MODS are being partial with the members this thread was created on on Tue, 21/07/2009 - 7:31am ....and one more thread on same topic was created on Tue, 21/07/2009 - 7:48am ...nearly 15mins later to the previous one...
how cum my post is deleted and was asked to move to the other one though the contents of both post is same...only coz the creator of the later post is sr. and more popular to QL my post is deleted????
i dont have objections with the other members but with mod...its unfair!!!!!
[mod note:
Thank you for your false accusation.
The truth is that even though the other thread was posted after yours it had accumulated significantly more comments by the time the moderator had spotted they were duplicates.
So it made more sense to close yours.
It could be that the other thread received more comments because the creator is senior and more popular, but that is not the moderators fault.]