Hair Lice !!! Help !!!
I sent my 4 year old son to nursery last week, and this morning I found hair lice while brushing his hair. I never know about this "disgusting animals". Please advice me, is there any medicine or shampoo for this hair lice or what should I do to get rid off it. It's so disgusting! help please ... desperate mother.
We provide complete solution for lice
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i believe the only best solution for this is to take him to a barber shop, cut him bald and lice will disappear! Lice only goes on hairs, they make it their nest to multiply-this is a fact. anyway your son is still a toddler so hair can grow fast without even noticing it. Shampoos can be harmful due to its strong element that can damage his skin. So take this as the only best & safest permanent solution.
don ever try to use all kind of shampoo's
ur kid is a 4 yr old the best way is get a police crop hair cut...or watever is similer
I am freaking out coz I never dealt with this until today. For all those who gave positive answer, thank you so much. For those who doesnt, never mind, you will never understand till your own child facing the same problems.
Bring your child to your pedia immediately for proper medication. There is a shampoo for kids that removes these parasites. But check from the doc first because a child's scalp is more sensitive than an adult's.
Meanwhile, the best remedy is hygiene. Make sure also that your child does not borrow anything from the suspected carrier, especially comb, etc.
you can find out good shampoo in carrefoure of in LuLu, but i dont think so its good for kids.
lol! yall don kno the simple way to get rid off huh?
just take ur son to the nearest saloon & let him get a short hair make him self comfortable...u kno i'm sayin? then u see hw ur son is doin...just simple
get cleaned up!
just shave his head.
my wife encountered this problem in her clases when she was a teacher, and I used to buy a an effetive shampo manufactured in France.
Hi.. why don't u try licel or medicur, its just like shampoo. Try to get it from some chemist shop and better u could ask them for some advice before use.
Technically speaking, they are not animals but rather bugs (Pediculus humanus capitis). I don't know why you would search for legitimate health info in this forum (I'm not a doctor dammit, I'm an engineer). But this link may help you.
dial 999 - Emergency ..u look that desperate... LOL
well, there are various shampoos & treatements out there in the markets to treat lice problems.
Thank you omlayla. Meanwhile, what should I do to help to clean my son's hair? any medicine for this?
You should report the problem to the nursery stuff because as long as there are kids having lice and your child has contact with them,your efforts to get rid of lice will be to no avail.