buying a car

Hello everyone im looking at buying a car here in qatar and would like to know what i do and dont need a police report for i do know that if your vehicle is in an accident you have to get a police report but i have been told that even if you need say the exhaust repaired or brakes replaced you have to get a police report and other people have said no i dont can some body help with advice about this. cheers
The question remains, If you do need a police report for repair work than will you will drop the idea of buying a car or will still go for it?
I think you need prior approval to change engine, chassee and its color. because engine and chasse nbrs are always there on your road permit.
I would suggest, better check with nearest police station.
im not worried about getting in an accident i been driving here for over a year without one although i have come close on a few occasions due to people in the wrong lane on a roundabout or changing lanes without using mirrors. if you read the question properly im asking if i need police reports to do any repairs at all.
as an example :
i dont have to inform anybody in the uk of any repairs even if i change the engine wich would have a different enging number as long as its the same cc
You don't need a police report to get the exhaust repaired or brakes replaced
If you are that much worried or afraid of getting involved in an accident or dealing with car repairs or police reports. Please do yourself a favor and do not buy a car.
You need to have a car first to think of getting it repaired with or without police report.
You don't need a police report to get the exhaust repaired or brakes replaced. You only need it if there is an accident.