good relaxing massage, where can i find it?

By prince_of_tokyo •
I've been here for 2 1/2 weeks,and i'm hoping to find a good relaxing massage. My mind and body is tired because of work stress. I wanna take some time off,lay down relaxing having a massage. Is there a good massage here?
Hi Sir,
If u want a good massage call this number 5245144 @ any time
Hi Sir,
If u want a good massage call on this 5245144 @ any time
U R Not suppose to hijack this serious topic, OK ? :(
LoL lemme try - u BoZo !! :)
Rizky - you better make it on 24th. :(
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
hehehe Arien !!
but its not me who is asking for massage, give it to tat Japanese guy up there.
rMs, wat do u mean by again ? u mean not calling a Mallu , mallu again ? :)
Please !!!!!!!!! not again !! :(
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
yes we do .. you helmet head. but with our legs.. wana try?? come with your diapers on. lol
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Mallus !!
ya mallus are expert in giving Massages.
Infact we hav few here on QL who gives excellent massage, plz send PM to rMs, Pajju, Arien, Androoz and Ashwin....:)
Oh sh&t ..lots of mallus , leme get outa here
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Bella is not a Volley ball tat everyone can Hit ON...:(
He is also askin if you can be his date?
Ask him his sepcification..then we can suggest someone like
u started this job as well ? ;o)
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
lol FS
lool FS !!
dont be so rude...he is japanese...give him someone like Pajju..not like
i did the search and found the above result...:(
Do a search on QL and you will find many post on the same.
Industrial Area, St. No.10 till 40 - Many Massage centres in line.
Also, Doha Jadeed area u will find big big Massage giving people like Incredible Hulk.