Scientists grow sperm in laboratory

London: In a world first, British scientists have grown human sperm in the laboratory.
The breakthrough in stem cell science offers a potential cure for male infertility and could be used in IVF clinics in as little as five years.
It would allow thousands of men to father children that are genetically their own, possibly from just a sliver of their skin.
But the cutting-edge work is fraught with medical and ethical problems. It raises the possibility of babies being born entirely through artificial means, and even the macabre scenario of long-dead men 'fathering' children from beyond the grave.
Exactly pajju . :)
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
There wont be any demand for this procedure!==>
and some of us are really having a hard time.. LOLZ
bad news for us men ;oP
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
that comes to mind for us women is now give us a robot who can fix the car & the toilet and we're all set. ;-)
However, on a serious note, I do not feel that this is progress. As the mother of sons, I feel that down-playing the role of fathers is detrimental to raising the next generation of strong, healthy men. We do ourselves no favors with this "science".
lol FS :)
pajju you be are an endangered species now!! lol
Will have manufatcring deffects for sure.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
who needs men anyway? LOL! Ah yah, the pleasure, I forgot:)
yes on radio asia , :)
heard this today morning - Radio !
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
are we seeing the AI generation here soon??
yes, I was watching the story on CNN/bbc ,but I think its just like playing with nature, then the next generation will be born artifically , who can have only step fathers