Wise people where are they?

Wise people gives wisdom which I think many people needs it.
Wisdom has many definitions, one of the definition is putting things in their right places, another definition could be that wisdom is a plant which grows in the heart and the fruits appears while talking.
The second definition is a figure of speech.
One time there was a king and there was a wise man who is always close to the king, the wise man always says be good to the good you will be fullfilled and the bad person his bad things will fullfill him.
So there was a man who is jealous from the wise guy, the jealous man went to the king and said that the wise man says that you smell (bad smell comes out from the king), the king said how do I know what you said is right? The jealous man said ask him tomorrow to come close to you.
In the evening the jealous man invited and insisted on the wise guy to have dinner, the wise guy accepted the invitation, the jealous man put alot of onion and garlic in the food.
Next day the king asked the wise guy to come close to him, the wise guy came close and put his hand on his face and mouth so that the king does not smell the garlic.
The king said in him self the jealous guy is right, so the king wrote a letter and put it in an enevelop, and told the wise guy to take it to excuter (the excuter can excute the good (giving rewards) and bad (death) things based on the king order sharp and no chance to change the order), the content of the letter was to kill the holder of the envelop.
When the wise guy left the king, the jealous man saw the wise guy and saw the envelop, and thought that the king gave a gift to the wise guy and asked the wise guy to give him the envelop, the wise guy gave the envelop and jealous man took the envelop to the excuter.
(The wise man did not know the content of the envelop).
At the end the jealous guy got killed and the wise guy was saved and the king knew the full story.
So always be good you will enjoy your life.
ha ha ha ha
can't stop laughing ....
ha ha ha ha ....
Mal - She was allowed to Buy...
But its too tight for Khalid....
Not her fault.... she never had an chance to know his exact size :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
but, hei, you didnt say, what if gyps wants to buy a swimsuit? ;-)
FS - :) Thanks... Do you have more bed time stories Mummy ??? :)
Ya Smoke... It was fun reading Birbal Comics....
I still don know whether he was a real man or a fictitious character..... :) Like Sherlock Homes.... :)
Khalid and Gypsy Couple...... ???
NO way.... If tht happens...
Imagine.. Gypsy Putting some mild romantic music to set the mood...
Khalid - Haram
Gypsy requesting him for a Ball Dance
Khalid - La la la.. Haram.
Gypsy - Why don't you have my pic in wallet..
Khalid - Haram.
Gypsy - While window Shopping.. " Hey thts a Cute out fit"
Khalid - Only Black Abaya Pls.
Gypsy - Ok Lets go for a Nice movie in City Center....
Khalid - NO All shows clash with Exact prayer timings...
Damn if anyone starts any religious crap here....
mentioned in lolling spirit.. :)
Except for Gypsy.. no one else has right to be angry.. :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
sigh...here we go again...
Here I put a very good website for those who want to know more about wisdom and science in Islam
Birbal was one of those smart lawyer types of those days. Got away with wise cracks and wit. When asked how many Crows are in the kingdom he says X no. of crows..when asked what if there are less? He replies; some have gone to visit relatives, when asked what if there are more? He replies; relatives have come to visit them. lol
I used to like birbal stories and its good to learn something through his stories, very helpful in real life sometimes:)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
could use this guy again, methinks..
Emperor Akbar asked Birbal if it was possible for a man to be the 'lowest' and the 'noblest' at the same time.
"It is possible," said Birbal.
"Then bring me such a person," said the emperor.
Birbal went out and returned with a beggar.
"He is the lowest among your subjects," he said, presenting him to Akbar.
"That might be true," said Akbar. "But I don't see how he can be the 'noblest'."
"He has been given the honour of an audience with the emperor," said Birbal. "That makes him the noblest among beggars."
Ash...for you...enjoy..lol
The King of Iran had heard that Birbal was one of the wisest men in the East and desirous of meeting him sent him an invitation to visit his country.
In due course, Birbal arrived in Iran. When he entered the palace he was flabbergasted to find not one but six kings seated there. All looked alike. All were dressed in kingly robes. Who was the real king?
The very next moment he got his answer. Confidently, he approached the king and bowed to him.
"But how did you identify me?" the king asked, puzzled.
Birbal smiled and explained: "The false kings were all looking at you, while you yourself looked straight ahead. Even in regal robes, the common people will always look to their king for support."
Overjoyed, the king embraced Birbal and showered him with gifts.
he's looking for wise people...not wise ass!!
how it wud look if gypsy and khalid have a date together?
Somebody called ME ?
Khalid should read.. Birbal and Akbar...
Tht was more interesting.... :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
envy and jealousy kills...just like that.
I am the WISE president !!
Tell me my boy wat worries you ? :)
darn, why did i read this!
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
Khalid - You wont do at Bollywood....
climax was taken care of properly....
BUt moral of the story.....
Jus let go whtever happens....
NO difference between a Dumb and over-smart :)
Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it
Did you call me? I am here...lol
Nice story though...:)
Oh you're a wise guy eh? Nyuk nyuk nyuk
...........and morale of the story..Never ever eat Garlic and onion...