If you must choose between kidney or child

SARGODA, Pakistan -- Mohammed Iqbal said he has been told by his landlord to pay up on debts and is left with a choice facing others in this impoverished corner of Pakistan: Sell your children or a kidney.
For the 50-year-old Iqbal, there is only one option.
Despite a law passed in late 2007 banning transplants for money, he has decided to sell his kidney and has already been for pre-operation tests.
The sale will net him between $1,100 and $1,600.
Iqbal was not alone in facing this difficult decision. Others in Pakistan's rural heartland have opted to sell their kidneys.
One of them was Rab Nawas, who was deep in debt about a year ago to his landlord after borrowing money to pay for his wedding and to cover medical bills for his wife and six children. He, too, faced the choice: sell his children, his wife or a kidney.
This man's landlord forced him to pay off money he borrowed for his children's medical bills.
Praise God for all the blessings He poured on us!
mai lain pa!
Its a vicious circle.. They get what seems a large amount at the time.. However with a large family and virtualy no income, the money is soon gone and they're back in debt..
Drac said:
landlord's kidney!
good idea! :)
sell your kidney. And plenty of people survive on one kidney.
Very sad state of affairs in Pakistan :-(
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Such a sad reality. May they be rewarded in their after life. :(
I would sell my kidney - if God forbid I had to choose. I'd never give up my baby.
If $1000 is such a *huge* amount in the context of this article, how (or why) do people get into such a 'huge' amount of debt?
The sad thing is tha the "donor" gets a paltry amount. Its the Middle Men or Doctors that make the money..
I agree with Brit - I was upset to read this story... Can't imagine being in that situation, and we forget to count our blessings. I would have to opt for kidney too.. god forbid ever to be in such a situation - :(
Sell a child. You'll need both your kidneys.
And if you really need to sell a kidney, you can get a lot more than $1000 if you leave Pakistan.
Better yet, don't get into debt.
Sometimes we forget how fortunate we really are...
No one should have to make such a choice, but of the two, I ould opt for selling a kidney :o(