External Hard Disk

I had brought a External hard Disk of SIMPLETECH before 1 and half year from a shop of FFC. Recently it falled down from my hand and after that it is not working. I went to some shops in Sophidal but everyone is saying that it got crashed and data recovery also cant be done. Can anyone suggest me wat should I do now or any experts/Shop in repairing data from External hard Disk or any idea of the availability of the service centre of SIMPLETECH Company.
I can repair the internal and external hard disk or can retrieve the data from it. reply here with your exact problem or leave a mail at [email protected]
if physical media is damaged then its not possible to recover data from software.. if it is formatted or something but still manage to detect the hard disk then i could try to recover the data.
i think you need to contact the professional for data recovery but i am sure it cost a lot.
Friend, try with "Nachu" advice, let us hope for the best. Don't be upset...
i'm sorry to say that
you will not be able to get your data back .
coz the media part is damaged so no chance don't west ur time
Try to take it to PCone service center and they are good @ it. if the bios of HDD is detectable, then you can simply recover the data .. i dont think souq PC shops are having fecility for this. so take it there and see what they say ...
good luck
There are several companies on the Internet offering data recovery starting at 200.00 British Pounds (appr. 1.400 QR).
I think its almost impossible to recover ur data if its really crashed...
the same happened to my toshiba external HDD & i tried to recover data by using so many softwares but failed...
Did you try contacting SIMPLETECH (Hitachi) customer service, to find out about their service center in Doha (if any)
or here
Unless it is REALLY important data, you can probably kiss it goodbye. Data recovery costs a fortune!
......well as u said u have visited sofital shops.........so i guess now u shld go to PC-one and Jarir bookstore.........they have got good service centre!!.........:o)