Visa not stamped, RP not received; NOC Required?
One of my friends had to return within a month of arrival in Qatar. He had completed his medical tests (blood, x-ray, blood group) and fingerprinting, but had not signed the contract with his sponsor. He had not received his residence permit (RP) nor was the Qatari visa stamped on his passport. He had to leave on an emergency. Would he require an NOC if he were to come back to work for another company?
I haven't signed any contract yet with my employer.
Anyone can help me? I was hired under sponsorship. After two months arriving here in qatar i decides to go home due to my health conditions. I am done medical and finger pront but no visa rp yet stamped on my passport . Can i go home without noc?
Anyone can help me? I was hired under sponsorship. After two months arriving here in qatar i decides to go home due to my health conditions. I am done medical and finger pront but no visa rp yet stamped on my passport . Can i go home without noc?
the only form of "contract" i signed from my employer is the employment offer.. i signed a contract from my home country BUT it was stamped SAMPLE. fingerprinting, medicals were done and got the rp. is the employment offer a sort of contract?? does i still need to have noc to get back??
he's still needs an EXIT PERMIT from his sponsor.. he will be band from qatar for 2 yrs even if there's no visa stamp on his passport.
How could you say he not signed the contract. How many contract does he had? Once you started the formalities of medical,figer printing, etc. means your contract is already forwarded & accepted by labour & immigration dept. So you need a EXIT PERMIT to get out of Qatar. NOC is also required if ever you want to enter Qatar in next 2 years. Simple as that my friend.
How could you say he not signed the contract. How many contract does he had? Once you started the formalities of medical,figer printing, etc. means your contract is already forwarded & accepted by labour & immigration dept. So you need a EXIT PERMIT to get out of Qatar. Simple as that my friend.
I'm not so sure as the others replying to you. if the process has started getting an RP you might need to get an NOC before being able to get an RP from a new Company.
You will never know before you try it out yourself.
No NOC not required but he need the exit permit from the sponsor
Good Luck
NO. NOC is not required.