cheater filipina

Any concern person,
I have a friend working in Qatar. She came in qatar by One lady recruiter, she's filipina. But this lady recruiter is a cheater. She told my friend that she gonna use Freelancer Visa,which the amount is 20,000qtr including ticket, her job will be a freelancer, offered by this lady recruiter and she will be earn like 5,000qtr - 6,000qtr/month. thats why my friend grabbed this kind of job. she was willing to pay this kind of visa when she thought that she gonna earn this 5-6,000qtr/month. But she found out that her visa is a KADAMA visa, and any time the police will catch her. now, she's worried and she tried to talk to the lady but this lady told her that she has no choice but to pay her the amount of 20,000qtr or 3,000 monthly. or "else there will be something bad happen to your family" bec she's muslim and she can do anything she wants in phil.
For concern people, please help my friend bec she's working not for the benifits of her own but for this lady. Now this lady still working in qatar as ticketing agent in [deleted by mod] in tours, even she's using a KADAMA visa. my friend gave me the no. of this lady, [deleted by mod] . or you could check the [deleted by mod] office that she's working there even she's using Kadama visa.
I'm sorry for that. I made mistake to posted the name of the company. and for posting here in qatar living. bec. i just thought that only this website could hear this kind of thing. and no other way coz i wasn't there.
Something she must have done before jumping into the plane to Doha, like verifying all travel documents especially Visa. Again its wise to have you job contract in place before hand
I agree.
Happyhappy...yes they are, and I do believe "peopleconcern" the orig poster of this thread can seek a better advise from the Embassy regarding their issues, since both of them are Filipinos.
Is your embassy in constant contact with your community in Doha?
Happyhappy, so true sister, and it really breaks my heart everytime I read a negative articles about a Filipinos in the paper.
WE Filipinos are too showy, not all, but perhaps the majority, that are enough to catch other people's eye.
This thread is one example, this problem can be settled somewhere, and not airing in a public forum like this. I haven't read any thread in QL about a British, or any Egyptian, complaining a fellow Egyptians and giving personal details that he cheated me, he took my money, and blah blah blah. And you see, it really reflects the whole Filipino community *sigh* really *sigh* :(
Apple...true .. my eyes also do catch them...but poor me their eyes never caught
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
I think every community has sick people within, I just don’t like Filipinos being targeted in the press and other media, there are times were Egyptians are in the spot lights too, badly!!..:)
I agree, and I have no clue why many are so down on my fellow Filipinos. It's ridiculous and very racist.
I've also noticed that the inciting and stirring sometimes come from within their community, not necessarily by other nationalities.
Salam concerned was the infos she posted on here. It wont do any help to her friend instead may put her at risk in trouble of being caught. And just to remind her the right place to complain for such issues, incase they dont know. But appreciate the mod for a quick replies to edit her post.
There maybe or may not truth behind her claims, but saying we Filipino Muslims can do whatever we wants in our country is just so untrue and purely non-sense. Anyway, I am giving her the benefit of the doubt for saying that. No offense here. :)
Here and in philippines...
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Some people would want to find any outlet to make their voice heard, I cannot judge their circumstance, but all I can do, is to make sure no one is slandered or endangered by publishing their personal info, as the poster's claim may or may not be fake.
Novi, yes, I've never heard of free lance visa, only on QL, never at immigration.
I second........
This is not the right place for your friend to complain. Take her to the police station and file a complaints against that woman. And did you ever think that the more you put her at risk by posting personal infos here? Do you think the company she works are happy to learn that you are spreading in a public forum about them hiring employees under kadama visa? tsk tsk
And WTH is this???.....
""or else there will be something bad happen to your family" bec she's muslim and she can do anything she wants in phil.""
Please get your facts straight first. WE Muslim cannot do anything what we want in the Philippines, Otherwise, you won't find me here in Qatar. Get it? :)
Lock this thread or delete personal info and phone numbers please.
there are no such things as freelancer visa ....
My dear report to POLICE about this whole case. Nobody can help u in this regard. if u have proofs or any audio recording in which that lady is threatening or revealing her EVIL plans then she can be prosecuted and your friend might get official help both in QATAR & in home