Any Qatar Government Agency responsible for enforcing the issuance of health card to employees?
Bilfinger Qatar being the number 9 contractor in the world did not provide health card for their employees even workers requesting them. Is there any government agency responsible for enforcing the employers to provide health cards to their employees? If there is, what this agency doing to make them comply?
The company provide the facility for you to issue health card according to the law of Qatar its your right as a resident and employee, but they don't have to go and do it for you unless they are paying for private health insurance such as QIC other wise the employee should go by themselves to the health center in the area they live and apply for health card it will be made at the time you submmit the application and you will receive a "health card that will last for the same period as in your Id card" you must bring with you (ID CARD, Qr 100, 3 passport pictures) thats it!! (its just like issuing ur driving licence, or phone contract)
first, is it stated in your contract?
second i believe its minitry of labour & work. beside american hospital.