Has QL been hacked?!

I am wondering if QL has been hacked?!
In the following thread, I get an add for dating girls (whores) on the left side of the screen:
Is this happening to everyone else or just me?
Well it seems that QL was actually hacked, becuase now it has been modified.
And I am not a kid to tell me that these are just girls wanting to meet guys... come on... please people, have some respect for the human mind!
Problem solved...
Thats just a part of google ads.
Contact the admin of this site and and make a request for them to block that ads.
"Qatari" or moderator can reply best...
Use the link and address your cocerns to the mods/admins
Sefri, take a cold shower cabalero! Chillout...you see whores everywhere.
BTW: Barça! Barça!
These adds have been around for a while now.. Just get used to it.. They are just normal girls wanting to meeti like minded people. Why do you think that they are whores? That is a bit harsh