Does the quran support Isreal?

By Roadtester

In the Qurran from what I have researched it says that all previous religious texts are to be revered then doesn't that support Isreal claim to their promised land?

O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Apostle, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Apostle and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who denieth Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Apostles, and the Day of Judgement, hath gone far, far astray (4:136 AYA).

We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them (3:84 AYA).

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 13:17

If the West, and in particular I am speaking about the responsible for adding to the problem, which is is...WHY hasn't the entire Middle East, Qatar included, banded together as a force and thrown its backing behind Palenstine, both financially and militarily?

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 13:16
Suhail S

Now Scarlett will go to Israel because that Govt will call her to help for them ...........


She is helping all the govt's around the world..


By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 13:15

Scarlett said QL, I never said i didn't want you to... ...

but what i DID disagree with is blaming the West for everything you think is wrong here. We actually aren't that all powerful...take responsibility for your own mistakes.


Check what this thread is about..

If you think that the zionists managed to take over Palestine by their own hands go and do some research.. Here are some clues for you: sykes-picot accord, Balfour declaration, Apache choppers, Merkava tanks.

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 13:15

please, one of your posts is MORE than enough

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By verisimilitude• 2 Jul 2009 13:14

Super Scarlett... before you go on your 'don't blame the West for Your problems routine', please consider that the US has pumped 3 trillion US$ in to Israel

The US IS the root cause of the problem

"The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion" is a summary of economic research done by Thomas R. Stauffer. Stauffer's summary of the research was published in the June 2003 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs."

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 13:13
Suhail S


Well said verisimiltitude..........

Scarlett the govt people were just waiting for your help so that you come and help them hahahahahahahahahh

There are many people working here for Govt...without any double standards in mind....we are loyal to them and talk good and stand with them for whatever conditions as they are my brothers and sisters of same faith and will run from here if things are not according to your Honey subject.....hahhaahahahah

Pity on you.....

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 13:12

you are doing what you accuse me of...taking money here in Qatar...does that make you any better than me? nope...

Have to give you credit had me laughing visualizing you with your last post, arms waving frantically, spittle flying...

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 13:11

genesis: "Do you think people who actually lives in Ramallah or even Gaza agree of your stand. They’re starving & want to survive. Do you know they curse Hamas daily for stopping the trade with Israel."

Nothing in the world justifies bombing children in the ways we saw them..

I still recall those awful images with children injured and scared and shot dead!!

By Straight Arrow• 2 Jul 2009 13:11
Straight Arrow

One syrian girl from Syria who was living in UK with her parents used this right

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 13:10

her Highness politely wrote our business a letter and made several visits to the US and invited us to do what was needed.

f you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By verisimilitude• 2 Jul 2009 13:09

"am not here for the honey..if I was looking for that, I would have chosen a very different place. I am here to help with what the Qatari government asked us to do...and because I truly believe in its end result...I came. I have come to love Qatar in the process...a great end result."

So how did this come to pass... the Government called you on the phone, shouted "Help" and then you put your cape on and flew over immediately is it?

Get real...

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 13:09

but what i DID disagree with is blaming the West for everything you think is wrong here. We actually aren't that all powerful...take responsibility for your own mistakes.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 13:08
Suhail S

We know your End Results ok....Still you are provided with opportunities to work here and you are paid for dont take as favor or anything ok....clear your are working here and get paid better than you are paid back close your diplomatic post now....

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 13:07

nicely said...

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 13:07

Scarlett said :"I am here to help with what the Qatari government asked us to do...and because I truly believe in its end result...I came. I have come to love Qatar in the process...a great end result."

Personally I'm happy that you and other educated and civilised expats are here to help modernise Qatar.

But please acknwledge our right to protect our values even if you think that they're hypocrite or unrealistic or whatever.

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 13:06
Suhail S


what a quote hahahaah.........Yes you are a real Love qatar hhhhhhuhhhh........

Helping people huuhhh.....Get lost ......Moron

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 13:05

yours seems to have its own problems and here you are, in doha, making a lot of money as well as the other expats...hmm what is that again? double standard?

Help the black african man out? Why? they are doing quite well on their own...they take their history in the US of slavery and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and made things better for themselves...they aren't sitting and whining about things as others do.

am not here for the honey..if I was looking for that, I would have chosen a very different place. I am here to help with what the Qatari government asked us to do...and because I truly believe in its end result...I came. I have come to love Qatar in the process...a great end result.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 13:03

I don't want you to give anything up...

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 13:02
Suhail S


Brother we have to invite them to the right path ok....its our duty to ALLAH....we are here for the examination and to preach the teachings of Prophet Muhammed (SAW).....If you cannot even open your mouth against this aggression, then its useless....

Sorry guys....

By genesis• 2 Jul 2009 13:02

Just to make things clear. I too reject the Zionists & their policies .And totally against the current Israeli government. I just don’t hate the Jews. Nor believe all that conspiracy theories we were fed for the last 60 years. Aren’t we fed up yet from blaming the west for all our tragedies. Why don’t we take things differently , and see how it works. Do you think people who actually lives in Ramallah or even Gaza agree of your stand. They’re starving & want to survive. Do you know they curse Hamas daily for stopping the trade with Israel. Who do you think Buys & import GAZA produce, the corrupted Hamas?. What Hamas is doing is wrong. They are brainwashing those people and increasing their tragedy.

As for your sarcastic question. No, it’s their own self. Because they got fed up with PLO

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 13:02

whatever-7.. Well said

The problem is that we're not in a perfect world.. some ppl are being oppressed and are suffering.. It's not humanly possible to pretend their misery doen't exist or to neutralize our feeling.

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 12:58
Suhail S

Read Quran and understand the meaning of it...then come and confront to us...Just picking some words and having silly controversial discussion is useless....its not in our faith....

You will always find our people defending each and other...All Muslim brothers and sisters are United and We will United....just keep THESE words in your Mind.....

Dont prove that you are better or whatever.......?????

ALLAH is there to Judge and whatever HATRED you are having for Islam and Muslims..please remove it ok....You are Dwellers of Hell......Fear ALLAH

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 12:57

Scarlett..we are getting along that's why you're here (and you're welcome)

The problem is (like western ancestors) you want us to give everything up.. Even when we say that we're unhappy with the injustice in Palestine you accuse us of being "intolerant"..duuh!!!

By Whatever-7• 2 Jul 2009 12:56
Rating: 4/5

Good day every body

I have been reading this thread for the last half hour, and when I came to the end I start laughing, for what has started as a simple religious question ended up in a political argument.

People, lets differentiate between Jews vs Israel and like wise Muslim vs Arab; hug differences are there.

To elaborate more; I am an Egyptian Muslim male; so it is my nationality, religion and gender. I respect Christianity and Jewish as a religion and as a true Muslim I should respect both.

I myself have one American friend and he is Jew; as well as lots of friends from different nationality their religion is Christianity.

We never had an argument because we know that no one is better to judge the others.

If there is one thing the 3 religion have in common, is that we believe in the existence of God and Judgment day; in that day, we will all stand in front of God and be judged for the good deeds and the bad acts; and I do not think that any of you consider him/herself without a sin.

On the other hand, I do hate the Israeli’s action towards Arabs for what they have done and what they are still doing, we have gone through several wars and I do not think that there is a house in Egypt that does not have at least one person who died in the war; so it is logical not to like them.

Finally, a question, why whenever Muslim, Christian, and Jew meet in one place everyone is trying to prove the others is wrong; mind you own religion, stick to what you believe in and try your best to look good on the judgment day.


By davina• 2 Jul 2009 12:55


By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 12:54

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 12:53
Suhail S

I AM A MUSLIM ...............i will always be there to die for the people of my faith and belief ok......

We never divide and rule like you people do....

Its better you go back...ok....Dont run after honey everywhere....why dont you do and help the black african people ..where there is nothing...??????????

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 12:50

Scarlett said so, QL... ...

If we use your analogy on a larger scale...then if the Middle East and the West don't get along...the entire world will collapse?


By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 12:50

then why don't you go back to India?

I don't pretend to be what I am not..I AM a good person with a good heart and mind. My attitude towards Middle Eastern people (OF WHICH YOU ARE NOT ONE!) is a good one. As I've said before...most people I've met here are nice and considerate.

so why don't you stop spouting your idiocy in public. Remember...a fools name like a fool's face, always ends up in a public place.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 12:47

genesis said Nisarshaukat ...

Just for the record, it’s the maronite( Christine Lebanese) who executed the sabra & shatila Massacre, not the jew ;)

Did they do it for the sake of Salafists?

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 12:46
Suhail S

[Mode note: Personal attack will result in banning you from the forum]

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 12:43

genesis..I was commenting on qatarisun's post.. If I merely said I'm qatari she/he would say yeah of Palestinian origin which is not the case..

Funny how some ppl resort to irrelevant ideas!

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 12:41

If we use your analogy on a larger scale...then if the Middle East and the West don't get along...the entire world will collapse?

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By genesis• 2 Jul 2009 12:41

would it matter, if you weren't "bint gbaayel"?

would that makes you less Qatari?...

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 12:36
Rating: 2/5

for your heart is blacker than your soul....which is pitch black.

And for the record... I don't support Israel...I think they are in the much for your judgement of me...moron...

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 12:36

qatarisun said : "Qatarilady doesn't represent QATARIS!!

she represents PALESTINIANS! She is palestinian not Qatari...

uf.. thanks it feels much better and more understandable..."

No my dear I'm a Qatari ( o bint gbaayel ba3ad!)

Ever heard of the Hadith: "A believer to a believer is like one body.. if an organ is injured the whole body collapses in fever?!"

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 12:36
Rating: 4/5

Here is what I know, and think.

There are two sides to this story

1 - Morally

I think 'the West' should give Israel and Palestina deadlines. 6 Months to disarm Hezbollah and 6 months for Israel to retreat from outside previously established borders. If not done. We will either

- Send a huge army there and invade Palestine as well as Israel and rearrange it under 'Martial Law'.

or, and this is more dramatic

- Throw an atomic bomb on this land, so there is nothing to fight for anymore.

2 - Religiously

And correct me if I am wrong here. God has ordered a diaspora to the Jews and the bible states that God will give the sign for the return.

Now, the treaties of 1918 en 1948, that instigated jews returning to Israel, by the Brits have been seen by Jews as "points of return", but who ever said the British are "Gods" so whom ever said this is the sign to justifies the return?

So, according to me religiously the 'diaspora' is still on.

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 12:32
Suhail S

Scarlett go to ur country and feed the israeli dogs there ok....dont represent them here...

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 12:30
Suhail S


Dont pretend to be good and you are here for supporting or helping please ok........Dont show off that much...

Your hearts are filled with Cunning and crooked thoughts and always you people are finding ways and implementing things to exploit Muslims around the world....

You are right as you said....It is better to keep a Dog rather than feeding people like you...Morons, shameless creatures on the earth...

Muslims are really good but you people irritate us by your so called thoughts and ideologies.....Double-standardness......It is right that you are people of...

WHERE HONEY IS you are thereeeeeeeeeeee

By genesis• 2 Jul 2009 12:28

Just for the record, it’s the maronite( Christine Lebanese) who executed the sabra & shatila Massacre, not the jew ;)

By qatarisun• 2 Jul 2009 12:28
Rating: 2/5

Qatarilady doesn't represent QATARIS!!

she represents PALESTINIANS! She is palestinian not Qatari...

uf.. thanks it feels much better and more understandable...


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 12:26

PM said : "What you have taught me today is how narrow minded and hateful some Qataris can be."

You really had me go and check in which thread we are :)

This thread is about the historical combat between Muslims and Jews/Zionists.

If you think that the zionists managed to take over Palestine by their own hands go and do some research.. Here are some clues for you: sykes-picot accord, Balfour declaration, Apache choppers, Merkava tanks.

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 12:24

Scarlett said: "NOW you've overstepped your boundaries...

How DARE you say I don't know what sacred land is."

If you do then why do you ask if the Isrealis are coming to Qatar?

You expect me to keep the cool just because the Israelis are in a remote place called Palestine?

By Nisarshaukat• 2 Jul 2009 12:20
Rating: 4/5

In western socities what you are doing, you made a woman like a product offered to sell. Woman are main figure and target of nightclubs, bars and wine shops. This is culture and values you are talking about This is the Islam that have given full rights to women to choose and select the way they like. Converging beauty is pride not a shame as in many European cultures practiced to have affairs with so many women and even after marriages offered their wives to share with other men. See the crime rates of rapes and murders in western countries and in Arab world Islam teaches peace, tolerance and patience. When you were living in dark ages Baghdad, Basra, Taskhand, Samarkand and Damask were centers of education, sconce and research. If you don’t know then do some study. Arabs brought justice, peace and human values to Europe. Unlike killing of millions of innocent people in Bosnia, Iraq and Palestine. See what is happened in Abu Gharib prison or Sabera or Shatela refugee camps.

By jonboy• 2 Jul 2009 12:06


I have lost the point of your thread? do you mean if one compares Muslim and European ladies they are 100% polar opposites?

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 12:05

court over such a trivial thing as that.

Thats just a silly statement.


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 12:05

because I can't type anymore since I'm laughing so much at your ignorance and arrogance. Whatever in the world happened to being modest..and I'm not talking about clothing...

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 12:03

Qatarilady...NOW you've overstepped your boundaries...

How DARE you say I don't know what sacred land is...I am part native American Indian...I KNOW what its like to have our lands taken from us..moreso than you do, you judgemental woman. Why do you think you are so far above everyone else?? I didn't see God/Allah hand set a pedestal for you to live upon.

I also take offense to saying that I live in a materialist society...and Qatar isn't??? Take a good look around many Lamborghinis, Mercedes, Land Cruisers, Jaguars, you see in one afternoon? Get off your high horse and smell the coffee. You are such a victim of propaganda that its humorous...

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Straight Arrow• 2 Jul 2009 12:00
Straight Arrow

If a girl is not allowed by her parents to see her boy friend she will go to the court and report her parents for example.

If you want to compare Muslim ladies with European ladies right you will loose 100 %

I am confident.

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 11:56

genesis said qatarilady ...:"I can’t wait for YOU to see the elected Advisory council. Boy, you would really be surprised. Do you really think it’s a win-win for the salafists? What about the liberals"

I'm not a salafist I'm actually a liberal :)

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:54

makes more sense that way.

Guess I've never understood why people hate other people just because of who they are...never made any sense to me at all.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 11:54

Scarlett said so the Jewish people are now ...

coming into Qatar?? ohh dear..

Not coming to Qatar Thank God but they're in "our land" (Palestine) killing our men, our women and our children..

you cannot see the logic in it because you're been raised in a materialist society in ultra-nuclear families.. so you don't know what a sacred land means and you don't empathize with other ppl when you're sitting in the comfort of your homes

By bleu• 2 Jul 2009 11:52


I meant that if you want to generalize and say "we hate them", I'd generalize and say "they hate us" ...

Both sentences probably need "some of" added on both sides of the word "hate" :P

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:47

it was either the Jews or Westerners that caused that, right, QL? couldn't have been the Arabs doing it on their own...could it?

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 11:44

PM said :"Yes a thousand years ago that is true about Arabs ...

So tell me, QatariLady, what happened? I'm sure it has something to do with America -- even though it was more than 500 years before we became a nation :-)"

I mentioned that in another thread..When Arabs lost faith and immersed in wordly pleasure lost their hard-earned civilisation.

By jonboy• 2 Jul 2009 11:44

QL. you're joking right??

From what I was taught, it was the Romans that brought justice and civilisation to Europe, not the Arabs. The only thing the Arabs have brought to Europe, is money...

And whilst I am been told to thank the Arabs for the principles and values that live today, well would these be,

• Have as many wives as you like because that is the only way the men can get around adultery.

• Keep your ladies in doors and don't allow them to work or be educated (although I appreciate this is changing slowly)

• Suppress them and make them cover themselves head to foot, regardless of their opinion. And whilst we are at it make them walk 3 steps behind when we are out in the street.

• Don't allow the women to mix with the men for fear of someone being sexually aroused.

• Treat ANYONE who is not an Arab with contempt, and discriminate against them.

Do I need to go on? these are the values I see every day in Doha, at work!, out shopping and up at Education City.

I think it is fair to say that there is good and bad in every race, creed and nation, but do not be misguided in thinking that the Arab culture is the ‘promised land’ above all others' for principles and values...

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:44

You are respresentative of what I know most Qataris to be like.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:43

coming into Qatar?? ohh dear..

f you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 11:40

Scarlett said: " Why do you think westerners are "taking over your houses"? Sounds like a bit of a paranoid attitude."

Check what this thread is about.. It's not ABSOLUTE hatred..but we hate injustice

By genesis• 2 Jul 2009 11:40

I can’t wait for YOU to see the elected Advisory council. Boy, you would really be surprised. Do you really think it’s a win-win for the salafists? What about the liberals, ever heard of them? What about the Shia’s? The Yemenis? Anyways, I’m sure in the first election everyone will be voting for their cousins, despite their ideology. Which is no different than the existing advisory council

P.s:you might be representing 40% of Qataris,Not all

I'm a Qatari. And i find "some" of your posts, very hateful

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:34

That was my thought exactly...only you put it so well..

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:32
Rating: 2/5

how can you say we are all here for the money...I dont' know HOW many times I've told you morons that spout that gibberish...the Qatari government ASKED us to come help with the business we are working with. My lifestyle isn't any different than it was in the States.

And most Muslims ARE nice to us...however its those like you and Suhail that are making such a bad impression on people.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By qatarisun• 2 Jul 2009 11:31
Rating: 2/5

my 2 cents..

..someone mentioned that western governments support Israel because they don’t want jews to live in their countries.. so here you go. We can see the same motive in supporting Palestine by the arab governments. They just don’t want tons of miserable hungry refugees in their countries, thats’ why they prefer to give them money..

..may be I wrong.. but it looks quite reasonable to me..


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By lookinghere04• 2 Jul 2009 11:29

some people are used to biting the hand that feeds them or spitting in the same plate from which they eat, dont expect ethics, moral, values from them.

they are here for money, hatred for muslims is filled in their hearts, no matter how nice muslims are to them but......

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:28

so you have no right to even address me on any issue.

f you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:27

goodness. Why do you think westerners are "taking over your houses"? Sounds like a bit of a paranoid attitude.

I don't have an issue with who Qatar supports...that's up to the indivual country.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 11:24
Suhail S


please at least you dont talk about Arrogancy...???? Being a US dont say that..ok....

I know what i am and better than you you ...... Why not crawl back under your rock...

You people only critisize Islam and Muslims around the world....what have you done until now...

Some says Arabs are whiter than white..????????

Arab countries are providing opportunities to you people and you people instead of thanks giving attack on their culture, religious values......

A SHAME on you people.......people with no ethics....

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 11:23

Scarlett.. Do you think our government is supporting "Hamas" because they're afraid of them?

No but because they have a just cause and 99% of Qataris hail this support and it's one of the major things that make the Qatari ppl proud of the government.

you think I don't represent most Qataris? Wait until you see the elected Shura'll be surprised!

The Qataris, myself included, are nice and generous but we will not let anyone take over our houses and expect us to be tolerant and live in the back yard.

By qatarisun• 2 Jul 2009 11:21
Rating: 2/5

hey, poor Starving Israeli Dog, you are picked! don't expect to be fed from 2 houses!!

this is a greed...


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:21

And let me guess...if you were picked up by the CID, you'd be so happy to be sent back home because you are loyal to this country???

We have the ability to be loyal to our employers whether or not they are Muslim. What difference does that make? Why drag religion into this? We are not scared of accepting anything but we DO have our own beliefs, so why are you trying to change that? Are you scared of us?

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By DaRuDe• 2 Jul 2009 11:21

no its the world starving to get just in contact with Israel

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 11:20

So tell me, QatariLady, what happened? I'm sure it has something to do with America -- even though it was more than 500 years before we became a nation :-)

And what happened to those Arab principles and values of justice and civilization in the Middle East?




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 11:19
Suhail S


Better check your country will find many...!!

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:17

I'm not being picky..its called putting together a puzzle with the pieces being given here. Not a pretty picture either. Sad because most of the Qataris I know, and that's quite a few,(most of them extremely high up in this society) are kind and lovely people.

Suhail...nice attitude. Why not crawl back under your rock.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By lookinghere04• 2 Jul 2009 11:16

i dont see qatarilady showing hate against anyone, its just that support for muslims/islam is an invite to bashing on QL.

Everybody wants peace, you give ur house for someone to stay out of pity, since he does not have shelter and that same person throws you out of your own house, you cry at the doorstep to give ur house back and the world calls u Terrorists. This is the story of Palestine.

for people who talk Peace, Islam stands for Peace but you cannot offer peace to oppressors, because of too much love, people take advantage of it, hate towards oppression is nothing wrong.

Anyways, Qatarilady be ready for some bashing on QL, its not far that people will start calling u a terrorist for your belief.

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 11:15
Rating: 4/5
Suhail S

These are the people who forget that they are earning they bread and butter working for Muslims and are still not Loyal to them. They are scared of accepting the things mentioned in Quran; what is Haram and what is Halal.....If they do so..they will find their lives difficult to them. Boozing around which is their common practice; woman without Veils, revealing their bodies to strangers, they cannot accept this....The only things is they critizise the Muslims around the world and putting restrictions on them....

Read the comments whatever is posted dont pick the controversial topic ok......and stress on it and what you people are taught kindly respect every we do....doesn;t from where you come from; you are respected and paid for whatever you do for this country...which you may not find in your country....

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:15

ahh honey you are just getting worse...why did you not stop whilst you are ahead?

f you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By DaRuDe• 2 Jul 2009 11:14

Please Pick a Starving Israeli Dog!!!!!!!!

never seen a single starving Israeli.

wake up

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 11:14

jonboy said " as if the Arab world is whiter than white, quite the opposite actually..brilliant!"

Go back to history.. When Arabs were strong they brought justice and civilisation to Europe..When Europeans got strong they ripped ppls off..

Thank Arabs for the principles and values that you live today..

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 11:13

thank goodness that's not the majority of Qataris...

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 11:12
Rating: 2/5

And that is insulting to say we are not our government. Honestly, there isn't really much more to say to someone who has such a bad attitude towards my country, government and culture. What you have taught me today is how narrow minded and hateful some Qataris can be. Fortunately I can say that you don't represent all Qataris and I'll refrain from generalizing your people based upon your comments.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By DaRuDe• 2 Jul 2009 11:11

oh i am Zionist

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 11:09
Suhail S


QatariLady is not showing her HATRED ok....dont misjudge her....Westeners stress on their silly idiotic knowledge and Irritate and Frustrate otherssss.....

Please Pick a Starving Israeli Dog and feed him....which the Palestinians has already done and the world is seeing the results of that Feeding and Humanity shown towards those Once displaced people; who had no place to Hide on Earth.....

Why dont US/UK Take these Israeli Dogs there and Feed them and see the quick results.....

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 11:09

PM.. you're not your government.. huge capitalist corporations ARE your government not individuals who are busy working and don't realise what their government is doing to other ppls.

Scarlett.. The Quran teaches us to love and be kind to those who are fair to us but to resist injustice even if we got killed..Ever heard of the term "martyr"? it's in the Quran..

again..Please don't be picky when reading my posts.

By jonboy• 2 Jul 2009 11:08

"Believe me we don't hate you as individuals but as a nation westerners have earned a bad reputation"

clasic comment, as if the Arab world is whiter than white, quite the opposite actually..brilliant!

By Scarlett• 2 Jul 2009 10:59
Rating: 2/5

How thinly veiled you are Qatarilady. Inside that ohh so lovely PIOUS person, lies the heart of black stone.

How can you talk of bringing up your children piously in one thread and then come to another and spout all this hatred...and yes, it IS hatred...and intolerance. I have learned from other Qataris that the Koran that Islam encourages peace towards others, not hatred and bigotry.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 10:55

and not hate us. We elect our governments and while we may not support a specific administration (I certainly didn't vote for Bush and couldn't stand him), our governments do reflect us as a whole. I find that saying "I hate your government but not the people" a cop-out that is meant to soothe us while insulting us.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 10:48

PM.. I don't hate westerners please don't be picky when you read my posts..I hate injustice

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 10:41

So much hate to be spreading around first thing in the morning; hate for Westerners, hate for Jews ... am waiting to see who will be hated next.... :-(




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 10:30

Mr. Paul.. your post comes like a breeeze to this thread :)

You're right the war will continue until one party wins it over or the other just surrenders..don't see the latter coming

By anonymous• 2 Jul 2009 10:14

never be any peace in the world...


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 09:11

genesis said qatarlilady ...

you last comment is purely racist & disgusting..

Learn to distinguish between Zionists & Jews.

Care to clarify, why do you hate the Jew that much? i mean as a Qatari?

Most of the Jews now are Zionist..some of them live in Palestine and many others support them financially, militarily and politically (in the US and Europe)

There are a few who are anti-Zionism like the (Naturi Carta) that I respect.. but they're either a minority or "dormant".

Why as a Qatari I hate Jews/Zionist? Two reasons:

1-Because I'm a human being and don't like to see the painful pictures of what's happenning to other human beings. ( I don't think you had "neutral" feelings towards what was happening in Gaza a few months ago!)

2-Because I'm a Muslim and as all Muslims I view Palestine as a sacred land that belongs to believers not criminals of the world.

By genesis• 2 Jul 2009 09:01

you last comment is purely racist & disgusting..

Learn to distinguish between Zionists & Jews.

Care to clarify, why do you hate the Jew that much? i mean as a Qatari?

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 08:47

Suhail S said :"Why did Hitler slaughtered 6 Millions Jews....?????????"

For the same reasons all other nations expelled them.. Westerners now support them because they don't want them back in their countries.

Another question: Why did Hitler leave some alive? As he said himself: so the world sees why I was killing them!

I believe he had a good reason

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 08:36
Suhail S

Its in their blood....they are taught for all these worldly pleasures....

Muslims in Palestine trusted those Jews settlers when they were struggling for shelter. No one on earth provided them small space..Few of them Sold the land and most of them provided them with land for shelter so that they can stay there with their families and be honest to the masters of Land..the Palestenians....See what they have done in return to them....

Why did Hitler slaughtered 6 Millions Jews....?????????

ALLAH please provide SABR to the Palestenians and all the Muslims around the World...AMEEN

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 08:28

popcorngirl said :"Why is it so important?

Has it got oil and gas?


Typical westerner materialist!

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 08:27
Suhail S


What you Australians are doing there Hitting the people who are visitors to your country for education...This is what you are taught of...Keep it up...dont raise fingers on others ok....The rest is pointed towards yourself...

By Suhail S• 2 Jul 2009 08:24
Rating: 4/5
Suhail S

This disbelievers and wrong followers are used to their own Arrogant way of Disucssing on Islam....These westeners misinterpret the Holy Quran which is Unchanged since the beginning (not like the Bible; with so many changes)........

Any westener welcome to IRA (Mumbai) for open discussion on Christianity.....

Please dont prove that you are Arrogant and EvilDoers...which you certainly are.... Killing thousand of peoples around the world and calling others Terrorists....Invading others Land; grabbing their natural resources for the sake of so-called democracy....

Muslims believe on the Final Day of Judgement; we not here forever to stay; our Real-Life is after death. Its upto ALLAH to decide for us as what he will provide us with here on Earth......This is our firm faith ok...

By QatariLady• 2 Jul 2009 08:13

bleu said "pcg, they hate us too...."

Believe me we don't hate you as individuals but as a nation westerners have earned a bad reputation.

Again let's consider what I referred to earlier as "macro history". What did westerners (as a nation) do to other ppls?

A group of them went to north america, seized the land and marginalised the inhabitants (the Indians).

Another group went to south Africa, seized the gold and diamond mines and enslaved the inhabitants.

A third group went to Australia, seized the land and kicked the inhabitanats out of it.

A fourth (less fortunate) group came to the middle east to seize our land but faced fierce resistance, and because Arabs are too faithful to surrender you started calling us "intolerant" and "terrorist".

This is how your nation earned the bad reputuation but as individuals we really don't hate you.

By blablabla• 2 Jul 2009 08:12

' distinction between one and another..' so who are jews?

I think no promise over any land remains. The land belongs to those who lawfully own it.

By genesis• 2 Jul 2009 07:13
Rating: 3/5

What do you mean by “they”?( They as in Jewish people)

And what do you mean by “US”?(us like Qataris or Arabs)

I’ve known many Jews , and all were peace loving & super friendly( my close friends from summer school back in high school, our Iraqi Jew neighbors in London, and many others).Whenever I’m in Paris the first thing I’ll do, is go for kosher Israeli burgers in chez Hanna (A kosher restaurant tucked in Le Marais).

Let’s look at the side that was most prejudice throughout the years.

“Alraya” dedicates an entire page for articles from the Israeli press, just few of them that can be considered anti Arab. Whereas, how many non anti-jew articles are there in the Arab press?(and that’s in every aspect from art to history)

If we look at the Israeli film industry. Seldom are the films that are anti Arab(Forget Hollywood & its Zionist lobby-I’m talking about real cinema from Israel). Whereas, all of the Egyptian cinema is strongly anti-Jew & against normalization.

I suggest you watch “Waltz with Basher”. A cinematic Masterpiece. Not once did the arab Media spoke clearly about what really happened in the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

By classy.nerd• 2 Jul 2009 02:48

i really cant argue wid da decree of the Holy Text regarding the support of Israel..

but alas,

wen da people ruling those two states haf decided to play this game amongst demselves, care not about the harsh realities of survival by their people downunder..

go on, and a common man cannot make a difference to their agreements...



I express myself through hyperactivity and disruption. I wanted to play rather than study.

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 23:58

And yet Muslims don't make fun of other people?

I think they do.

Stop being so precious.

Religion as a humerous topic is up there with sex and money.

If you are so sure, a bit of banter would not bother you at all.

You are made fun of more because of your ardent belief; that there is nothing better and vitriolic defence.

Why be so defensive when as you say, it is the true way?

No other religion defends as much as you.

What you don't realise it puts people off more than trying to find out about Islam.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By Straight Arrow• 1 Jul 2009 23:57
Straight Arrow

Also you can try this website

By Straight Arrow• 1 Jul 2009 23:53
Straight Arrow

Muslim people never hates any body, they will only hate who make fun of their belief.

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 23:52

I am sure they do. I won't enter into a peurile row over who started it.

All I can see is this is down to a strip of land that lets face it nobody really 'owns' or has a right over.

Just like the colonisation of many years ago. Nobody has the right to land.

The things the annoys me, all of this death and destruction is over semantics.

What is promised land?

Who promised it?

Why is it so important?

Surely there is enough space on the planet for us all?

What does Israel have that is so important?

Has it got oil and gas?


The farms that are there yield as much as anywhere else.

So this is about pride.

'You kept my ball I will keep yours'.

A bit pathetic don't you think after all these years?

Are we still living in the land of Moses and Abraham or are we now in the 21st century and realise that if ONE of these cultures yielded what a difference it would make to world peace?

It is a small piece of land in a major land mass.

Why all this death and destruction?


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By Straight Arrow• 1 Jul 2009 23:52
Straight Arrow

They were worshiping God (Allah) with Moses, but when Moses left them for 40 nights, a man came and made a statue made of gold which looks like goat and the man said this your God and Many of the Jews started worshiping the goat and when Moses came he was shocked.

By bleu• 1 Jul 2009 23:43

pcg, they hate us too....

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 23:32

the muslim/arab hatred of the Jews does not just come from after the world war it is a long standing hatred over a bit of land that some say was 'promised' and some say was not.

lol no wonder Peace is a long way off.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By aliabdulrashid• 1 Jul 2009 22:45
Rating: 2/5

yes, because of the Jews transgression, the Kingdom was taken from them and given to another nation. Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) was also the fulfillment of the promise Allah to Abraham (AS)for his first son Ismail (AS)

By Stone Cold• 1 Jul 2009 22:34
Stone Cold

But all the Prophets are Jews aren't they?, except for Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) who is an Arab.

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 22:25

aliabdulrashid.. Game Over!

By umm-salayum• 1 Jul 2009 22:23
Rating: 4/5

it doesn't say promised land, but anyway, they disobeyed after Moses got them out of Egypt

Al-Isra - 17:104

And We said to the Children of israel after him: "Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promise comes near [i.e. the Day of Resurrection or the descent of Christ ['Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) on the earth]. We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd (gathered out of various nations).

Al-Isra - 17:2

And We gave Mûsa (Moses) the Scripture and made it a guidance for the Children of israel (saying): "Take not other than Me as (your) Wakîl (Protector, Lord, or Disposer of your affairs, etc).

Al-Isra - 17:4

And We decreed for the Children of israel in the Scripture, that indeed you would do mischief on the earth twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant! (Al-Isra 17:4)

they worshiped the calf and got the anger of Allah upon them , so no more "promised" land after that

By aliabdulrashid• 1 Jul 2009 22:11

it would be nice to see a live religous debate :-)

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 21:47

My posts insult nobody. Well, not anybody who is interested in healthy debate that is ;-)


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 21:46

I am showing you valid evidence and asking pertinent questions; you are in avoidence and insulting mode.

You asked for evidence in the Koran that the "promised land' was mentioned, I gave it you. You then stated that in Arabic there is no such word as promise. Later to be changed to no such word in the Koran.

I merely pointed out, you may not recognise the word promised but others do.

Simply put, the Jews were given/promised 'land' at some stage in their history and there will always be debate where this 'land' is and who it 'belongs' to.

You cannot deny history.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 21:42

popcorn..I don't have to keep "trying".. what you post insults you sufficiently :)

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 21:41

popcorn..I'm not avoiding the's you who can't see it..

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 21:40

Why would you assume I am deaf when NOBODY CAN HEAR what anybody is typing on here!

If I were blind, would I be able to see your type and reply. No.

Now, if you are going to insult I am sure you can do better then deaf/blind/2 brain cells lol

Keep trying.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 21:39

popcorn..don't criticise the Quran until you know how to read it in its original text in Arabic otherwise you're only criticising the translations and I will not waste my time defending translations

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 21:37

bleu.. thank you for trying to help me out but obviously she's deaf or blind will be more like it :)

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 21:36

No my little munchkin on the contary you were proving my point that when the debate gets heated you re hash anything you can to avoid the issues ;-)


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 21:33
Rating: 2/5

The major errors and contradictions — historical, logical, and theological

The promise: In the Bible God promised Abraham that his descendants will become a nation and that God will give them the land of Canaan as their possession (Genesis 12:7, 13:14-17, 15:7-21, 17:7-8). This promise is repeated to Isaac (Genesis 26:3), and to Jacob (Genesis 28:13, 35:12), and again confirmed by God through Moses (Exodus 3:8, 16-17, 13:5, 23:23, 33:2, 34:11, Deuteronomy 7:1, etc.), who also led Israel out of Egypt up to the borders of Canaan. The Quran contradicts this consistent and oft-repeated promise in the Torah by making Egypt the land promised to the Children of Israel. The Quran contradicts the Bible by making the wrong promise.

The historical facts: All evidence of history and archeology shows that the Children of Israel / the Jews lived in the land of Israel (former Canaan). The Quran contradicts historical fact in claiming that God gave Israel the land of Egypt.

The logical contradiction: The Quran contradicts itself when it claims in some passages that Israel took over the land of the Egyptians immediately after the Egyptians were defeated and drowned, but in Q. 5:26 it says that the Israelites had to wander about in the wilderness for 40 years before they could enter the promised land.

The theological problem: If Allah promised Egypt to the Children of Israel (as the Quran claims), but in the end they got Canaan instead (which is historical fact), this means that Allah wasn't able to fulfill his promise.

It is apparent from all of these gross errors and major difficulties that the Quran is a book that contains so many problems and no adequate answers.

Here is the full article


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 21:31
QatariLady thank me for proving your lack of understanding? you're welcome :)

By bleu• 1 Jul 2009 21:19

pcg, you'll probably only find "أرض الميعاد" in Arabic versions of the Bible, it's not in the Quran...

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 21:16

Arabic: أرض الميعاد

Hebrew: אַדְמַת קדֶשׁ


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 21:14

Oh Qatari thank you for proving my point lol cya love good luck lol

bleu I know what she was saying, seems funny to ignore a word when it suits thats all lol


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 21:10

I really don't think that you read what I post and if you do I don't think you understand even though it's in plain English.

I said the word "Promised" doesn't exist in the Arabic text of the verse you quoted but it was added to the translation which means the Quran doesn't acknowledge Palestine as a promised land to the jews!!

End of discussion because I'd rather debate with someone who has some brain cells!!

By bleu• 1 Jul 2009 21:07

pcg, she was only saying it's not in the Quran, if some translation includes it, it doesn't make it Quran...

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 21:01

makes me laugh. Do you know how many times I have had this discussion when Muslims run out of ideas and what to debate next? Thousands.

What has the different versions of the Bible got anything to do at all with the fact you do not have the word 'promise' in your vocab?

lol you make me laugh.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By genesis• 1 Jul 2009 21:01

it's the Palestinians who sold their land in the first place...that plus all the role British mandate played is splitting the pie

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 20:52

popcorngirl..The word "promised" doesn't exist in the Arabic text of the Quran why make it up? I guess this is how your ancestors began changing the Bible!

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 20:47

Only because ARABIC does not have a word for promise does not mean it does not exist in other language!

How arrogant.

You may CHOSE to ignore the word 'promise' and pretend you know not of the meaning but an awful lot of people do understand/know of/use the word promise and if all other 'good books' use the term 'promised land' who are the Arabs/Muslims to say it does not apply when it suits them.

You would be very insulted if somebody ignored the term 'Inshallah' would you not? That is not used world wide other than by Muslims and yet we have to accept that.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 20:33

popcorngirl..I did say that they did live in Palestine but to describe the land as "promised" means that it's theirs "forever" which is not because in Arabic the word "promised" doesn't exist so the promise doesn't exist.

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 20:29

genesis.. some palestinians did sell their lands to some jews because they were neighbors. Jews lived peacefully among the palestinians.. By splitting the pie UK was participating in the crime.

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 20:26

something like this has not happened to me?

You would think the wording should have been changed from 'promised land' then don't you think?

Considering it (Islam) is an all seeing/knowing religion, you would think that somebody would have read the small print and made it known that the Koran did not mean 'promised land' but just land.

The Promised Land is also referred to in the Koran: "And thereafter We said to the Children of Israel: Dwell securely in the {{b(deleted)b}} Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd." (17:104, The Night Journey)[1]

However, not to disagree over semantics, even if you take out the word 'promised' the quote from Koran still states (in many peoples eyes) that even then it was recognised as Israeli land.

This is does not mean I agree with what Israel is doing at the moment but that is another topic.

You asked the question if Koran mentioned the promised land. Well, it does ;-)


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By genesis• 1 Jul 2009 20:26

that is only some interpretation that surfaced some 60years ago. Not all scholars agrees on that.

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 20:22

genesis.. regardless.. see how the Europeans gave the Jews of the world the land and houses of the Palestinians and had them live in camps..Free ppl don't accept that! There will always be war until one party wins it over

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 20:15

poocorngirl..Give me your address and I'll take up your house and expect you to be tolerant and live in the back's that? :)

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 20:13

How tolerant and peace loving.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 20:11

popcorngirl said: "The Promised Land is also referred to in the Koran: "And thereafter We said to the Children of Israel: Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd." (17:104, The Night Journey)[1]"

The term "promised Land" doesn't exist in the Arabic text. The word "promised" in this trnaslation is an addition to the Arabic word for "the land".

Yes the sons of Israel did live in Palestine ages ago but the Quran doesn't promise them that it will be theirs forever. According to Islamic references the sons of Israel were expelled from Palestine because of their mischief and they will wander around the world until at the end they will be brought to Palestine again (as is the case now) where they will engage in war against Muslims and get killed once and for all.

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 19:45
Rating: 5/5

The Promised Land (Hebrew: הארץ המובטחת‎, translit.: ha-Aretz ha-Muvtachat) is a term used to describe the land promised by God, according to the Hebrew Bible, to the Israelites. The promise is firstly made to Abraham (Genesis 15:18-21) and then renewed to his son Isaac, and to Isaac's son Jacob (Genesis 28:13), Abraham's grandson. The promised land was given to their descendants and was described in terms of the territory from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates river.

The Promised Land is also referred to in the Koran: "And thereafter We said to the Children of Israel: Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd." (17:104, The Night Journey)[1]


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 18:38

Roadtester.. Would you please highlight where the Quran promises the Islraelists their promised land?

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 18:38

mentioned in the Quran are not the modern Israelis who have built a Zionist state by abusing Muslims.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By QatariLady• 1 Jul 2009 18:36

lol at qatarisun..I'll go sharpen my saws

By genesis• 1 Jul 2009 18:26

exactly like "the ten commandment" movie ;)

By anonymous• 1 Jul 2009 18:23

What bargain bleu? pls tell us is moses leading the israelites out of egypt there in the Quran too?? I have read it in the bible..

By genesis• 1 Jul 2009 18:19


By bleu• 1 Jul 2009 18:13

There's a thread with more fun, full of 10,000-word copy/pastes....

By ashwindoke• 1 Jul 2009 18:10

QS - lol... Ya I am all geared up with my AK-47.....

In the name of self protection even I ll kick some BUTTs....

Its boring to be nice and humble for so long.... common you all true believers ????

Where the hell are you guyz ???

Answer the issues here... let the fun begin.. :)


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By qatarisun• 1 Jul 2009 18:03
Rating: 4/5

lol.. wait ashwindoke couple of hours.. you will see what has become of this "nice religious topic".. get ready your gun in case shooting begins...


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

By ashwindoke• 1 Jul 2009 17:57

Nice to see a religious and serious topic after a long time....

Text.. chat.. fight.. debate.... slaughter... m reading... :)


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By bleu• 1 Jul 2009 17:52

They didn't meet their end of the bargain, so it became invalid...

By umm-salayum• 1 Jul 2009 16:32
Rating: 2/5

sorry , no ,not really, that was at first when Moses got the children of Israel out of Egypt and after that they disobeyed Allah and that was the end of that ,they had to wander around for 40 years and so on.......

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