Visa procedure in qatar

Hai friend i am in business visa now i need to change it as work visa(RP).Actually i have not done the MEA attestation in india, but i have got the attestation from Indian embaasy qatar in the copies of my certificate.PLease let me know in qatar foreign affairs will they attest only if the original is attested or will they issue if the copy is attested by Indian embassy in qatar.Please advise.
Also i need to apply spouse visa, understand that first our marriage certificate to be attested from MEA in India then the same has to be showed in Indian embassy and get attested then to ministry of foreign affairs qatar once everything is done we can apply for visa. or shall we do the same in India by get the MEA attestation and get the attestation from qatar embassy in qatar after that we can apply for visa directly . If the two options are right please let me know your valuable advise.