Anti-bacteria ointment needs prescription in Qatar??

By speedmarks •
Help!!! I ran out of anti-bacteria ointment for my pimples that I bought over the counter while in Dubai. Last night, I visited a pharmacy here in Doha to buy for another one but the pharmacist refused to sell any anti-bacterial products (capsules, tablets or skin ointments). He told me Qatar law does not allow selling of these products without any prescription. Is this true? If not, where can I buy any anti-bacterial ointment for my pimples. Its time consuming to go to the doctor and fall in line just to ask for a prescription each time my topical ointment for pimples runs out. Pls advice...
i do not know for how long do u need to use antibacterial ointment, but takecare these things should be followed by doctor. anyhow i am sure that, there r restrict rules regarding antibacterial( tab,...etc).
u can try another pharmacy and take yr old ointment with u.
if u do not find then u can go to yr health center here
or (emergency but choose suitable time ( eg mid night or early morning)) and they help u.