Sordid reality behind Dubai's gilded facade..

Construction halted, westerners jailed for adultery - but prostitutes do well !!
Construction halted, westerners jailed for adultery - but prostitutes do well !!
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Well the article says that when asked Emerati officials about the issues they refused to answer his questions. So it's hard to present opinions from both sides when one side want talk!
Usually such an article requires opinions from both sides. But in this case it looks like not only he has failed to do so, but spent too much time with pros!
Hmmm...unfortunately Liddle (who I normally enjoy reading) has ruined what could be a good article about the issues Dubai has and what the authorities are (or aren't) doing about it. By trying too hard to make it humorous he has come across as just another Western journalist picking on the rumours and stereotypes of Dubai. Even if they're true, his chosen tact is poorly chosen and ultimately undermines the point of the article.
why are the British so pissed off at Dubai, is the love of south asian labour or dislike pf prostitution? OR bcoz there isn't much money to make any longer.
oops! in fact I did search before posting!Sorry..
Old - already posted before....
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