Do goldfish die if you use tap water in fish tank?

By every_mothers_n... •
last night when i was back from work i found one of the goldfish commit suicide by jumping out of the fish tank.
I dont think its because of the heat as i keep the AC running for them when im away somehow i doubt its because the chlorine contents in the water must be high.There are some other type of fish they dont seem to have any problem.
i do change the water regularly on weekends and also alow the water to cool down before i refill......
Any suggestions?
It is always suggested to wait for an hour before you drop your fish back to it's tank after refilling fresh water.
tap water should rest 24h yes.
tap water is an osmosed water in qatar so lacks a lot of minerals but to add a pinch of salt is wrong with the red fishes (carassins aureus). it's good for the guppy, molly, chandra, and xeno fishes but not to red fish.
for more professional approach to water, there is
1- special solutions u can buy from pet shops to regulate the minerals in water
2- the best approach is to use the air condition water or any distilled water. Carrassin aureus do thrive in dH from 5-20 dH. so again distilled water and no pinch of salt.
what bothers me is how come ur red fish jumped from the tank!! red fish r middle to bottom dwellers not surface or top living fish: they tend to live in the middle or in the bottom of the water. so they do not jump!
r u sure it's a red fish? no offense.
about the temperature, red fish r a pond fishes not a tropical fish.
they can tolerate water temperature as low as 5 degrees and up to 40. but they do prefer 10-20 degrees celsius.
and to watch them breed u have to maintain the temperature around 5-10 degrees for a week or 10 days and than gradually raising it to 30. that will stimulate the seasonal temperature change from winter to spring and stimulate their breeding.
yup... water fresh from the tap has too much chlorine
You should catch the water atleast 24 hours before and let it come to the same temperature as the earlier water in the tank
The fish can't handle the chlorine or the sudden temperature change
You can also put a pinch of salt in the bowl... it helps the fish