Is 85kms really needed for a 'Service Test Ride'?

I just took my BMW Sportcoupe for its first service (30000km). When I got the car back I noticed that they have driven 85kms with it. The explanation was that this was needed in order to inspect certain aspects of engine function.
I am a bit suspicious, especially because my car is a sort of 'fun ride'...
Do you have any similar experiences? Especially with BMW Main Service Center in Industrial Park??
Just a short update - I sent a formal complaint to the management of Alfardan Automobiles and also to the service department. They did not send any response. Sigh...
Guess I'll have to drive to Bahrain or UAE for the next service...
You were taken advantage of by an employee at BMW.
Probably used it to pick up his kids from school and do some shopping. This has unfortunatley been a practice at other service centers as well. I know an individual who brought his car into Nissan and it was returned with nearly 100 kms added. An absolute farce. Why rack up kms on their own cars when they can use customer cars and claim it was "being tested". There are GPS trackers you can place on vehicles during these times. The chip will then draw out a map and tell you exactly where the car has been and at what times. Wouldnt that be something
for BMW management to explain?! Add the fact that we are paying extortionate prices for car parts and you get a double slap in the face. I was recently quoted a price over 500% higher for a A/C compressor than my dealer in the USA. OVER 500 percent ! Told him to take that part and to put it you know where. Had it shipped express by
a relative and saved nearly 3000 QR. Only took a few days longer. Many people dont know you can purchase almost any part you need on Ebay Motors and have it shipped for a fraction of what you pay what should be outlawed here in Qatar. Price we all pay for car businesses still in monopolies. Good luck!
I was really upset about this all but a manager of the service department took a look at it and provided me the 'explanation'...
As you said, one does not need to drive around 85kms to 'check the engine function'.
Surprised this happens at BMW...well, it only takes one idiot to do it.
Unless they plugged a computer into (Engine management sytem) it and drove around. But even then they can retrieve codes with the car stationary.
You can't test the engine by driving around in it. Sounds a load of b***ocks to me.
check MOI for any traffic violations also...
well they knocked up about 50kms in my Opel but that was after overhauling the a/c. 85kms sounds a bit excessive. Unless you reporte suspension woes or had the tracking done. There is no need for them to really drive it around.
Looks like you were taken for a ride. Did you complain to the higher up.
You must joking !!!