Why does Mosaic TV repeat so many programmes?

I have had Mosaic TV for 4 months now and am very unimpressed with it. They repeat repeats of repeats, especially on National Geographic, Science and History channels. The schedule for Nat Geo (from their web site) bears no resemblance to what is actually aired here in Qatar.
I have not actually managed to see a new programme om any of the above channels in weeks - they just constantly churn out the same episodes.
When I was in the UK I had cable TV and the above channels - the repeat rate was not even a tiny fraction I've experienced here.
I'd like a rep from Mosaic TV to respond to this - although I shan't hold my breath.
Meantime, I'd recommend anyone thinking of taking Mosaic TV to think again - my colleagues all rate Showtime, if I'm still here when my Mosaic contract ends I'll be taking Showtime too.
If you don't speak arabic Mosaic offers appalling value for money.
Ooops - I forgot dullshits like the responder lurk about on this site...........hasn't got the IQ/savvy to make his (her) own point, yet is quick to flame anybody making a legit observation.
Erm what value for money are you alluding to with "you get what you pay for" - Mosaic is not a cheap package at all for the limited channels available.
Seems to be the sheep mentality at work - businesses here treat customers like dirt, but no-one has the balls to complain - so instead they turn on anyone who does question the status quo.
WTF do u expect?
everythinG here is done on a minimum cost basis. Of course things are repeated again and again usually on a 4 hourly basis and then onto the next day, week, month, year as is suitable to enable no one to escape the possibility of missing anything.
u Get what u pay for1