Recently asked questions

Why my question cloumn is not showing the recently asked questions, all the time these question are there,
"How much a car like chevy aveo for rent for 1 year?•
Where can i buy Voip credit•
Help Me plzzzzzzzzz•Help Me•
anybody know about MBA in Qatar?•
do you know what is the contact number of pizza dilivery? •
does anyone have a Nintendo Wii for sale???•
Why they are closing Bars ??•
It could be me???????.
Your help please.
Same problem here!!! its been like that since last thursday.
Same here with me on Questions and New Forums.
I have seen the same as you and I would say "there is a glitch in the update".
But in the end the admins/mods will have to answer to you (I guess)
I am as confused as you are.