QL's best beard award

By verisimilitude •
Owing to some negative press on beards through this week on QL by the forum topic 'Beard - A sign for terrorist'
I thought we should end the week with a positive spin on the innocuous beard by getting some... ahem... 'celebrity endorsement'...
Please pick your favourite QLer beard... sorry I couldn't pick everyone but I tried to pick what I thought would be the top 9 and listed them randomly...
By verisimilitude at 2009-08-06
I think he looks smashing...
Yeah amazing, as in 'yuck'. Pls forget about beauty business :D
but its amazing what one trim job did to speed isn't it!!
LOL.. The Taliban style..
By verisimilitude at 2009-08-08
PS... its Qatari style now :-))
I'm seriously considering voting for SPEED.. Mmm.. The beard needs some trimming and the moustache isn't well-defined.. Nah..I'll vote for tallg.
Masha'allah, a beard suits you quite well :-)
By verisimilitude at 2009-08-08
Anyhow, in reality I do have one :-)
Looks like your picture is going to win pajju his first QL award...
lol Big Competition going on here ;)Pajju the picture I took is nominate here for big competition MABARUK pajju
सोनम दि नेपाली बाबु
Damn....I'm disappointed with my witch doctor, she told me that after my surgery, everybody would find me handsome. I was a fool to have believed her
You're right.. The jam jar bottoms complement the facial hair, whilst taking the focus away from the hary legs...
My vote goes to you, with SAMAEL coming a clos second..
lol novi.. 'sense of humour too' :)
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
lol verisi ... did not know that you have a sense of humour too ...
Are you sure that's a wig...?
If it is, then you get docked points for artificial enhancements... rules are rules...
And I'll make them as I go along :-D
too late... maybe you can get next years QLBA award
this year you get the QLFGBA (QL's fastest Grown Beard Award)
cant help it ! :(
stop eyeing up my long legs!
should have a vote for male QLer with longest leg :P
verice anyway wots the price ? :)
rebel hmmm why ? lol
I also think I should be given extra credit for offsetting the beard with a stunning wig and glasses combination, which complement it perfectly.
the female vote factor as expected is favoring genesis' hunky but aggressive look
Salax' and EMN's are doing neither any favors because their identical looks are splitting their respective vote banks thereby loosing out to other bolder and more innovative looks
Greeker is losing out as voters are confused where the moustache ends the beard starts and where the beard ends and the hair starts...
Tallg's authenticity factor was expected to be cancelled out by Pajju and EMN's authentic photographs. But with EMN bogged down by Salax and Pajju's blonde moustache taking away the emphasis from his goatie... Tallg is taking full toll
Johnpur... the initial leader and only contestant who has campaigned actively... has been disqualified, after confessing to having surgery done by a witch doctor
Summary... Tallg and Genesis are too close to call... Pajju is the dark goat/horse...
But its just past 5 and with lady votes coming in... its anyone's guess...
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
my vote for pajju
By verisimilitude at 2009-08-06
i like genesis' beard .... it is sooo cool :P
Speed abd Xray is not nominated because they dont got beard .... right ; )
admission criterias are very very stringent
can you guess why speed and X-ray didn't make it? :-p
By verisimilitude at 2009-08-06
y speed n X-ray is not nominated?
lol EMN veris :)
yes me too :)
that's his blonde moustache...
obviously i vote for me
johnpur said,"I'm disappointed with my witch doctor, she told me that after my SURGERY"
Johnpur is disqualified for using surgical procedures to enhance his appearance... this isn't just some Miss California paegant... its dead serious stuff!!
dammm....... i would have grown a little if you told me before.
how come pajju has his beard on the head???
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
Its a close fight...
johnpur might win inspite of being docked ten votes!!!
lol super thread :)
I think extra credit should be given for beards that actually belong to the person in real life.
lmao! Quality thread.
I thought the Salman Khan factor with the goatie look would have earned him more votes!!
I didn't realize exactly how bad johnpur was until i clicked on his profile and saw the full size photograph there... yuck!! :-x
the braces and the lips... actually everything except the beard... appalling!!!
none of them top the suspension bridge beard
your kid is not the only one who got scared at johnpur at first glance. scared the hell out me as well LOL.
my vote's on johnpur (clap, clap, clap) :op
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
I promise my dear, since I'm stuck here at the office, you won't be disapointed anymore
John , its a weekend , was hunting for a sponsor.. hope u wont disspoint me..lol
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
My vote for Mr.watdapak ;)
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
is a hairless blondie.
she doesnt have any beard.
Johnpur, with pony tail was stupendous, less good also.
Any day!
besides, I don't qualify. My alien head is devoid of facial growth. Even the green kind...
.........my vote goes for Qatari :o).........
Gypsy's comment... 'torn between tallg and genesis'
I knew female votes would swing things in favor of genesis...
said johnpur scares him...
I dock jonpur ten votes for that
"(in case you are wondering, this photograph is reproduced with Gypsy's consent)"
lol !!!
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
for using performance enhancing substances
(in case you are wondering, this photograph is reproduced with Gypsy's consent)
By verisimilitude at 2009-08-05
better grow my beard more
Damn that photoshop!!! (shakes fist at the air)the doctor told me it was legal!
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I'm torn between tallg's & genesis.
I would nominate them for 'Most Wanted' ROFL
Thank God we don't have beards!
Gottaa go with Greeker for sheer volume, though Pajju comes a close second.