Rising bills concern

Hi Expats,
Iam wondering if any body has had these issues with Karama (water & electricity) bills. I received a bill of 295 QR in May, 883 QR in June and 1250 in July. My family is same & we havent changed our routine across the different months. Is this normal? Because its affecting my expenditure plan. I can afford it but am worried it might increase further.
The water bill is the highest, reading 199 QR of the 295 in May, 653 of the 883QR and same for July.
Your experiences will be highly appreciated
Thank u for all your quick responses
Go to kahrama my friend....
Good Luck
in some cases,meter reader does'nt come - he will just assume then after 3 months, will be the actual reading.
Yes they have increased their Tariffs recently. You have to check with them for the arbitrary billing techniques.
The same happen to me but the subsequent month, the bill came down & this month I am on the watch.