I am planning to bring my brother on FREE visa which is beeing arranging through my friend to find out any suitable job for him,I am kindly request you to give me the possibilties/rules at present to perfoam any emplotment on FREE visa,
Is it possible to work on this visa ?
Can we change this visa to any employment visa with out any problems
Your valuable answer is highly helpful
Thank you
A "free" visa is an illegal visa. It will end up costing you untold amounts of money and misery. You are, in essence, selling yourself into slavery with your visa provider able to blackmail you at any time and have you deported on a whim. You give up all legal rights when you purchase an illegal visa. Don't do it. And especially if you do, don't come on QL and whine that Qatar practices slavery and ask where you can go for help.
There is visa called 'free visa' in this country. Somebody trying to cheat you. May be they are arranging a business visa for your brother. Dont be cheated. Try to get proper information about the visa.
"Free Visa" is an illegal visa.
First of all you should correct your profile, engineer under 18 is impossible. As far your question is concern, there is no such thing called FREE VISA in this country. Remember you need a sponsor to enter the state and only allowed to work for your sponsor and that is called work visa. Any family visit, tourist or transit visa dose not permits you to work paid or unpaid.