Safe sedative for a 2 year old?
By Rolling Stone •
Our son is 2 yrs old and tends to cry/scream for extended periods when travelling by air. This is not because of inner ear pressure but mainly due to his being tired and/or constrained to his seat.
He is about to take a 7 hour overnight flight back to Doha this coming weekend and I would like to know if anyone is aware of (and has used) any mild sedatives that are known to be safe for a child his age which can help him to sleep during the flight.
A pharmacist indicated that certain antihistamines might be ok but Í'm naturally concerned about giving anything to him at all.
Guidance appreciated.
Good grief people - give the parent a break. I'm sure she would check with your pediatrician regarding any random suggestions. Perhaps you'd like to be seated next to the screaming child for seven hours?
You can google "Benadryl dosage" to find the dosages; it's an over-the-counter medicine (in the U.S.) and I don't think it requires the advice of a pediatrician. Here's a direct link to the website, which I have used for many OTC medicines: All that said, I don't find that Benadryl makes even a remote impact on my kids.
My 2yo daughter screamed for 14.5 hours of a 15 hour flight for the same reason as yours. For the return trip my pediatrician prescribed hydroxizine. One hour later she was still wide-awake and I was struggling to keep her from jumping on the seat. She did sack out later and slept for a good portion of the flight, but I'm not so clear on whether it was due to the medicine or the fact that it was a nighttime flight. Absolutely positively talk to your pediatrician about this one before using it, even if the pharmacist gives it OTC.
Good luck!
You are absolutely stupid to ask the "experts" on QL when it comes to a medication for your baby. You are nuts!
Benedryl, or diphenhydramine, is sometimes used. It is an antihistimine. Consult your pediatrican for dosage.
spike his formula with a double shot of whiskey.
Ask the Doctors of Michael Jackson, they got lots of experience in this
I believe that there is no such thing as a completely safe sedative for a two years old, you should definitely consult a pediatrician , and be aware that your child might be allergic to certain drugs so don't give him anything without consulting a pediatrician.
Rolling Stone, I hope you aren't serious about asking this question on Qatarliving. If you are really concerned you would ask a doctor. The pharmacist you didn't trust, so you will take peoples experiences? That is dangerous and simply irresponsible. I'm sorry. Please go see a doctor and ask for their recommendations.