What's a Male Mistress?
Before anyone jumps from their seat and react, I just wanna know what's the "male equivalent" of the word "MISTRESS"? :-D
You know: the masculine word equivalent to "woman having sexual relations on a regular basis and being supported by man not her husband"?
Automatically, one would say "MASTER"?...right?
Checked the dictionary myself...it's not. And I also noticed that words for a promiscuous woman are invariably derogatory, but words for a promiscuous man are frequently perceived as compliments: stud muffin, Romeo, ladies’ man.
One explanation I read states that: "The reason for this tendency of feminine words to take on negative, sexual connotations is the cultural attitude that men are human beings for whom sex is only one aspect of their existence, while women cannot be thought of apart from sexual functions."
I suppose the male equivalent of “mistress” in the sense of “kept woman,” must be “kept man.” or a "histress" maybe?
What say you?
but sorry...you won't get it from me :-P
I earn my Masters degree in Biochemistry or Microbiology. every time I got to change the diapers of my daughter, surely there is lots of output to be study.
I got some adult diapers in case you need them..
Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning.
Men are not so vain......to be Histress!!!
But then we do any job as long as we get paid....lol
It makes no different of whether mistress is male or female. Especially for female on the age groups of 50 and above prefers young male for mistress for the agressiveness and stimina. Not really love. Can't get no Satisfaction in short, and naturally with some husbands who have loss out his fire power sooner in age than expected.
Than I have to be a Male Mistress to become to know and comeout the idea by feeling and touching and everything
Who want to keep me?????
Hope you are not interesting me.
in Biochemistry or Microbiology...
English Lit? I took them in high school and college...BORING :-P
Research and develop this word
You might get MA or PhD in English lit
I'm sure the other Qlers would love to know that...
Another name for the mistress in Canada is a true " tree-hugger."
You could add it to your vocabulary.
About "Sharmuta"?
Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning.
Paramour can be used to describe both male and female "mistresses"
would be more like a playboy...
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
...I doubt the Male Mistress can be associated with the same kind of pain and guilt and shame associated with a female one...Just thinking out loud.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
im at a lost for words now... :P
Well known to fit that definition..
BTW: I'm available if any rich ladies are looking....
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
I'd have to go with Gigolo or Kept Man really
Gigolo or just plain lover
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
coz I'm not one...even though you called me one...
thanks for the brief bio though :D
I thought of that word automatically...then check the dictionary.
Try again...lol
I been married for over 5 years already, I believe the only people who "PIMP ME" are my wife and my 2 kids "LEGALLY."
Yes , I do live and work in Qatar for the last 5 years and proudly to said "I'm a happy "Canadian" or "canuck" like our cousins in the south will name us.
About you?
Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning.
Master !
so it's YOU "naming others with different names"...
And you're still deviating from my topic....ain't that so bitchy of you? ...lol
What happens when you ran out of words?
You start naming others with different names.
In Qatar they should publicly announce everywhere "Swimming is allowed at your own risk" in the beaches of Qatar. Too many female man-eater Sharks threading in shallow waters....
Who is Red Pope?
Is he your red piper?
Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning.
for promiscuous woman and only 65 words to define a promiscuous man?
YUP!!! I agree :-)
Its equivalent to "Husband at home, Boyfriend Abroad". True in some sense as all of us, I mean all of us cannot leave without it..applicable to both male and female.
characterless gigolo...who does it without money... ;-)
eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)
no one needs pimping around here...I don't know about you, though.
Anyways, stick to the(my) topic or I'll bitchslap you silly (joke) ;-P
a man living on the earnings of or supported by a woman; which happens to be the closest word to the word mistress.
And I agree to that "gigolo" seemed sounding like a "compliment". ;P
I would not spent no time what so ever pimping your character, You already are pimping other MUTANTS!
Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning.
...totally ;) Btw,the opposite of Mistress is not gigolo as someone mentioned above. Gigolo is the male word for a prostitute.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
that's why it's fun to know what the other's think. :-)
still have the feminine touch...lol
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
and what would entice the green-minded would be anything pertaining to sex and/or relationships (aka LOVE)...lol
Me...gosh,,how do you know?
researching all this huh??? lol :)
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
Cockroach! :P
for the female gender...not fair :-)
he's called the bitch since we are in the Gay era