea or from any other place is very different from the mineral water and we ll never reach its purity. dont drink from ur home water. it s not healthy. believe me.
maybe its from the cooler piping itself, run the tap for about 40 secs then taste the water.
if the problem persists contact nestle themselves
It happens in the beginning. Its normal. Cooler can take your one complete gallon of water before getting perfect.