Laws in another country?

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Hi guys,
I know this website is for life in Qatar; however I have a question not related to the above.
In India my friend lost her pet (a 4 month old lab), due to the vets negligence. Does ANYONE know anything that can be done to make sure that no other pet (puppy or an adult) has to suffer the way this little baby suffered. This beautiful black baby lab bled to death.
Guys please help me with ANY info that you have.
This is after the fact, but in future, if some research is done, recommendations are sought and referrals from present clients are availabe are some of the ways to find a good/competent vet.
Other things to do are just during regular checks/vaccination visits - are you comfortable with the way the office is run? Does the vet spend time with the animal (and seems to be trying to build a relationship) and with you? Ask questions - lots of them. If you get the brush off or you're not treated as a caring pet owner - find yourself another vet.
It's too late for this lab - but laying some groundwork with a future pet can save you from future heartache sometimes.
Thanx guys!!
We know for sure its the vets fault. She was just in a hurry!
thanx for ur ideas!
I have seen this happen quite a few times here in Doha (the bleeding I mean, not incompetent vet). Labs can have genetic problems due to overbreeding and clotting disorders are very common, especially in the pet shop King Charles and Labs here. Why not start by asking him or her for a written statement along with a copy of the patient/client notes? I know you are angry but you first of all need to establish a cause of death. Post mortem and blood profile/tox screen etc are the only way to prove incompetence (after all, rat poison in small quantities can cause death by bleeding) and the first step should always be to gather information and try to resolve this at the clinic level.
If you don't gather evidence and try to prove that you have made reasonable effort to solve the problem, most legal systems will not be able to support you.
I hope your friend gets the answers they need.
Your friend can try Blue Cross or Peta.
I'm not sure if the vet can be sued for his negligence that caused the animal's death. Check with a lawyer.
I am asking you guys for help cause i dont know where else i could get so many people to help.
thanx Again
I am asking you guys for help cause i dont know where else i could get so many people to help.
thanx Again