Sewing and Crafting classes for kids
Hi all
New to the forum and will be new to Qatar in early 2010. I am currently a trainee teacher in UK specialising in Food and Textiles. I can see from my research this is not a subject actively taught in Qatar. I want to know if there is demand for kids classes (outside of school) to teach children to sew, knit and cook. If so I will start up some classes when I come over to Qatar! Those already living in Qatar - do you think this is a good idea? Would you pay for your kids to attend classes to learn to sew or how about cook?
It is popular in the UK form kids to learn to sew and knit, cooking is a big part of the English curriculum - sustainability and recycling are becoming a big thing here - reusing old clothes to make new ones and making your won clothes - Do you think it would catch on in Qatar?!!!? Any feedback is really welcome!
It would be nice to teach young ladies sewing but they would have to have their own machines. I will see if our Quilt group would ever want to sponsor such a thing.
well, there's a bunch a similar courses being offered at VCUQ.
My 12-year-old would love something like this, as would many of her friends, I bet. We used to have Home Economics classes in school, but not here and I doubt even in the U.S. (where we are from) anymore. My daughter and a lot of her friends are already very busy in many sports activities (soccer, softball, running etc) that concentrate practices and games when the weather is cooler (Nov-Mar), but there is a lack of recreation for youth when the weather is too hot for outdoor activities. There's also lack of activities for birthday parties (I'm so tired of face painting and less-than-funny clowns here), so you might advertise to come to parties and lead a craft or cooking activity.
It is a Wonderful idea.Something really needed here. In fact,I have been on the look out for a sewing teacher.
So this post,thrilled me.
Will you be teaching adults?
My friend and I have daughters (11 & 7 yo) might be interested. pls keep me posted whenever available.
Its a Great Idea.Do contact me when you arrive Doha.
I like Craft.
I also think boys should learn to cook and sew, all my 4 brothers can, my mum taught us all.
well, I think mothers should teach their daughters how to cook and sew, as usual. unless these mums do not know, which is usual these days (except my wife :P), then they should come to your classes...:)
welcome,..and good luck in Qatar,...
I think its a great idea. I have daughters and I have been looking for cooking and crafting classes for them and was unable to find any at reasonable price. Once U get here and set this up, please contact me, my daughters would love it.
...iF u teAch musiC mayBe it wiL woRk hEre,
(muSic insTrument)
but u Can tRy..who knoWs???
iF u Cannot ChangE othErs...changE yourSelf!!!!
In the past their were a few people that would teach out of their homes its good for kids. We learned all this in school in Junior and High School but they don't get it here. More so arts and crafts but I see no reason why girls would not want to learn to cook and sew.
You might also want to check out the classes at VCU - might be a place that you could teach legally.
the art classes are at Gympanzee - its an american franchise.
... a SITTING STILL FOR 1 MINUTE class for my daughter!!!
Great idea,
People do quietly run various businesses from home without going official. I'd love someone to run a sewing class for young teens - say 12 to 16 yr olds.
... which classes do you mean when you say they teach art in Villaggio? Sorry to ask but haven't heard about anything yet, that's why I would like to know the price range.
My daughter is 6 now and she would LOVE to join in when you arrive and set these classes up. She loves cooking (helping mummy in the kitchen) and sure would love making her own clothes too.
For you to do those classes at Villaggio rates you will not be able to do it 'legally' without going through the process of setting up your own business (which involves a local sponsor). But I do know about people who supply ready cooked food and offer cooking classes without it being a 'legit' business. So why not doing it in the comfort of your home for interested people? I currently run the QL 'Mums in Doha' group so would be more than happy to talk to you when you arrive :)
Just send me a PM and I will exchange contact details with you and we can talk some more about the subject.
i think the charging will be comparable with other classes which teach art like the one in Villagio.
may become popular but depends on how much you charge.
good idea