Shock Tactics - Would they help?
To say that traffic accidents, road safety, and driving practices in Qatar have been discussed a lot, is an understatement. People openly comment that the driving in Gulf countries is some of the worst in the world. Policing it doesn't seem to have much of an effect, although there could always be an improvement on this.
It makes me wonder, developed countries are inundated with graphic images, harsh messages, and realistic consequences when it comes to road safety campaigns. In other words, they use shock tactics to try and get the message to people. While the driving anywhere is not perfect, the types of road behaviour that seems to be apparent in Qatar, is not as common everywhere else. Are these shock tactics perhaps having an effect? Obviously as Qatar is a conservative country, the use of shock tactics would most likely never be implemented, but should it be? Would shock tactics be worth the public backlash if one person's life was saved?
Here are some commercials that feature regularly on TV during prime time viewing. They are intended to reach the masses, and they are intended to cause horror.
they r already shocking ppl by charging huge amount of violation.....and digging up the busy road for no reason.....
isnt that shocking enough?
today u drive thrugh ur normal route...tommorrow that road is closed"traffic diverted use so and so round about"
signal at the R/a isn't this the best shocking tactic?
My boss told me " you are fired"
I told him " boss i didnt hear the shot"
Shock tactics don't work in this region. I have seen similar campaigns in Saudi without having any real affect.
Its an ego thing. Most of us believe that we are the best drivers and the best lovers.. :O)
were used in Qatar till sometime back. They were the posters depicting gruesome accident images pasted all over the place.
Lusitano and Mr.Paul - We also need to consider the maturity of a system to discuss the relative merits. Comparing Qatar to US or any other developed nation is not fair. Qatar is still an infant when it comes to traffic systems. And no wonder 'traffic' itself is a new concept here. Having said that,I think they are doing pretty well.
MissX - IMO,We don't need to shock anyone here.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Won't work here, the teens will laugh and say that it look funny.
After watching so many of movies, they have been desensitized.
Ms. Meanie
Education and the degree of civilized behavior (somehow influenced by culture) play a huge role!
I have never seen so much disrespect, aggression and misconduct in any other country like on the roads in Qatar.
The strange thing is that they don't act like this when they are not driving!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I started this topic because I thought it might start somewhat of a debate on whether shock tactics actually work. Yes, there seems to be a little more driving courtesy in other counties, but do shock tactics play a part, or is it for other reasons? See, there is the argument that shock tactics do not work, because the people who actually speed etc, do so believing nothing bad will happen from it. They see the ads, and they do not relate it to themselves, because of the immediate defense mechanism "that won't happen to me". They acknowledge that horrifying accidents do happen, but only to other people.
funny enough that is all Qatari police do, as well!
This country's authorities have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go to achieve that kind of logic and rational thinking and developing and implementing any meaningful tactic to solve any existent problem.
Come here and see it by yourself, you would not believe the non-sense!
asses and actually go out and catch offenders.
All the Bahraini traffic police do is operate the signal boxes when a VIP is travelling round, or fill out accident reports at a crash.
Its called 'pro-active policing' not 're-active' like they seem to think it is in this region...
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
how many of those guys atch TV over here?
I say SHOCK them, better then been dead or seriously injured - SHOCK them