Shorter work hours Ramadan

Is there any law locally that impose the requirements for non-muslims that in the event when the company announces to shorten their work hours with respect to Ramadan; and our superior on a fortnight basis calls for our junior management to continue the usual routine meetings after the announced hours?
There are no discriminations in Qatar labour law about working time for muslims and non muslims. The timing will applicable for all employees.
There is no discrimination in the labour law for Muslims and Non-Muslim regarding the reduced working hours during Ramadan in Qatar.
Qatari Labour Law states that all employees (muslims and non-muslims) should work reduced Ramadan timings (6 hours per day).
they could work up to 8 hours per day max., but they should be paid the 2 hours as extra hours.
If you are interested in checking the Qatar Labour Law for more details, pls follow the link below:
Some company operates different hours for their Muslim and Non Muslim Workforces. Our Contractor applied such rules on site. Where the Muslim Labourers worked few hours less then the non Muslim
There is Qatar Labour Law