How to find a home for three kittens?

By YasserAlami •
I am leaving the country soon and would like to give away three kittens that I have been taking care of over the past few years. Their names are "he", "she", and "her" and they are adorable. I need to find them a home before I leave because they will be at great risk if I return them to the street. What is a good way of giving them away?
If you would like to know more about the kittens please call 5599247
If you've been caring for them for the past few years then they are no longer kittens but fully grown adult cats. Are they vaccinated and neutered? Can you not take them with you? It's very difficult to rehome adult cats unless they are very social and have up to date medical records.
Putting them back on the street would be extremely cruel as they would either be hit by a car and killed or die from starvation or disease.
Why not look at taking them with you. They are attached to you and obviously you are to them or you wouldn't have kept them for so long.
The responsibility of pet ownership does not cease when it becomes "inconvenient". Why don't you take them with you? All you need is the correct paperwork, a cat carrier or two and the willingness to try.
As for putting them on the street, better they should be euthanized rather than having them starve, get beat up by other cats, run over by a car, or tortured by some of the misguided children.
It's good you're trying to find them a new home, and perhaps your circumstances are such that you really can't take them with you. But under no circumstances should you put them out to fend for themselves. Good luck.
What kind of kittens? is that stray cats? can you attached photos? because my daughter she wanted to have one.Is there's any documents needed?
pls pm old r they? i m intrested to see their pictures..