IRAQ invasion - US a War Criminal?

Prior to Invasion ;
The US and UK claimed that Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Post Invasion ;
After investigation following the invasion, the US-led Iraq Survey Group concluded that Iraq had ended its nuclear, chemical, and biological programs in 1991 and had no active programs at the time of the invasion.
Reported cruelty by the forces were endless...
* Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse
* Haditha killings of 24 civilians
* White phosphorus use in Iraq
* Gang-rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl and the murder of her family, in Mahmoudiyah
* The torture and killing of prisoner of war, Iraqi Air Force commander, Abed Hamed Mowhoush
* Bombing and shooting of 42 civilians in Mukaradeeb
* Planting weapons on noncombatant, unarmed Iraqis by three US Marines after killing them.
The list goes on...
Should be those responsible for this be tried as war criminals?
exiled, quoting your post
I don't think you can say a country is a war criminal but the actions of the people that pushed and led the war certainly were.
i'm 101% agreed with you.
Then why for few hijackers, the two countries were destabilized and brutally destroyed, that is Afghanistan and Iraq???
We must name them Beast or any worse name, which u like!
You misunderstood me..
The USA is the Big Dog. No one challenges the Big Dog. So, no trials or investigations .
They ruined that country...Saddam was good or bad is a different issue... but US got no right to destroy a country which once had good universities and cultural background....
the only thing we can do is to pray for those who have pass. An hopefully peace on Earth.
You r right brit..
Innocents killed by saddam would never be 1/100th of the number innocents died since 2003 becasue this invasion and its aftermath.
whatver said and done. In this particular issue of Iraq ,the accusations and reasons for invasion or occupancy (as they call it) was later declared as false report by their stupid intelligence.
In that case. The person responsible should be braught to the books.
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Denali Dad: It's an open question. not targeting to anyone specific.
the operation i'm wrote about was 911 attacks on American soils.
What is the difference, between those who died in Afghan n Iraq and those who died in WTC and Bali?
No difference at all... both are considered collateral damages... The world saw what happen to America and sides with America even when America INVADE Afghan and Iraq?
Sadly, its all about the Big Dog being always right.
The write Noam Chomski alludes to this when he opines that the U.S.A regularly violates international law, assuming that as sole superpower it can do whatever it chooses whenever it decides to.
He mentions the following story, which I believe is apt.
A pirate was brought to the great ruler Alexander, who asked him, How dare you molest the seas with your piracy?
The pirate answered, How dare you molest the world? I have a small ship, so they call me a pirate. You have a great navy, so they call you an emperor. But youre molesting the whole world. Im doing almost nothing by comparison.
It's not just about oil, Infact it's more about power and keeping control of it than oil. US feels the need to show the world it's military prowess from time to time. That's what anyone would do, Each one of us if given the power at any level will use it once in a while just to show everyone who is in-charge. Maybe people from US will not like me for saying this but that's what is happening. Iraq was just made an example of infront of the whole world, either agree with what we want or we will crush you anyway.
US has spent 48 billion dollars in Afghanistan since 2001, they are still making no headway there. Hamid Karzai knows they have no other option but to support him eventually so he carries on the way he sees fit. US don't want to lose face by withdrawing from there, so more and more of US taxpayers' money will keep finding it's way into Karzai's pockets.
Read this article as well, published in The Times.
Alexa - I agree , a nation has no right to invade another for whatver the reasons it may be..
Rwanda genocide - was a civil issue too.. if it was shia vs sunni at Iraq , this was two tribes Tutsi and Huttu, doesnt make any differnce.
Let the UN or Human rights involve.
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It's a never ending argument.
US just made an example out of Iraq to show the world that either you are with us or your country will cease to exist on this planet. We can talk all about their other ventures but the sad fact is, they will continue doing it because they can. Atleast till some other country becomes stronger than them. England ruled most of the planet when they were the strongest economy, USA is doing it right now and in future some other country will do it. That's the way this world has been moving forward.
I am so ashamed to use this kind of language as in my last comment, but seems like this is the only way to talk this small pig. His words lead me to which street he came from
Alexa - Oh yes, the world police. No body should fight without asking the uncle,who wants everyone to have peace. lol.. then why was US quite when a million of them got slaughterd at Rwanda? even the UN peace forces were withdrawn!!
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But without the US the world balance of power would be shifted to either Russia and China who are ready to annex everything in their path, even worst.
be mature, and plz don't talk like non sensible did with this thread.
All we were opposing american policies, not Americans.
(exceptions are always ignorant)
Arien I was not usuing past conflicts to justify the US.
If I had my way the UN would have much more power to intervene in countries that have leaders that abuse and kill their own people. Yes that means you Zimbabwe, Burma, Congo.... but it won't happen.
I would be also quite happy to let these people kill each other in their own countries, but they don't stop there. They export their terrorism to other countries and not just the West. It is the duty of the governemtns in the west to protect their own citizens first and foremost.
Funny no one mentions China on him. Terrible human rights record and is now interfering in Africa in a large way and helping to prop up some quite disgusting regimes.... but then Al Qaeda et al doesn't have the cruading propaganda to suck the muslims in with for them....
dot. we Americans get abused all day in most of the forums. We are pigs and many other names. Where are the Mods and the MaMas?
wat a crap vocabulary!
Your mama didn't tell u, not to abuse in Public forums???
jolena just check neyo1985 comments and u will know why there are pple anti-america :D
are there any mods here?
Wow! All these anti-American comments...yet I'm always pm'd by people (probably the same ones posting these comments) wanting to know how to get an American passport...
So many people love to bash the US, but so many people complain when we don't get involved...especially when their own governments won't save them from even natural disasters...
I personally feel that the US should pull out of every country, and let everyone fend for themselves...that way I wouldn't have to pay so much tax to Obama...
the american pride needs a trial !
"Oh....just fark off...please"
Riz, what operations are you referring to? I don't quite understand where your question is going. Is it directed at me?
Salman, I am in a foreign country. I try to be diplomatic always when away from my home. There are many puppets of the U.S. I am sure it is true. India, Israel, Obama and many more. I am not a governor or senator. I am just a person that was born in the U.S. I love my country. I see that we are the youngest country in the world. We only have 200+ years of history but we have the economy that makes the world shutter when we falter. Our politicians and services have ruined nations and given food to the starving. The U.S.A. is a global child with the weight of the world on it's shoulder. You understand?
feeling the heat...
a quick question....
If innocent died in the attack on Afghan and those dying from lack of food and medical in Iraq are considered collaterals, are the 3,000 who died in New York, and the 200 in Bali also just collaterals whose deaths are necessary for operations to succeed?
I m not against of the nationals of any country but their Government is doing totally different what they are in front.
salman Icon - India is a puppet? u must be kidding. Its rather Pakistabn and Israel who are flooded with funds from US and dancing to their tunes.
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Denali, you know very well what i mean! dont bey so diplomatic.
off course it is not Pakistan. It is India and Israel.
Exile - you cannot justify with all those happend in the past. This is very recent and it should have been adressed and questiond by the international community. Unfortunately , its just the US who raises the issues , like the quiz the Lankan Army chief is answering now. wht a joke.
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Dot. I don't think we have met.
do we know each other?
Salman...You mean like Pakistan is a U.S. puppet?
Gosh you are quick witted....
The most criminal Government in the world is US and not only US there are some other countries who are puppets for US. they are very innocent in front and behind the scene they are doing very cruel.
Allah will destroy them who are against of human
Insha Allah (Ameen).
enjoy talking to yourself here and dont keep slapping your face and pulling your hair or else mama won't like you once you go back home
Wow, nice fella's... We Americans are pigs as I gather from most of the conversations in QL.
He was 10 when i visited his mom in 1995 while his daddy was in Iraq. He was sending money for his mama to buy milk and condomes
neyo1985 typical American
ExileSaint, USA has been doing this for more than almost 70 yrs , i am not talking about a single war, their history is full of blood and massacres .
Not correct. Those were the days when the road to Jerusalem runs through Baghdad. Now it runs through Kabul.Theres a wider issues than just WMD.
same birth date as your mama
Dude! when were you born???
Why can't they? maybe you have to check your house and family on next September 11th
Lebansesman why stop there?
How about the Japanese?
Invasion and occupation of Korea, 1905 - 1945.
Invasion and occupation of China, 1933 - 1945
In both countries many massacres were committed.
Or go back further. What about the Muslim conquests of North Africa, or the Ottoman Muslim conquests of South Eastern Europe with all the torture and murder that entailed?
I guess the point is how we move on from here and stop swallowing the propaganda from both sides.
hey kids LISTEN!
US got the power to do whatever they wanted to do! yall know u?
but yall ain't got nothing to do with them!!! so i'm sayin get back to yo room & 'ROLL THE BALLS'
What happened to the U.S. War Criminal debate in this thread?
That is an excellent thing to say.
Yes i did, and still i do, and will never let him to be alone in Old Homes
Dot, I got the joke. I thought it was funny too. Never joke with over aged? Did you ever joke with your papa?
Denali Dad
i posted that for fun, but my papa was true.
Once he told me, never joke with over aged.
I think that shoe was not enough for Bush...
Dot.Com that is seems that the U.S. is the root of everything. We are terrible pigs, I guess.
Cuba's former leader, Fidel Castro, has blamed the growth in swine flu on an increase in US visitors to the island.
Arien the list has no end:
- more than 300,000 iraqis killed and wounded since 2003 (according to Declaration of human rights and Geneva Conventions, US is responsible for the safety of iraqis under US occupancy)
-thousands of iraqis imprisoned and tortured. (Abou ghraib is an example, violations of Geneva conventions for prisoners of war )
-millions if iraqis were forced to leave their country and fled away to syria, iran,turkey, etccc .
I think the US givernments since 1917's (President Wilson) should be trialed. they should be trialed for bombing Hiroshima in 1945, for putting Cuba under siege since 1959, for interviening in the Korean War 1950's, for the war of Vietnam, for supporting the Terrorist state of Israel since 1948, for killing innocent women and children in afghanistan and iraq, supporting illegal governments and dictators (Suddam Hussein was their Ally !),,,,
If we want to talk about the criminality and brutality of the US governemts , it will be a very very long list
Wow Natur...Spread the facts from the base. I would love to hear the details
As you said, you GUESS. Maybe I have lived in Qatar for tens of years (Isn't a dictatorship country?) or in Europe for couple of years too. Maybe I have worked in the American Base for years as well and know everything in details. Maybe I can spread facts with proves that can change the whole World to be against you?
All I can say is LOL
Yeah Natur, I guess you have not lived in a dictatorship where you or your family could be killed on a whim.... you have never known what it is like to live in fear of the secret police.... you attack the west blindly because that is the propaganda you are taught to believe.
, he will still be 100 times better that the American Pigs there in Iraq. At least, he could control the country unlike what the pigs could as we see now
The schools were in Afghanistan, where the hijackers trained?
The air ports were in Afghanistan, where the hijackers get their boardings?
The Air port security staff were Afghan, where the hijackers got help?
The Planes were in Afghanistan, where they take off?
and the list is not finished yet!
PS: This is the west, who always welcome, support and encourage their puppets in east, and protect them, like Musharraf( former dictator of Pakistan)is now an honorary guest for the US and Britain.
Then they say, why you hate us???
we hate your policies.
Afghanistan was used as a base for terrorism, the same way that most of the attacks planned in the UK originate in Pakistan or the people involved have had training in Pakistan.
For the attack on Iraq there is no justification in terms of terrorist relating activity.
However the record of Saddam is undeniable. Add to mmyke list:
Unprovoked attack on Iran. Million dead in that war
Unprovoked attack on Kuwait.
Persecution of Muslims from both sects.
Persecution of Kurds
What matters is how was the city before and after. If the war did not happen in Iraq, Sunnis or whoever they are won't do what they have done as in the pictures. Why? Becasue they were controlled by the so called dectator War Criminal Saddam Hussain.
People who (lets say) got killed because of him are much less than those who got killed after the 2003 until now
i know again u'll shake ur head like this to denye
Dear mmyke ther are a lot of dictators that did more than Sadam did and when he gassed people no one run on ware against him on that time, because this is politics. the US went on war to gain money and petrole thats all.
you can,t bring democracy to peopel they have to earn it themselve
I always said....Al Qaida is a CIA controled Bully.
To understand news better... replace Al Qaida with CIA and you will understand the news better.
Right now a lot of US citizens are against the war. But what I am afraid is if the next govt comming in after Obama will convince the population that there will be no unemployment if we go to war.....then what?
Right now the situation in US is similar to the Situation where Adolf Hitler attempted the coupe in Year 1923.....I am really anxious about the next 20 yrs!!!
may you guys educate me on this one: who sits on war criminal courts to try the people responsible for this, in this case, GWBush? how is one person subpoenaed to stand to trial for war crimes? from which countries do they belong to, and how do know that they cannot be swayed by those who back up the invasion?
would appreciate some light.
mmyke...if the list is drawn....Saddam's list would be very small in comparison to the other list...."that will never end"....
....first give the chemicals then say ....hey you are using the chemicals.....Chemical Ali should be Donald Rumsfeld
pictures of the towns which were gassed by Saddam and Chemical Ali....
And don't forget the pictures of the marshes drained by saddam to kill off the Marsh Arabs..
And don't forget...
And don't forget.....
The list is too long for here.
US - War Crimnal no doubt
So the Zionists and the US backed the Sunni terrorists to blow up a Shia Mosque to attack Iran?
Man these conspiracy theories get more and more complicated.
exile - Al askari mosque in Samara was bombed by Al qaeda as per US and zionists as per Iran. I dont know who.
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I don't think you can say a country is a war criminal but the actions of the people that pushed and led the war certainly were. George Bush should be brought to trail for his part in it.
However the pictures you have are misleading. The mosque at Samara was blown up by sunni terrorists.