Can't ask what's "illegal" in Qatar.
What the hell, I asked what's the situation with Marijuana in Qatar meaning like what are the laws, is it common, etc. and my question got deleted because it's illegal I guess... That's so dumb because what if you want to know the laws there? And what if what ever your asking is illegal in Qatar? You could risk going to jail because you weren't informed of this...
Please don't get scammed by this fucking 420localdelivery. He took my $500 without offering any help. If you need a discreet plug, You Telegram....@tplug28. He will do you good. Stay Safe!
@RaeMacD : I guess It Happened 4 years ago mate... Cheers
....a world of grown ups?
All I see are adult aged people cyber bullying a 14 year old child for asking a question...and insulting him for being disrespectful? Lead by example people.
If he doesn't ask, how will he educate himself?
I'm embarrassed for so many of you; there is nothing "grown up" about your bahaviour.
Thank you to the levelheaded true adults who have answered this boys question.
PS: (Smoke?) calling someone a "f@ggot" on such a public forum, or anywhere for that matter, should get you banned. You're behavior is disgraceful.
hey pedrolics..nice job with the profile pic..that means ur coming to qatar anyways..
i guess by now u've got ur answer..All Drugs are banned here,with legal punishments that wud spoil ur future..just keep that in mind..once here u can judge 4 urself..
120kph@roundabout, Stop trolling...
smoke, I don't know how I've proven I'm immature on QL. I've taken your advice, and you've responded in amore immature way than I, so I don't see what your saying. Also I do something that puts me in better shape than all those I do Parkour, so don't assume things. And I hook up with girls plenty so your assumptions are pretty off...
just like what you have say shanawazt,if this kid didn`t talk sheyt here.who is he anyway to open a dopey thread like this,a 14 year old pot junkie kid?who he thinks anyway?at the end of the day,he is still addict...
page 3 and still alive....
what the hell is wrong with u guys....
is this somekinda new obession...seems like u guys have a lotta time to waste on some disorted topic(considering the duty hrs in ramadan)
sheeeyyyyyttttttt page 2 and still alive...
ql surely suckkkssssss!!!!!!!
Rules and Regulation are meant for the guidance of the wise people fools follow them
LOL! smoke, i hear you mate...have a good weekend! :)...
gadarene, yes the fact that a kid his age smokes up is what bothers me. The fact that he thinks there's nothing wrong in what he's doing is what bothers me. The fact that he thinks he's over smart or too mature for his age and comes here and proves otherwise is what bothers me.
Why am i even wasting my time on this... you are bored smoke, yes i am, i have nothing to do in office, why dont you go for a smoke then? i would but what if.........crap i'm talking to myself again.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Not gonna go far in life is he???
smoke my friend,you're not reading the post man,i already said i agree with EVERYTHING you said above EXCEPT the addiction bit & if you read my earlier posts somewhere on this thread,i've already said i think it's wrong but that it was my opinion only...the biggest thing wrong with this picture & obviously you agree, is pedro's age...20 ok,14 not ok...
Yes and a 14 yr old kid WANTS to smoke a joint as instead of playing soccer or basketball or swimming or making out with girls? You really don't see anything wrong in that picture do u?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
By ech, we will be on page 3 soon!!!
geez man smoke,you & this pedro fella really hit it off like a house on fire eh?...chill man,it's the weekend eh? :)...
erm,smoke my friend,agree with everything you said above...except for the addiction this kid believes it or not is besides the's been proven scientifically that marijuana/cannabis is not addictive...there is a difference between wanting something & needing something...people who do marijuana/cannabis WANT to do it,they don't NEED to do it...people who do heroin or cocaine, once they start, NEED to do it,as opposed to WANT to do it...that's why it's called a fix mate...they NEED that fix,the WANT is secondary,hence the word ADDICTION which is a NEED not a WANT...
Exactly bleu, i've been sitting back and enjoying the posts here for a while. To sum it up for everyone else:
We have a 14 yr old KID, who thinks he is too mature for his age coz he hangs with other KIDS 2 to 4 years elder to him. He smokes pot not coz of peer pressure, but coz he wants to. He believes weed is not addictive so it should be made legal in USA and that everyone who thinks otherwise are morons. He's happy with any advice given in favor of his beliefs. Some suggest he take up drinking too. He's open and honest with it to his mommy who really cant do diddly squat to change what her kid has become and he's proud of his honesty. He isnt addicted to this stuff and can leave it anytime.
Well thats about it for now, lets stay tuned for the next episode of "What would Pedro do?"
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
The North American view in general towards marijuana/cannabis (as opposed to Europe & large parts of Asia & Africa) in general is well documented enough so i'm not going to get into a debate on're entitled to your opinion based on your sources just as much as i'm entitled to mine based on my sources...let's agree to disagree on this for my spelling,point taken but as is quite obvious,my spelling or sun26872's for that matter isn't the issue here,which is why i put spelling in brackets,i.e not the main issue...fair enough?...unless you're also of the view that "marijuana is a form of morphine"?...
LOL again and again, this is becoming the funniest thread on QL...
Sorry, the Canadian Mental Health Association is a well respected organization in North America with many medical opinions and reviews of research studies sought and studied before posting information on their official website. I'm not accepting anything as gospel - but if you cannot refute what they say is it incorrect or misleading?
BTW - you might want to do a spell check of your own post before casting the first stone.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
sun26872..."marijuanha(sic) is a form of morphine"???...your ignorance( & your spelling) leaves me with no words to reply...please, please get your facts right before posting my friend thereby letting everyone in on your abysmal levels of knowledge on the subject...
marycatherine,i don't where to start as far as the discrepancys in your provided link's worded in such a way that no one could say it was making false claims but it's as far from the truth as is possible...i'm guessing you're not in the medical field/have a medical background so to someone outside of the field, i can understand why it would seem like the gospel truth but to put it simply...everything isn't just black & white,there's such a thing as a grey area...
I can't really get my head around the fact that you just told a kid all of this...
fubar said...
"Amongst the youth, drug taking, and alcohol consumption, is common.
However - don't be a dummy. Don't invite your friend around for a session. Don't even tell anyone about your stash.
If you keep your business private, you'll be fine. The people who get caught are idiots who deal, or boast about their habits.
Ignore the idiots and dinosaurs on this thread.
And dude, I feel for you for coming here against your will. If it weren't for my liquor license, I'd have lost my mind a long time back.
Why not just take up drinking and lay off the grass?"
Did you just offer alcohol to a 14 year old? that's even illegal in the US... talk about bad influence!
I don't wanna get in to a tussle with this guy...
pedrolics, you really don't have to convince anyone here. You clearly are using and are not planning to quit anytime soon, SO why does anything said here matter? Addictive or not, you are the one involved and you are responsible. The End.
~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~
but I guess it's in keeping with the idea that the no one really knows what the laws are here so it's easier to change them on the spur of the moment or apply them according to some whim. :-P
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
sun26872, Okay, well that's probably the plan because I don't feel like going to jail for four years. Marijuana laws will change in the US, it's just the same kind of thing when Alcohol used to be illegal. People didn't know about it and it got a bad rep, but Marijuana is SAFER than alcohol so it should be legal in no time (in the US). Just saying, go research it on the internet, or at least be able to say "I've experienced it first hand," because once you have you'll realize it's allot less worse than the media is saying it is.
And did you any of you actually read what gadarene said? It's not addictive...
BTW marjuanha, marhunha is a form of morphine and please don't fool people that its not addicitive. People who have restricted use of these drugs are smarter than most of you are.
sun26872, I'm not addicted, I can stop anytime I just think it's entertaining and makes me think deeper of things. And my mom already knows about me doing this kind of stuff, I told her a while back.
Pedro, there are different stages of addictions. It starts as entertainment, then a habit, then dependance and then self destruction. If you can stop smoking marjuanha, then why are you discussing it here? Just stop it before you leave your country. Do you sure that you know yourself? Sometimes it's better to take help of someone called MOM or POP.Secondly, if your mother knew about it, I am sure either she is sure that you won't do anything whatever you are boasting of on QL
or she has already changed her mind about coming to Qatar.
And, inshallah, if whatever you are saying is truth, then you won't need Marjuanha to entertain you in Qatar.There are many much better sources of entertainment.
pedrolics, its your life and you can do whatever you want, since you say you are old enough to make your own decisions. Bottom line is, it is illegal here in Qatar and if you are caught, you will be thrown behind the sun.
~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~
with this pot junkie kid?..........useless...
marycatherine, Fair enough... but what doesn't give you cancer these days? I would have made this post longer and less un-intelligent sounding but I need to sleep...
Well here's a link to a Canadian website discussing the affects of Marijuana on the body and the health risks run - including cancer - just like cigarettes.
As this will not coincide with your opinions Pedro - please feel free to ignore the link.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Sugar Qtr, I'm not trying to offend you in any way but I don't really think it's a phase. The western part of the world (including Canada/South/Central America) are ALLOT different from basing on what you just said. Maybe you we're a 'different' than most kids, but It's not un-common whatsoever to lie to your parents when your 8-20. I'm more of an honest kid to my mom just because I feel like it's more of a healthy relationship but everyone that I know either constantly lies, sneaks out, drinks/and or smokes, vandalizes, or steals. And I would know, I think you guys assumed that I haven't traveled much but I have. I've been to; lots of states in the US, Peru, Canada, Greece, Mexico, Austria, Turkey (Europe/Asia), Germany, and Ecuador... and some other places.
pedrolic, I do respect your courage and honesty, but that doesn't make it right. You are only 14 which makes you too young me decide for what is right and what is wrong for you. Yes you would have an opinion, but the decision shouldn't be completely yours. Yes, us Arabs are brought up differently, but your case is too much. I can't imagine myself lying to my mother about anything let alone me disobeying her. Inshallah you get over this phase in your life before you enter Qatar Academy because I seriously don't want people to be influenced by you.
~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~
Yes, it is illegal here, see the translation of the law fro ministry of interior. Pick the punishment you prefere
Could we see your pic a little more clearly yesterday???????
pedro,a lot of people tend to conveniently overlook or are blissfully unaware of the fact that nicotine & alcohol are both drugs,only difference is,they're socially acceptable ones & the more important fact that not a single death has ever been reported as a direct result of marijuana use wheras alcohol & nicotine/tobacco kills God knows how many people every single day...
gadarene, Amen to that.
gadarene, Thank you, that's what I've been trying to get out there. I wish people like you would be a part of the media so they stop spreading stupid rumors about Marijuana. And yes I know it is harmful to your body, but most people think that is a whole lot worse than it is. I predict Marijuana to be legal in no less than 15 years because people are finally starting to hear the truth about Marijuana.
Sugar Qtr, Okay well if your son had any idea you would do that he'd lie to you for the rest of his life. Wouldn't it be better if your son told you that he smokes Marijuana? I should at least get credit for being an adult about this rather than lying to my mom or presenting it as a negative thing. Because I'm not in denial about me being addicted because first off all if I got addicted then I could be addicted to anything such as adrenaline (as I stated before) and I don't have an addictive personality so that settles that. I'd rather have MY son smoking Marijuana, rather than drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes, you want to know why? Because both the others have 10 times worse long term effects! She knows I'm being safe with it and she worries about me but all I can do is promise her I'll be safe, because you can't over dose unless you have no oxygen which even if you weren't smoking Marijuana you still would die. How would I know all this stuff because not only have I researched Marijuana for school projects/just to get to know about it more, I've also experienced it first hand... I think peer pressure is stupid, I have never gotten peer pressured to do anything illegal, I've always done it by choice, but I understand other kids may have a problem with peer pressure and give into allot of things more easily. That's why I never intentionally peer pressure anyone into smoking Marijuana, unless they 100% want to try Marijuana then I wont let them smoke. I'm more mature than you think I am, I've hung out with people at least 4 years older than me my whole life, that's probably why I have a better relationship with my mom. We don't fight often, we debate.
sMoKe weed eveRYday..................
erm bleu,stone cold,sun26872 & sugarqtr...a small titbit of information that might is medically & physically imposssible to get addicted to marijuana. Now please don't get me wrong,neither am i supporting pedrolics nor am i of the view that what he's doing is right in any way,i think it's not right but that's my opinion,however,as a medically qualified person,i feel it is my responsibility to point out miconceptions & inaccuracies when i see them...the human body does not & cannot develop a dependancy on marijuana unlike drugs like heroin & cocaine,this is due to the molecular composition of the drug & the way it reacts with the body,so an "addiction" as claimed by you'll is give you a better example,if pedro were made to stop using marijuana today,he wouldn't develop withdrawal symptoms like stomach cramps,or inflicting self-injury or psychosis or any other withdrawal symptoms that the above mentioned drugs produce so marijuana cannot & is not classified as an addictive drug...bad? yes...addictive? fact,cigarettes(normal ones with nicotine) are addictive,marijuana is not...hope this clears up some miconceptions...
pedrolics, you are 14 and when you get to Qatar you will be attending Qatar Academy. If I was a parent of a child going to that school I would be very concerned for the safety of my children and all the other kids going there. You would be bad influence on anyone you get in contact with. It is sad that you are disrespecting your mother this much. Is this how you repay her for bringing you into this world and bringing you up the best as she could? Apparently she did something wrong. If my son ever confronted me with his 'addiction', he would be grounded for life. Not because I am a cruel mother, on the contrary, because I love him too much to see him mess around with his tiny brain.
You need help and I hope you get it.
~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~
bleu, Marijuana has no addictive substances in it if you think your addicted then you have an addictive personality and that means that it's possible for you to get addicted to anything such as the feeling of adrenaline. Do you research first before you try to look smart please&thanks.
Stone Cold, no my mom doesn't approve of it but there's not much she can do. I just promise her I'll be safe with it (which I am). I've never been caught and I've been doing it occasionally for 2 years. My dad on the other hand smokes Marijuana, I haven't gotten to tell him because he lives in South America. My parents are divorced so yeah.
LOL again @ "I'm not addicted, I can stop anytime"... I'm sure all addicts say the exact same thing...
Oh..boy, you mean your mum supported you on this. What did you dad says?
My first day on Qatarliving and I must admit, the entertainment is priceless!!
~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~
sun26872, I'm not addicted, I can stop anytime I just think it's entertaining and makes me think deeper of things. And my mom already knows about me doing this kind of stuff, I told her a while back.
I second "deedee".
"baldrick2dogs" & "smoke" love your posts.
14 year old kid: "guess I might just have to find out for myself" ....please do, because this post was really entertaining and I needed a great laugh. I'd love to see the ending when you enter the country, but they don't give access to the internet in prison here.
Pedrolics, invite your parents to read this thread. I pressume you will need their best help. Drug dependance is just not about everything in life
Well, yes, marycatherine, and what are the possibilities of his mom getting to Qatar and then being told by her employer that even the suspicion of drugs in company housing is enough for her termination? Pedro, please tell you mom what's been going on here. She needs to make an informed decision.
Actually, if I was the OP's mother, I would be concerned not only about my son (and that's a really complicated issue) but about whether or not I'm going to be able to (a) get the job I've applied for (b) if I or my son will be arrested on arrival in Doha (if, in fact he's been using his real name) and (c) what are my options if I decide not to go to Qatar.
Pedro (if that is your real name) you've made yourself and your mother items of scrutiny by the Qatari CID - if you don't believe this - look at how US Homeland security operates within the USA. I know you're 14 (only because this is the info you've provided) but you've been foolish if at least a small part of the info you've provided is even 50% accurate.
I know 14 is self absorbed and all about me (I've been 14, been there done that) but you have other people in your life to think about.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
You should talk to your parents first and forget about the prisons of Qatar , you are already messing up your life. The problem is not whether you should come to Qatar becuse even if you stay back in US, you will have problems with the law some or the other day.Talk to your parents and take medical help to finish off this problem permanently.And for God's sake, don't fool yourself. See the actual problem.It's not the country.It's the lack of self control or (more probably)lack of guts to discuss with your own parents.Trust me it's not such a big problem, you just need to solve it the right way.All the best to you. Tell your mom today.
if 'Secret Service, FBI, CEID' or whatever you would like to call them wants to know something about you, they will find it out, with just your phone number or your ID card - been on the receiving end, so I am well aware of what I am talking about.
I will tell you one thing though, I have never felt as safe in my own country as I do here, so no matter that they monitor everything.
Yes, they monitor FB - that was how the whole "Christians being deported" thing started - there was a group on FB sending PMs to spread the word about Christianity - it was picked up by the authorities, and swiftly dealth with.
You really have a lot to learn young man - Yes, lots goes on in Doha, that happens in other countries too but depending on the local family name you have or how much wasta you might have, lots gets overlooked - It will be better if you keep a low profile - and not splash your business over a monitored public forum
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
Yes, you sure get to know your "core values" when you live in another country. But that's actually a good thing. I have come to know that we Americans value freedom of choice and civil liberties over almost all other values, including religious beliefs, tradition and family. Those are not necessarily shared values throughout the world. It's good to have another perspective. And look at it this way, colleges in the US love "third culture" kids.
the kid is 14 years old and upset that he is being pulled from the only place he knows and being dragged halfway around the world to a place that, until recently, he had never heard of. Yes, he has said some stupid things, but a lot of people on QL say stupid things---and they are a lot older than 14. give him a break and what you said was INAPPROPRIATE (especially to a 14 year old kid)
But dotdot... gay sex is illegal, so it doesn't happen in Qatar either, right?
Guess what buddy, you're gon get ass-raped by a badu guy in an old Land cruiser the moment you step in Qatar.
Mandilulur, really? It doesn't feel like that kind of stuff is a privilege, but I guess it is.
Oh, my, "invasion of privacy"! That gave me my first big laugh of the morning, thank you. Pedro, Qatar does not have the constitutional right to privacy that the US does.
....Invasion of Privacy? isn't this happening everywhere?
Whenever I find the KEY to SUCCESS...Someone STEALS it.
So it's kinda like the Qatar FBI? Do they monitor everything on the internet for people that live in Qatar? Like Facebook and stuff? Isn't that like invasion of privacy?
Pedrolics....its actually CEID...stands for Criminal Evidence & Investigation Department.
Whenever I find the KEY to SUCCESS...Someone STEALS it.
Xena, May I ask what exactly is the CID? And that doesn't sound too good...
baldrick2dogs, My name's ***** ****** come get me I'd be glad to have my ass beat It'll give my parents a reason for me to come back to the United States.
Pedro, firstly, you are now being tracked by CID... they will be watching for your name coming though customs - never give your name on a public forum...
Secondly, as has been stated on numerous occassions before, keep your personal business to yourself - if no one knows about it, its less likely you will be caught - however, now that you have blurted out your business on QL - which is being monitored, you will be watched, even if you don't get nabbed at customs on the way in...
BTW, they have done numerous drug busts at DIA recently... so beware...
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
this thread still going on?....this boy is barely high pot junkie......
Pedro, as a 14 year old adolescent it is your job to raise questions and call adult hypocrisy to attention. I understand that, I might even go so far as to say I respect that. It is also your vocation at this point in your life to figure out EXACTLY what the rules are so that you can skate around them. So far, so good. But please know that with your smarts and your attitude you are running up a pretty big target. Don't say, "It won't happen to me," because the people you will be dealing with will rat you out in an instant. May I point out that it is your responsibility now in life to begin to learn how to keep yourself safe. And that includes your family. If you get caught with drugs or if you even get ACCUSED of doing/dealing drugs (no proof needed, sorry) you and your family could very well be deported. That means the end of your Mom's job and bye-bye college for you. I know, it sucks to be 14. It's sucks even worse to be a bored American kid in Qatar. Grow up and do whatever you want in four more years.
LOL again... You finally got an answer you like.
fubar, thank you soo much. This has been the most helpful piece of info I've received so far. That's what might end up happening but Marijuana keeps me tranquil and joyful. Alcohol makes me kind of stupid and angry. I dunno I'll see how it goes, thanks, though.
CID can comb over my records all they like.
I don't take drugs, so they aren't going to catch me possessing or dealing.
@ UKengQatar,i happen to personally know that Canadian kid & his family that you mentioned...the facts: the boy was arrested with as minimal a quantity as is possible but as i mentioned earlier,in this country there is no provision in the law for personal use,possession means dealer period,he was deported after his trial last year,finished high school in Canada & will be joining university shortly,his parents & 1 younger brother are working & schooling respectively here in might help to get the facts right before posting mate...
Guys the CID is going over your records.. Boy Boy boy.. Pedro u got people on QL..On the watch list, What happened kid..where did u get all this creative questioning from even if ur practically right the law of the country is 100% technically right.. Better talk on the phone, take advice and Pay for the counselling.
Tsk tsk tsk...
Practically everything is illegal in Qatar.
If people followed the letter of the law, there wouldn't be males and females sharing accomodation.
If friends come over and you offer them a beer, you've broken the law.
If you take a bottle of wine to a bbq at your neighbor's house, you've broken the law.
If you leave a bar intoxicated, you've broken the law.
If you screw your girlfriend, you've broken the law.
Amongst the youth, drug taking, and alcohol consumption, is common.
However - don't be a dummy. Don't invite your friend around for a session. Don't even tell anyone about your stash.
If you keep your business private, you'll be fine. The people who get caught are idiots who deal, or boast about their habits.
Ignore the idiots and dinosaurs on this thread.
And dude, I feel for you for coming here against your will. If it weren't for my liquor license, I'd have lost my mind a long time back.
Why not just take up drinking and lay off the grass?
MikaylasMom, that really sucks. :(
Adams being a responsible citizen, the only thing i want to share with this kid is a size 45! Preferably it should knock some sense into him.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
UkEngQatar, damn, that sucks.
smoke, I'm guessing your joking but just to make it clear I don't do anything un-natural ("drug" wise). To be more specific I ONLY smoke weed because other stuff can REALLY mess you up/get you addicted.
Pedro, seriously, it is illegal here and they do have a zero tolerance policy on it. It is not like back at home where you get caught with a joint and get probation, you get thrown in jail no questions asked, probably won't be able to see your Mom, and deported along with your family. I would give anything to be able to smoke here, it would make living here a lot easier to tolerate, but the fact is, you are playing with your life if you get caught doing it here. These people are not joking about the consequences. Hope that also sheds some light on it for you.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
The Kid probably took u to be his GURU..considering ur ID, come on be generous.. share ur stuff with the Kid :)
Yes adultery is illegal and haram here? Your point is?
so is adultery also illegal in qatar or it doesnt matter coz everybody here mind their own business?
Does any one of you remember about the Canadian boy who was supplying drugs at the American School of Doha a year ago. He was sentenced to 10 years in jail and his family was deported.
Just a small reminder for Pedrolics. You not the first and you ain't gonna be the last to take drugs here. But the consequences are quite harsh if you do get on the wrong side of the law here.
Like BritEpat said, talk to your folks and see if they can leave you behind in a boarding school in the States.
Smoke the weed that you gave me last week was of poor quality man, what's happening to quality man.
Ukeng, well the money you paid me was in Mexican peso's so of course you got what you paid for :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Yeah, sniff shoe polish for kicks its the new "In" thing
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
baldrick2dogs, first of all I'm not going to get too personal but my dad lives in South America so he has nothing to do with this. But anyways my mom knows absolutely nothing about the Marijuana laws, but a few weeks back I told her in a respectful way that I smoke Marijuana and she doesn't like me doing that because she thinks it is un-safe and she's a great mom for wanting me to be safe but I told her I was still going to do it anyways. I thought it would be a good idea to ask people here because I only know one person that knows Qatar existed (before I announced my move which is in about a week). So that's why I came here. Some of you were helpful, some were not but thank you to the mature ones who respected my opinion and gave me a bit of info about the laws. Although I am not informed to my satisfaction I guess I might just have to find out for myself.
Pedro since I understand your age and the lack of choice in the matter (thought you were older initially), having first lived overseas from age 11-17 (not in the GCC) thinking about coming over here you really, really need to find an alternative to the ganga. You get caught with that here not only will you be in huge trouble so will your parents.
You can survive over here without it. Find other ways to chill and open up the mind and make the most of your time here.
A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.
Ok enough people, i think the kid has learned his lesson for the day. Lets all meet tonight at 7.00 to light up a joint :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
loolz baldrick
lol bald!
Damn, I hate it when it goes to page two. My work here is done!
"i hope you have discussed with your parents how you truly feel "
Wacky, I can just picture the conversation:
Pedro: "Pop, is it Ok if I smoke pot in Qatar?"
Pedro's Pop "How the heck should I know son. Go ask some complete strangers on QL".
i think this thread has already blown up out of proportions. please refrain from using bad words. pedrolics, i think i understand why you're giving us the bad attitude and i quite appreciate your apology for that. you are moving out of your free will, leaving your friends behind, and feeling like a complete stranger in a new country. i hope you have discussed with your parents how you truly feel instead of lashing it all out to the people in this forum. but you should look at the situation from both sides. if it would do best for your family, then you should give it a try before you pass your judgment. if not, then maybe your parents can come up with a better solution by letting you stay with your grandparents or relatives in the US, if that's what you like.
it is very clear that pot is illegal here. i will not give you the lecture on drugs for you are a grown man already. there is no way that you can enter or use that in this country. heavy consequences will be dealt with if you are caught. and believe me, you don't want to ruin your life here over some silly grass.
as for the others, please don't be that judgmental. and whether you were provoked, stop those cross answers. we are not all temperamental kids, are we? peace
KSA - look around you dude- u are the ONLY FAGGOT!
Marijuana is raised as an Ayurvedic Medicine in the US and its used for some of the medical purposes.. They are grown through Green Harvesting..
1) If ur 14 and are smoking Marijuana is it for Medicinal purpose.. If u have a prescription and a recommedation letter that ud die with out it or have a nervous breakdown u Qatar will let u have it Smoke it and attain Nirvana.
2) If ur just smoking for the fun of it.. Practice it only in the US & better exercise discretion.. Cause KID!!.. Gay rights is common in the US.. They are not HERE.
3) The Most Important thing - KIDS ur age are naughty here but they dont walk around with a GUN to SCHOOL and u dont expect an Adult to comprehend.
Apparently pedro is more matured, than some of the posters in this thread.
Pedro has'nt given up YET !! :)
bleu, I'd like to ask, what's funny about that?
oH Geez, i need a smoke lol.
Sorry about all this kiddo :) peace
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
LOL, this is getting funnier and funnier...
"for what he believes in"
What in the world is happening...
Do you have NO SHAME AT ALL in pulling the pants down a 14-yr old faggot's ass...sheeeesh should be atleast a bit more matured for your age and size...not on a 14-yr old...daaaaymmmmnnn...
Good morning people of Faggot World...!
smokey- are you fasting dude? :S dont swear - bad for karma. ok, over and out.
smoke relax :)
FriedUnicorn, Thank you for being open-minded.
Yeah well funny how fuck face here cant seem to handle what he gives to others. Give respect to get respect. If your parents haven't taught you that till this age then take a free lesson from Smoke Daddy. No one is judging you by the kak questions u ask, in the end its your life to do as u please. We are here to advice you, but keep in mind first what you post, where you post do a little reading up on an ONLINE FORUM before you post. Had you read the community guidelines before you posted your question it wouldn't have come to this.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
LLOOOOOOLLLLLL!!!!!! smokie sweetie, are you getting into a fight with a 14 yr old? cant you pick on somebody your own size??? oh wait.. same level of maturity, actually, pedro - i think you may be one up :)
Smoke Pot.. Eat shit, bite dust.. and dont forget the present for ur liberty in a conservative country - PRISON,
Actually they will send u to a Juvenile camp cause your a freaking Minor.. U can do odd jobs and please ur other fellow juvenile's but hey.. Ur mind is still free and independent..:)
Do as u please..
a dude carrying a grapes seeds (he keept in his bag after eating the fruit) is now enjoying his life in jail.and will be deported after serving. Airport police pressumed it was something else:-(
"katas ng qatar"
Pedro, this is a public forum, not a kids chat room. Welcome to the world of grown ups.
Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. your opening post. Looks like you are in for some insults now. If I were you,I wouldn't post on this thread. Not even read it. :)
I think judging a persons life based on one piece of information is wrong.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
smoke, Okay I don't know what to say that, you don't know me so I'm not going to try to prove to you that that's not true. I really hope your under the age of 18 because trying to make fun of a 14 year old kid on the internet for what he believes in is just sad.
LoL SmokE !!
lol smoke :)
Lets look at this from a psychological point of view...a 14 yr old, smoking "pot", wanting to get his ears pierced as a "fashion statement" more like a "faggot statement" is all a call for help from dear ol mommy and daddy who really dont give him much attention around the house as much as they love tommy...the house dog!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
pedrolics you dont need to take drugs here man......go and stand in the sun for a while...... With the temp of 50deg celcius you get a trip which is far more better than Marijuana or any other drug.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
baldrick2dogs, I think it's funny how you call me a pot junkie, you make it sound like Marijuana is addictive... I frankly don't care if people know I smoke "pot."
"My name's Pedro Correa come get me I'd be glad to have my ass beat It'll give my parents a reason for me to come back to the United States."
Wanker! Oh but your 14 yr old ass will be put to good use in the Qatari prison that i can assure u :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I would be very surprised if there is not some random checking of incoming luggage before it gets out on the carrousel for pick up - probably electronic or perhaps canine sniffers (which I have seen in use at Dubai searching for explosives).
Heaven help the OP if he gets caught. A UK national was arrested, jailed and deported for having the illegal substance in her system - they tested her on arrival (and no, you don't get the chance to refuse - if the authorities want a blood sample/urine test - they get it).
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Smoke - I can just picture the mods, ROTFLTAO at the stupidity of the OP and the responses to a 14 year old pot junkie!
Even the fact that it was removed once for asking for something illegal, then he has the balls to ask the same question again, and giving his real name so that he and his parents can be deported makes him one smart kid in my books. God bless America!
lol smoke 'balls'
i doubt he has one.. :)
How would u know what "Telco" is your balls hasn't dropped yet. These words are too complicated for your brains to comprehend.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
i admit i broke the rules by first engaging in replying to your shit topic and second by reminding you of what a retard you are. shit face!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
smoke, I have no idea what Telco is...
smoke, if you're going to paste the rules of the forum into a post make sure you aren't breaking any rules before you post that... -,-
you missed one word that goes between dumb and retarded else my grammar would have made perfect sense to you shit face
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I've already broken 2 rules by responding to you but only coz you broke some to provoke me lol!
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
smoke, if your trying to insult someone make sure your grammar/spelling is correct or you end up looking like a "retarded."
Well you seem to be doing a good job at making friends around here chut!
Before asking Q's perhaps read the forum guidelines:
1. Do not use swearing or strong language in your posts.
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3. Do not respond to people who post something insulting or who are "trolling" - instead, just ignore them and they will go away.
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7. If you are not interested in a topic or think someone is asking a silly question, just move onto another post instead of insulting or mocking them.
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16. Finally, think before you post! You are responsible for what you post so before you hit enter, ask yourself if this is something you would say to someone in real life.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I have absolutely no options, thank you for your compassion. Sorry for my 'bad attitude' but I'm in the process of moving to a place with no friends, and a country that has lots of laws that I do not believe in. On top of that I had my high school experience all planned out because all my friends are at least 16-18 (and I'm 14) so yeah.
What the Eff are the mods doing? why hasn't this dumb f*ck retarded been banned from this site already? Abusive language? Lack of respect to other members? Wake up mods.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Midfielder 4, I wouldn't be on this forum if I had a choice to go.
You heartless , uncaring people. Can't you see that this child needs our help and understanding. It seems to me that he is also looking for a good excuse to avoid coming to this country.
Best option - Talk to your parents and stay there .
I think better go to Netherland
Ped just based on your language and behaviour in this thread would strongly suggest you reconsider coming to anywhere in the GCC. This is a great melting pot with some very strict rules you show no inclination to follow. Could get you in huge trouble. If you want an int'l assignment look elsewhere.
A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.
Users tend to bring their own seeds and grow their own without telling anyone so they don't have to use dealers.
There is basically no checking at customs for anything other than alcohol (which is available here in limited quantities to expats anyway). There is no random drug screening at the airport, and no testing for it in the RP process.
Contrary to what a few naive people in this forum may believe, illicit drug use is reasonably common here amongst locals and expats, it's just not spoken of.
Zero tolerance means you're in deep sh1t if you're caught, but the local constabulary does little more than traffic control in this place.
Marijuana, some info...:)
Marijuana is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States. It is a dry, shredded green and brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves derived from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol; THC for short.
How is Marijuana Abused?
Marijuana is usually smoked as a cigarette (joint) or in a pipe. It is also smoked in blunts, which are cigars that have been emptied of tobacco and refilled with marijuana. Since the blunt retains the tobacco leaf used to wrap the cigar, this mode of delivery combines marijuana's active ingredients with nicotine and other harmful chemicals. Marijuana can also be mixed in food or brewed as a tea. As a more concentrated, resinous form it is called hashish, and as a sticky black liquid, hash oil.* Marijuana smoke has a pungent and distinctive, usually sweet-and-sour odor.
How Does Marijuana Affect the Brain?
Scientists have learned a great deal about how THC acts in the brain to produce its many effects. When someone smokes marijuana, THC rapidly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream, which carries the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body.
THC acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, kicking off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the “high” that users experience when they smoke marijuana. Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors; others have few or none. The highest density of cannabinoid receptors are found in parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thoughts, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement.1
Not surprisingly, marijuana intoxication can cause distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, and problems with learning and memory. Research has shown that marijuana’s adverse impact on learning and memory can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drug wear off.2 As a result, someone who smokes marijuana every day may be functioning at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time.
Research on the long-term effects of marijuana abuse indicates some changes in the brain similar to those seen after long-term abuse of other major drugs. For example, cannabinoid withdrawal in chronically exposed animals leads to an increase in the activation of the stress-response system3 and changes in the activity of nerve cells containing dopamine.4 Dopamine neurons are involved in the regulation of motivation and reward, and are directly or indirectly affected by all drugs of abuse.
Addictive Potential
Long-term marijuana abuse can lead to addiction; that is, compulsive drug seeking and abuse despite its known harmful effects upon social functioning in the context of family, school, work, and recreational activities. Long-term marijuana abusers trying to quit report irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving, all of which make it difficult to quit. These withdrawal symptoms begin within about 1 day following abstinence, peak at 2–3 days, and subside within 1 or 2 weeks following drug cessation.5
Marijuana and Mental Health
A number of studies have shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and schizophrenia. Some of these studies have shown age at first use to be a factor, where early use is a marker of vulnerability to later problems. However, at this time, it not clear whether marijuana use causes mental problems, exacerbates them, or is used in attempt to self-medicate symptoms already in existence. Chronic marijuana use, especially in a very young person, may also be a marker of risk for mental illnesses, including addiction, stemming from genetic or environmental vulnerabilities, such as early exposure to stress or violence. At the present time, the strongest evidence links marijuana use and schizophrenia and/or related disorders.6 High doses of marijuana can produce an acute psychotic reaction; in addition, use of the drug may trigger the onset or relapse of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals.
Fighting for what you believe in!!!! ROFLMAO
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
baldrick2dogs, Great well I'm not afraid of fighting for what I believe in.
Thanks for the people who answered my question seriously I'd like to hear more about this so please feel free to keep informing.
tats the same thing everyone is being telling him wat u have mentioned up there, nothing NEW.....:(
#7If you are not interested in a topic or think someone is asking a silly question, just move onto another post instead of insulting or mocking them.
Marijuana along with other drugs is illegal but like some have observed, I'am sure some people might be using it. The kid,going by his arguments, is keen to know if the law against the thing is 'strictly' followed.
pedrolics - If you use marijuana regularly and if you have reservations about quitting,I recommend you don't come to any islamic country. It comes under serious offences and can lead you to a lot of trouble.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I think I read somewhere that the Americans started taking Marijuana after the British gave them independence !
Aw, c'mon Brit, it's such fun, especially with such a witless troll as Pedro
Pedro, It's not me that'll be kicking your arse, but the more sensible kids in your class when they quickly figure out what a fool you are.
Bad attitude or what!!! You will not go far in life if all you are bothered about is weed. You will probably end up being a complete bum and living off state handouts for the rest of your life!!
it is not worth it...dont do the utterly stupid thing of trying to smuggle drugs into Qatar.. Nobody, nobody can save you..
And believe me, you will regret the fact that your parents ever consummated their relation..
And why people react so sharply to your question is bcoz: In an Islamic country like Qatar, drugs are the surest way to get into trouble with the authorities, and if that happens, re-read the above paragraph..
stay outta trouble is a different world out here..put down your joint for some time, and do some research ..use Google, Wiki, lonelyplanet whatever..
...Avada Kedavra..
WARNING : Please dont use foul language orelse, the Hijackers will do the needful.
thank you
never been starved at all...just enjoy your white ass here,and when you caught, enjoy the prison here spiderboy...
do you hail from, child? Sixty percent of the U S A population most certainly does not use recreational cannabis. That would be more like 6% - although, it could be 60% of irresponsible college kids, I'll grant you that.
Maybe you were just too high to notice the difference...
That being noted, please go back and re-read marycatherine's cogent summary of the differences between USA & Qatari law and how that can affect ex-pats. There-in lies your answer.
"60% of the citizens here use Marijuana daily"
"it's currently illegal in the U.S."
Then why the heck should you even think it would be legal in a strict Islamic country???
"I'm going to HATE this place."
Then stay at home in U.S.of A where you can get stoned everyday
"Go fuck yourself"
A sure sign you put your addiction ahead of your education.
You'll fit in just nicely here. I expect you will have the sh!t kicked out of you within a week of arriving.
Deedee has it right. You also have to be careful because it's usually the locals who sell it and they'll rat you out in a heartbeat. You risk serious jail time and deportation if you're caught with it. It's not worth it.
Yes, you can get marijuana here. Many kids smoke it. However, it is much harder to get and the penalties are much more severe than in the US. I know a 17 year-old kid who got caught last year, prosecuted for being a dealer, and sent to prison for 4 years. He's a blonde, white western kid. Caused great heartache to his friends and family. I don't think he's enjoying Qatari prison too much either.
Give it up while you live here or don't come. As a side note: your family would probably be deported if you were caught. You would be responsible for ruining your father/mother's career.
And 60% of American's DO NOT use marijuana. That is freaking ridiculous. The weed is already starting to make you stupid.
Guess that answers all the questions MD
its not illegal here in QL forum
or mental hospital later......
Funny question. It is illegal to withhold the passport of a sponsored person. (Some still do it). It is illegal to ignore speed limits (Some still do it). It is illegal to live with your spouse if you are not married to her (Some still do it). It is illegal to fly in prostitutes from Bahrain (Some still do it). It is illegal not to pay salaries on time (Some still do it). In other words: there are many illegal things (Some still do them). Anymore questions?
why not ask for what is legal instead of illegal...
pedrolics my friend,let me simplify this for you,1st off what you do with your life is your business so i'll save you the "drugs are bad for you" lecture,there's enough of it above & instead i'll actually answer your question...The laws in Qatar with regards to cannabis/marijuana are such that there is no differentiation,i.e,if you're caught in possesion,no matter how little the amount,you're classified as a peddler/dealer,if you're caught for possesion & when they test you,even if there's a trace of it in your system,you're classified as an addict...considering your age & your nationality,the authorities will make a deal with your parents/guardians wherein you will be deported from Qatar(white kids under 18 very rarely,if at all serve jail terms for drug use/possession in this country)& banned from re-entering...having said the above,i can also tell you,considering you'll most likely be going to school @ ASD,there are a fair number of kids that do get stoned & you'll probably find them sooner or later & you'll settle into life here...& before anybody on here starts jumping up & down saying "oh no kids in Qatar/@ ASD/Doha College don't use marijuana/cannabis!!" please save it,i've seen it 1st hand,when i was in school a decade ago & now...
i think u wont find any such people here to know wat u talking abt ? duh !! :(
ITS ILLEGAL and ZERO TOLERANCE in this country, now wat more simple words do u want us to tell to make u understand ?
owen, well the question was really how strict is it? Because it's currently illegal in the U.S. (if your not using it for medical purposes) but 60% of the citizens here use Marijuana daily. Just cause it's illegal doesn't mean people still don't do it. I'm more interested in where I can find people that know what I'm talking about.
Pedrolics the RP or resident permit is for expats and families joining them here in qatar and yes ebverybody has to go through blood tests in order to get the RP.
As many answers before when you try to find some "pot" to smoke you will be in trouble (big one) like it's been said: jail and deportation. And wether you believe it or not jail here it's way different than Jail in your home country. (The worst of thw worst)
Once again here in Qatar there is ZERO TOLERANCE for drugs, regardless those drugs are being used in your country of origin on a "legal" basis.
you got your answer when they deleted your question.. because IT'S ILLEGAL... is it really hard to comprehend..
c'mon as if you are asking a very difficult question to answer.. :/
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
IT IS illegal here. better clean up before going here because you will have to undergo blood test to obtain a Resident Permit. dont take any chances as you dont want to mess with the police here. Qatar is a very strict country unlike Bahrain or Dubai.
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
Stone Cold, I don't really care I love to express myself. If I can't even talk about that stuff then I'm going to HATE this place.
While the term of imprisonment and amount of the fines may vary from case to case - here is the basic info the OP asked for:
Criminal Penalties: While in a foreign country, a U.S. citizen is subject to that country's laws and regulations, which sometimes differ significantly from those in the United States and may not afford the protections available to the individual under U.S. law. Penalties for breaking the law can be more severe than in the United States for similar offenses. Persons violating Qatari laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Qatar are strict, and convicted offenders can expect jail sentences and heavy fines. Penalties for drunk driving and other alcohol-related offenses are treated with severity in Qatar and may result in heavy fines, imprisonment, or expulsion from the country.
Qatari jails are not like US jails - you are housed with several others (who may have committed more serious/violent crimes), you will not have access to legal counsel unless the authorities permit it (which they do, but it is severely restricted in some cases), you will probably not be allowed visitors.
When your sentence is complete, you will be deported. (At your own expense - if you cannot afford the price of the airfare home, you stay in jail).
Hope that helps
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
[Watch your language swearing is not allowed]
The danger now is that you have exposed yourself to be dependance on such drug. Quit the publicity now or you may trouble with the authority sooner.
yes,its illegal..better clean up your system n come 2 qatar..they do a blood test(not sure whether its for drugs,coz usually a urine sample is a faster/less expensive method)..but u never know..Dont overdo the pot n do some research on the laws here(online),u wont have to appear really stupid ...
i include you to my list of the dumbest person i have seen here in QL forum...
A regular user of pot in school - no wonder this frickin idiot is asking such dumb questions.
Pedrolics - you are a fool. Please take yourself out of the gene pool immediately!
Ask your Mom and Dad!
What i heard is, in britain, those who need to use cannabis are fighting it in the court to legalize, but i dont know if this thing is the same as MJ, its surprising to hear from you that you are using that in US as if saying that in US MJ is just all around the corner. man, have mind, wake up, or youre crack?
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it.
There is no use of crying over spelt milk"
Is it legal in the US? In my innocense, what i know Marijuana is never legal in all country, dont come here or else, when you undergo medical and found it in your blood, they will detain you and deport you...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it.
There is no use of crying over spelt milk"
Hey , your honour man! I did not know it was illegal - Honest!
majnoon ajnabi....alcohol is also banned in islamic law...and u know it's easily available in banning "marijuana" and not "alcohol" is a qatari law....not islamic
drop the leaf for a month before you come here, drink lots of water to cleanse your system, you'll be fine. you won't find any around here, you can forget about it, whatever you do, do not attempt to bring any in here, the customs will figure you out and you'll be in the house of pain. you won't be able to score a beer either unless you steal from your folks. if this doesn;t sound too enticing, as i'm sure it doesn't, try the well proven begging/screaming to stay back home with your grandparents or something.
that you are not really from the US. It is very apparent that you smoke cannabis all the time your friggin' brain is gone. It is not just a Qatari law it is an Islamic law also. Put your doobie down for a few minutes and do some research on Google.
I don't think we need to do anything in the name of God, he's a big boy and can take of himself.
yes..u hav to hav some blood tests before getting RP but that does'nt include a test for illegal no way they can catch u unless u hav it in ur bag(which they do check regularly...lolz)
and stop dreaming becoming a "citizen" of qatar...better remain an "expat"
@Dracula, does every citizen of Qatar need to get a blood test before they actually become a citizen?
"blood test" when you're getting the RP (resident permit)
@Dracula, so how would the country Qatar ever figure out I'm in possession of Marijuana (bloodstream wise)? Because they don't drug test you in the airport or something or at school, am I correct?
I know I need specifics though, because I smoke Marijuana regularly in the US. I want to know the SPECIFIC LAWS please & thank you.
wait for another 1 month plzz .. i can answer u ur question :)
Here is a zero tolerance policy towards drugs and penalties for drug trafficking include the death penalty or life in jail.
Penalties for possession or use of illegal drugs include imprisonment and heavy fines.
Qatar has issued a warning to visitors to be aware of its strict laws against illegal drug possession.
The presence of illegal drugs detected in blood or urine tests is considered possession.
You may also be charged with possessing drugs if trace amounts are found on your body, clothing or luggage.
Amounts of 0.05 grams or less can lead to guilty verdicts.
Medication available over the counter or by prescription in your country may be illegal or considered a controlled substance in the Qatar.
come on big guy... you should know the answer. drugs and booze among other things are illegal in this country.