Doha to India by sea (Boat/Ship/Dhow/Ferry/Cruise)

By westbaywonder •
A friend of mine is going around the world by any means of transport excluding air travel. He left London three weeks ago and is currently in Turkey. He has managed to secure transportation to Doha from Turkey but is at a loose end on how to move on from here. Air travel is completely out of the question. He can't get a visa through Iran at the present time so that is a no go too. Please, does anyone know how he can get to India by means of sea-transport from Doha (or Dubai/Muscat!?)? You're help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
hi iain....
jack is really a crazy boy.... all the time at sea, i think he better buy a chastity belt!
Tough question but he can try this:
Africa & Indian Ocean Silver Sea Cruise also offers nine nights voyage that starts from Dubai to Mumbai which visits Doha, Bahrain, Qeshm in Iran, Muscat and Mumbai.He can try boarding th cruise at Doha if the cruise authorities agree.