Visa Change to another expat employer

please could someone advise whether we would be able to transfer sponsorship of our Indian maid to another western employer as she has only been in our employ for just over a year? Is the new law that an employee must have a 2 year duration with their current employer now in place? Is there a new law as regards transfer of Indian employees? Many thanks
Call me at 5810916 and will arrange every thing for you against low fee.
It is not also a matter of nationality. Check the status of the visa whether it is transferrable, as I understand all "Kadama" visas are non-transferrable but the Ministry can "waive" this, if you are brave enough, talk to the Minister. Good luck!
it's not about duration of the previous sponsorship. I wouldn't recommend to play with transfer of sponsorship for maid of Indian nationality. MOI might cancel him completely.