Beware the High Street coffees ..

Beware the High Street coffees with 25% of your daily calories.
Iced coffee drinks sold by High Street coffee shops can contain up to a quarter of a woman's daily calorie allowance.
One of the worst offenders adds up to a whopping 561 calories.
Experts recommend the average woman should consume no more than 2,000 calories a day, while the daily limit for men is 2,500 calories.
A quick coffee break could see a woman unwittingly getting through up to a quarter of her daily intake, while a man would be getting a fifth.
Starbucks' summer special Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino with whipped cream is the most fattening, with 561 calories.
The whipped cream topping alone equates to around 100 calories.
And a 254ml 'tall' size (the smallest on offer) contains 369 calories.
However, a tall iced coffee has just three calories - making it the healthiest option tested. A 591ml large, or 'venti', iced coffee has just five calories, says the charity World Cancer Research Fund.
At Caffe Nero, a large serving of Double Chocolate Frappe and Mocha Frappe Latte with semiskimmed milk each came in at 483 calories. Switching to a 'skinny' version made with skimmed milk was only marginally better, at 452.
However, again there were healthier options, with an Iced Latte containing 117 calories. At Costa Coffee the 'massimo' (large) Coffee Frescato contains 332 calories-while the small 'primo' version is 199 calories.
While the stores will not disclose the exact recipe of their drinks, it is thought cream and full-fat milk accounts for around a third of the calories, with the remainder coming-from the sugary fruit syrup used for flavouring.
Dr Rachel Thompson, of the WCRF, urged coffee lovers to go for low-calorie options instead. She said: 'The fact that there is an iced coffee on the market with over a quarter of a woman's daily calorie allowance is alarming.
'This is the amount of calories you might expect to have in an evening meal, not in a drink.
'Having these type of drinks as an occasional treat is unlikely to do you any harm. But if you are having them regularly then they will increase the chances of you becoming overweight, which in turn increases your risk of developing cancer, as well as other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
'As a general rule, if you want to have a coffee, go for an unsweetened version with skimmed or semi-skimmed milk as this is likely to contain fewer calories.
'It is also worth steering clear of ones that contain lots of cream or sugary fruit syrups as these tend to be higher in calories.'
frappuccino with whipped cream.. yummy..
Thank You ! Good advise....heeding it is another story.
Shouldn't be a problem for those blue collar jobs.
" ..mAny aRe cAllEd, but fEw ArE ChOoSen.."
watering ........may be once a way i need to forget or keep the calories aside
Wasn't this posted a day or two back?