To ease Traffic Congestions - Carpooling

By noorebasher •
To ease Traffic Congestions in Qatar - Carpooling has to be legalized.
Folks working in same company should coordinate with colleagues for carpooling, which will ease the stress of driving also.
The same was implemented in dubai too, and i personally feel there was bit of difference in traffic congestions.
What you say guys.
No mini bus only import-export kinds of things
hey bleu no traffice problem and no number for ur car lol
No traffic problem here////
u have mini bus porengge .. your profile says you are a Transporter
Try Mini bus to pick up everybody and leave your car back home
i dont think it is offense or ego issue to give free carlift or pick up colleagues on the way.
fubar salik the more they install salik folks use there are bypass roads :) use emirates road instead of shaikh zayed. use burdubai underpass instead of maktoom or garhood lols ..
awsome :) brit.. how much for that .. i have NISSAN tida 2009 model.. will go for something like that lemme know please
Here's a good way to ease congestion - charge people more money for using the roads, and then provide a train:
"More Salik gates may be installed on Dubai roads in a bid to get more people to use the Dubai Metro, Mattar Al Tayer, Chairman of the Board and Executive Director of Transport at the Roads Transport Authority (RTA) said at a media briefing after the inauguration of the Metro, Wednesday night."§ion=metro
Since they charge people money to drive on the road in Dubai, it's only a matter of time before they do the same in Doha.
Doha is too small to get stressed out of driving even if there are congestions, which are very short..cannot be compared with Dubai...
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
People in Doha don't know the meaning of traffic jams or commuting.
They think spending 45 minutes driving to work is congestion...
Weak :p
y r ppl in such a rush most times there is no reason and if there is leave home earlier
is stopping 2 times on the ramada lights (5-10 min wait) is the big deal? the road under construction in ras abou abbad? or the old airport road?
franckly i never feel there is traffic jam in doha.
Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that.
Buy a bike, that eases congestion too.
, and no one rides bitch on my bike, it's for me only.
Very Klassy Brit.
I heart it.
Actually Gold is passe and way over the top..
Mr. Britexpat doesnt want his adjecent seat to be occupied. :) lol Your kia has interior decoration with Gold fabric i guess :)
Hey folks come on chill, the attempt is to beat the traffic and beat the driving stress, some cases are exceptions like if you are very near to your workplace then it doesnt need.. well if you are coming from far aways and your colleague is located in between u can pick him / her up. not a good idea???/ lets say Mr. Kia is exceptional :)
It will be good for your health and also give you a tan..
u should work in ramada only then u will like carpooling
carpooling is illegal??/
I didn't move to a country with cheap petrol and short travel distances only to have to SHARE my car.
Next thing you'll be telling me to catch a bus, or walk, or some other crazy idea.
Perhaps we should all ride bicycles?
Oh come on brit! What if they are a few ladies going to work at the Ramada;)
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
Nope.. I don't want anyone else in my KIA!