72 Virgins - The Bare Facts

According to classical Arabic usage in the time when the Qur'an was recited by Muhammad, Hur'in is made of two words Hur as well as In. The word 'Hur' is the plural of both Ahwar (Masculine) and Hawra (Feminine) which literally translates as "white-eyed". Thus, it seems that the most appropriate English rendering of the compound word Hur'In might be: "Companions pure, most beautiful of eye and it is applicable to both male and female
Hurin are people of this world who have attained paradise and have been resurected as young people who are virgins,
So that means HUrin refers to both men and women
And by the way The narration, which claims that everyone would have seventy-two wives has a weak chain of narrators
Also agreed by many others, this chain of narrations has been noted to be extremely weak, or Da'eef and was by Tirmidhi (a hadith scholar), who has been noted for having quite a few unauthentic or fabricated hadith, not to say it was his fault but that of the relaters.
The correct words are "Hoorun `Eenun" as in the Ayat 22 of Surah Al-Waqi`ah, which Abdullah Yusuf Ali has translated as: And (there will be) Companions with beautiful, big, and lustrous eyes,-
So yes, the word Hoor could be both for males and females.
These are nothing but ill propagandas of non-believers. Please refrain from circulating such false articles.
Shuaib....original source please.
Interesting Article
Making A Mockery Of Jihad
By Asghar Ali Engineer
The terror attacks in India as well as abroad have created an impression that jihad is central to Quranic teaching. First of all, as we have asserted repeatedly, jihad does not mean war in the Quran as there are other words for it like qital and harb. Jihad has been used in the Quran in its root meaning i.e. to strive and to strive for betterment of society, to spread goodness (maruf) and contain evil (munkar).
But supposing jihad means war, as some Muslims believe, even then it isn’t central to Quranic teachings. The word jihad occurs in the Quran 41 times though not a single verse uses it in the sense of war. There are four most fundamental values in the Quran i.e. justice (’adl), benevolence (ihsan), compassion (rahmah) and wisdom (hikmah). Thus, the Quran is an embodiment of these values and a Muslim is duty-bound to practise them above all. One who fails to practise these values can hardly claim to be a true Muslim. Jihad is not even obligatory in Islamic jurisprudence whereas these values are indicative of a Muslim’s character and hence quite important. It would be seen that compassion is most central to Quranic teachings. The words “compassion” and “mercy” in their various forms occur in the Quran 335 times as against only 41 for jihad.
There is great emphasis in the Quran on justice in all social and political matters and it uses three words for justice — ’adl, qist and hakama. These three words occur 244 times in the Quran. To seek revenge is human weakness, not strength. Thus, a devout Muslim tends to forgive like Allah who forgives his servants if they sincerely repent. Those who are waging jihad in the form of terror attacks are bent upon seeking revenge whereas a good Muslim would tend to forgive just as Allah does.
In Shariah law, jihad can be declared only by the state or those empowered by it. Terror attacks, on the other hand, are planned and executed by a few individuals unrepresentative of any state or state institution. So their attacks cannot be legitimate by any Islamic or Shariah law. That is nothing but committing murder of innocent people. Also, according to Islamic laws, in jihad no non-combatant can be attacked, much less women, children and old persons and no civilian property can be destroyed unless it is being used for military purposes or for purposes of combat.
It can be seen that the rules laid down for war by Islamic laws are no different from modern laws of warfare or the Geneva conventions. But terror attacks are a gross violation of all these Islamic rules and there is no way these attacks can be characterised as jihad. The terrorists are described by the media as jihadis. This is a gross misuse of the word as there is no word like jihadi in the Arabic language. It is in fact ‘mujahid’ and it is used in a laudatory sense — one who devotes oneself to a good cause like fighting against social evils.
The Quran advises Muslims: “And cast not yourselves to destruction with your own hands and do good (to others). Surely Allah loves the doers of good.” This advice of the Quran not to throw oneself to destruction with one’s own hands is important and relevant even today. What did the 9/11 attack result in? Did al-Qaeda not invite great disaster to the entire Islamic world, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq? Did they not throw themselves into perdition with their own hands? What good did that attack do to anyone ? Was there any wisdom in that rash and ruthless attack?
Revenge only satisfies our ego and injures the ego of the enemy and thus the war of attrition continues. What terrorists are doing is seeking revenge and that too from a weaker position. Every attack brings nothing but disaster for themselves and others. Various verses quoted to justify jihad are generally taken in a literal sense and ignore the value system of the Quran. It is a well-known fact that be it al-Qaeda or any other terrorist organisation, they do not represent any government or larger Muslim organisation. They succeed in mobilising some angry youth who are carried away by ‘Islamic’ rhetoric and commit terrorist attacks taking lives of innocent people. These attacks violate all Quranic values.
Seventh century Arabia cannot be compared to conditions in the contemporary world. Today’s world is radically different from that period and we should go more by Quranic ethics than injunctions about war. There are several institutions now available for arbitration, reconciliation and solving disputes. One should not rush to resort to violence.
In the Indian context, one cannot avenge communal violence by terrorist attacks on innocent Hindus and Muslims in marketplaces. It is the same sin which communal forces committed against innocent Muslims. Wisdom requires that one should patiently mobilise public opinion through democratic means, win over the hearts of common people and expose communal and fascist forces.
One hopes that the misguided Muslim youth resorting to violent actions will realise the futility of terror attacks and renounce such sinful and criminal acts, concentrating instead on excelling in learning and acquiring a superior moral character. Did not the Prophet say that the “ink of a scholar is superior to the blood of the martyr”?
The writer is with the Centre for Study of Society and Secularism in Mumbai.
Heavenly credit - nice way of putting it - LOL!
"Do you really want a discussion or just a bunch of idiots agreeing with you?" - PM
Its now becoming a twisted fact from the ideal of having 72 virgins to having nothing at all. Now thats a sane thing to do. The whole episode have to be re-written.
The idea behind 'God does not forgive monetary debts' is that this is other ppl's right. Allah forgives what's between Him and His creation, but when it comes to other ppl's rights we have to clear ourselves before we die, otherwise we'll have to pay back on the day of judgment, in which case we'll have to compensate them in 'heavenly credit' not in cash.
This is of course meant to encourage ppl to be honest and responsible to each other.
blabla "He once wished looking at agoat that he was born a goat so that he had nothing to answer in hereafter!"
Thats profound & makes perfect sence.
a true muslim will have no virgin in mind when he intends to do a good deed but fears God that he be questioned for his deeds as calif aboobaker used to do. He once wished looking at agoat that he was born a goat so that he had nothing to answer in hereafter!
They're the ones that bomb "pagans" on their way to "pagan temples & shrines". They'd probably be the first to deep inside cheer should another "pagan temple", the Dome of the Rock, meet a bomb or an Israeli bulldozer. The biggest problem isn't how the world sees us, but rather how a small, but significant minority among us see ourselves, and the rest of the world too for that matter. The Arab world is pretty big, the rest of the muslim world, far bigger. That's a big cookie.
But even as their constant brutal "pecking" annoys, the Zionist machine grinds on unabated. And indeed, amid the maelstrom, gives the Zionists freedom to commit to their scheme without much notice, and more importantly hindrance, since the world obviously has both more urgent and important problems...
To me it's a typical "doube lose" hand for the rest of us, there goes not only the bet, but the whole pot, to keep the gambler analogy going.
a true muslim will have no virgin in mind when he intends to do a good deed but fears God that he be questioned for his deeds as calif aboobaker used to do. He once wished looking at agoat that he was born a goat so that he had nothing to answer in hereafter!
CC would you say that these jihadi bombers actually had an effect by forcing the worlds attention to the Palestinian plight?
And of Iraq for that matter? Could you say that many of those who once condoned the war on iraq are now starting to wake up from the disillusioned notion and see muslims as people?
A chilling thought, then again war never was heart warming.
they're doing something very different, something they've done before, and indeed, the American invasion was the "ace on their ten", the golden opportunity, which they continue to fully exploit.
They could not possibly even dream of doing it in Palestine. We've seen how Hamas deals with such phenomena. Israel has announced it will back another round of West Bank settlement construction however, over & above the ones already announced. And the news of that has magically disappeared from my BBC RSS feed.
Having said that, I must add that I share & their fully embrace the frustration and angst over the supression of the Muslims of Palestine & Iraq and all humanity.
However, I do not agree with their unorthodox & violent solution to this problem.
It is pure brain washing and the promise of a better tomorrow to ignorant people.
It is similar to the crusaders offering heaven to those who died during the journey or battle.
I agree Raison D
CC, with a burning passion, you have no idea ;p
Cybernitty, true, unfortunatley the virgins are not the reason they excercise this twisted version of Jihad.
Poor education coupled with desperation & ignorance allows for these people a tunnel vision view, if you will, when they want to 'fix' the current state of the muslim world.
well put, you are 100% correct IMHO.
The promise of 72 virgins or whatever has almost nothing to do with the motives of suicide bombers, you can watch paradise now to get a better understanding, 99% of the time suicide bombers blow themselves up for political or economic reasons bundled with poor education.
You know of Valhalla and the Valkyries? Well only martyrs and brave warriors go to Valhalla. A certain Heinrich Himmler was a big fan of Islam, precisely for this reason :)
In the first place, there should not be a promised of the 72 virgins waiting for a martyr in heaven. This will only add fuel to the fire of extremism and these wannbe jihadist. To some..why not do it if you are guaranteed to go to heaven with all these rewards.
72 virgins comes with a price, i.e. 72 mothers-in-law
You really love him don't ya :P
Sadly he isn't from Najd...or is he? You would know :D
Sorry we hijacked Shuaib but I agree with your opening post to a T. You know how our "plebeians" love a good fairy tale...
I guess we talked about everything but the topic right?
Anyway it was just for information
"Do you really want a discussion or just a bunch of idiots agreeing with you?" - PM
Which cave ver...Tora Bora
mixed nuts... cave... laptop... good idea...
CC yes, we most certainly have! Come to think of it , about the Dajjal, If someone would poke a certain persons eye out, he does fit the rest of the bill like a glove! lol
True Salax, then his followers would know hes muslim
kamikazi pilots of japan
Do you know why?
Clearly not. US Ships had wooden decks and steel hulls. Therefore the top was the most vulnerable.
Japs met there match with British Ships.Steel Decks aswell PWND.
compete in building lofty buildings, and the servant girl gives birth to her mistress...?
Yay we're almost there. I'm off to a pleasant cave with a laptop, a few cans of mixed nuts, on my lonesome, seeing the endtime should be a spectacle! We've been so thoroughly desensitized by violence we might as well enjoy it!
Everything from this day will be a downhill mess, bringing on the approach of the dajal and his fitna. After this the mehdi will kill him and some world order will be restored.
But will you agree with me that there can be symbolic suicide too. Such as: Political suicide, national suicide... We're plainly told by our religion that not only will individuals be judged when the time comes, but peoples and nations as well. Can we therefore conclude that, apart from defending ourselves against invasion of territory, any and all other means of pursuing a goal except for diplomacy would be suicide too?
Suicide is haraam, fighting in the way of Allah is not
Neither is diplomacy for the greater good of the muslim community
Its the people in power who have to determine what is needed "diplomacy or war"
And thats the reason they have to be wisely in world and current affairs
Like for instance the best of my reasoning tells me that the time now is for diplomacy and garnering worlds attention to the middleeast crisis in a peaceful manner.
Sort of like what the Jewish community did during the world war II
"Do you really want a discussion or just a bunch of idiots agreeing with you?" - PM
for all you fellow muslims on here. I hope some of you watched Al Jazeera tonight since circus show (Opposite Direction) was on...
Do you think those who call for Jihad against the west and Israel (surely a futile war where we would get absolutely decimated) are trying to lead us into Heaven, or Hell? The deed is paramount to suicide anyhow you look at it. Are muslims better off biding their time and pursuing their grievances through diplomacy or all out war?
So there must be somekind of controls against this kind of human behaviour. And that sucide is haraam in Islam, not even fight in the name of god, achieve martyrdom, and to get rewarded.
What they do is no different then the kamikazi pilots of japan during the world war
Its plain amd simple suicide - but u need to know that their circumstances are dire, no land no future and no identity
"Do you really want a discussion or just a bunch of idiots agreeing with you?" - PM
That enlightening, but the thousands of these guys who blew themself up in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan must have somekind of promised or wishes that are guaranteed of. Is that somekind of deviation in teaching.
that the one who commits attrocities in the name of religion and calls it gods will, will be punished and there is no excuse for lack of knowledge,
And these people who have committed such crimes will request God, that the ones who guided them to do such and such should be punished more severly since they misled them. (If u need the verse and para i will give it to you but i dont remember it on the top of my head)
Just PM me.
"Do you really want a discussion or just a bunch of idiots agreeing with you?" - PM
But hey i aint no walking encyclopedia!
Anyway, what i meant to inform you all is that 72 virgins is an unauthentic and weak narration which has been passed on through the years,
Secondly that the Virgins of paradise (HURIN - Plural) are both men and women, and even though they have died in an old age, they will be resurrected at a young age and as virgins
"Do you really want a discussion or just a bunch of idiots agreeing with you?" - PM
The infamous qoute is these sucide bombers who were misinformed and misguided about the benefits when they die in such manner and to received these glamorous rewards in heaven.
Perhaps you should enrol in some classes?
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Isn't English Compulsory on main forum ?????
Didn understand wht you wanted to say ????
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
Perhaps not mmyke. God is not only being just to the person who dies and may leave behind someone who falls on hardship because of a good deed of lending to that person in their time of need. ____________________________________________________
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
even consider such a thing? it doesn't seem too clouds and floating around the oasis on high to me? sounds like a bit of mortal intervention,,,no?
Monetary is not just cash, it is anything you owe to someone (gold, livestock etc).
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
on the radio the other day.
QBS has a Qur'an/religious program on each morning between 6 and 6:30 or so...
and a few months or so I had to actually stop my car and listen because I couldn't believe my ears,,,this is the truth..they were discussing the fact that, and backing it up with a list of authorities that if:
"a Muslim died in battle, and died facing the enemy, he would go to heaven and have his virgins, and that all his obligations on earth would be forgiven, except any monetary debts he had" (quotes mine)
I wondered why God would be worrying about money, or in fact even knew of it??
can u explain us in a simple way instead of copy n paste
that mean?