HR policies in Doha
By hemalimody •
Hello friends,
Can anyone help me about common HR policies and procedures like benefits/leave policies etc in Doha?
I am holding 3 yrs of experience in HR and looking out for job in Doha. The information on common terms will help me alot.
Also please let me know if anyone has updates on vacancies.
Hi Hemali,
God gave us 2 ears... u know what i mean..
well re: HR policies it's difficult to tell you exactly coz it varies company to company. To attend the interview you should knowledge about the company only they will ask you about your past experience not about their company. or let us knw the company name then someone can get HR P from that particular company will be better for you... Nothing to worry .. No one cares about HR policies except some companies.. they keep on changing as per there request, once someone sue them then only they realize...
So just chill...
But differs from place to place,nothing wrong to ask n know
first i would like to wish you to find a HR job here in Qatar
You are welcome hemalimody....
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Thanks happygolucky....u understood me correctly...thanks for that.....
first of all I would like to thank all who have understood my question and replied positively to it.
FYI....I am having 3 years of experience in HR but not in Doha. Every country has different HR policies and procedures. I wanted to understand that for specifically Doha which can help me in facing interviews here...So I guess there is nothing wrong in asking.
Also if everything is handy just by searching net then we dont need Qatarliving...I hope i am clear......
People who are interested to help only should answer to the post.
Why do people never search or look for things and just expect to get it handed to them... by all means ask but at least take the time to do some searches...
eby1975 and arymoceana.... seems she is not working as of now in Doha and is looking for a job in HR in Doha....if that be the case is there anything wrong in her asking what she is asking for when the benefits etc. here are guided by the labor law etc.
Just my understanding....
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Yep, for the last 3 years you should have been trawling the net for information.
I have over 25 years experience and still do daily web searches for info on best practices etc.
and for 3 years he/she has been circling around HR Department.
Makes us wonder hmmm,what did they asked her to do there.
ha...ha. thaz something.. an HR person asking for HR policies.. so whom should we go to !!! to disregard all professional qualifications and hire unprofessional laborers for a cheap basic wage, a bad accommodation place for them to sleep, and no insurance or necessary tools or human basic needs for them to utilize.
Oh, and always (forced) listen to your 'master'. The master is always right around here no matter how dumb they can be on suggesting the required manpower.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
you can search on google for "Qatari labour Law "
then download it and read.. :)