Pleasee!! I need some advice!!!

Im' from Argentina, My boyfriend got a job in Doha and he is moving there on the second week of november, We want to be together so we are getting married on Nov 5th. I would like to join him in Doha on December, so I can spend the holidays with him and stay for 6 months.
Will I be able to live with him by that time?
He first will be on a probationary period, for 3-6 months, but I would be going to doha sooner.
I have Italian nationality as well, What would be the best way to enter qatar? as turist firs and then change visa, as family visit, etc (considering he will be on probationary period)
I'm really nervous about this, please help me as it is nearly time!!!
thank you very much!!!
You will also have to "prove" you are married by having the marriage certificate attested. Usually done at the Qatari (or Saudi if no Qatar) embassy in your country I believe.
When your husband comes - provided he meets the eligibility to sponsor you, he with the assistance of his HR department will have to start the paperwork to get you a residency permit - you can come on a visit visa on your Italian passport initially, only good for 30 days though.
didn’t you ask this questions at least twice already? Ok, since now you turned to be an Italian, you can obtain a visa on arrival at the airport. It valid for 1 month, i believe it’s extendable for another month. Prior to going to Qatar, make sure that your husband is illegible to sponsor you, i.e. his salary is ABOVE QR7500 before accommodation, and his position is high enough. AND he has to have a FAMILY visa status . All these things he has to figure out when he is here, and before he signs the contract he has to make sure that his visa status is a Family visa, otherwise he might not be able to sponsor you. After you guys make sure that everything is all right, you buy an air ticket, land in Qatar, obtain visa on arrival at the airport (3 minutes+ QR100 paid by the credit card only). Then if necessary extend it for another month. By that time the RP of your husband must be ready and then he can transfer your visit visa to the Family Residence Permit. Good luck with all this visas hell!