Bent Chassis

I had bought a new vehicle about 3 years back and had suffered an accident within a few days of buying it. The vehicle was repaired at the original service station and apparently all was okay till I had a computer testing done a few days back. The test showed a bent chassis and I am sort of in a fix since I had planned to sell the car. My question to fellow QL members is whether I can hold the company responsible for deficiency in not having detected the chassis defect 3 years back and if I can press for rectifying the defect. I have had no other accidents since that one accident. Since the vehicle was new I did not have to check the vehicle at the time of renewing the registration till now and therefore it went undetected. I was planning to sell the car but now cannot with this revelation. Any thoughts will help - I will of course be visiting the service station with a formal complaint and application to rectify the problem. Would regal recourse be helpful in case the company refuses to accept liability?
Thank you for your opinions.
Thank you rb73. That is an encouraging opinion. I will be taking some solace in that.
You better approach the dealer and threaten him to drag to the court if they do not fix the damage considering their fault for the insurance claim at the time of accident. I do not agree with MegicDragon “the judge will not understand”, in this country they will be more understanding than anyone else coz. This is very common to have major accidents here and the Arabs are well aware of the after effects of being involved in an accident. Court will pull your records out from the traffic department of being involved in any other major accident apart from the first one to testify your claim.
Thanks to al7lawi and MD. I am hoping to push some buttons to get the guys at the company to relent. Might or might not work. Will put in a post to let you know what happened.
Hello i am really sorry for what happened to u.
but unfortunatly as MD said difficult to sue the componay coz long duratin.any how do not giveup and do yr best to get something from the company.
finally i am ready to help u if decide to sell the car as it is. just send me car information.
Hello i am really sorry for what happened to u.
but unfortunatly as MD said difficult to sue the componay coz long duratin.any how do not giveup and do yr best to get something from the company.
finally i am ready to help u if decide to sell the car as it is. just send me car information.
I don't think you can sue a company for stupidity or greediness. These things are most common in Qatar. The judge will not understand what you are talking about. Tell the buyer about the fault and reduce the selling price accordingly.